Being an Adult is hard

Good morning world.

I've been having a hard time lately.
I go to school 4 days a week (Monday - Thursday)
Work 3 days a week (Fri - Sun) but squeeze in 35hrs in those 3 days so I don't lose my benefits at work.

I'm a music major with my first school recital coming up, which means I (try) to squeeze in as much practice that I can get. Because unlike any other subject, you cant cram for a music exam, you HAVE to practice.

I'm trying really hard to lose some weight.
In the beginning of the year, I was able to get down from 210 to 185.
but I gained it all back over the summer and now I just don't have any motivation because I'm so exhausted from School, work, Practice, and trying to get enough sleep.
Ugh, so stressful!!!

Along with exercise, I don't eat often, but when I do I eat ALOT.
Which is something I'm trying to work on, however, I can't seem to stop eating.

Bleh, being an adult is hard.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Practice more, eat less. If you're too busy to prepare nutritious meals, perhaps look in to prepared meals you can keep in the fridge or freezer so you don't resort to quick, convenience foods
  • MinuitMinuet
    MinuitMinuet Posts: 156 Member
    edited October 2017
    Eat less. You may have no time for fitness, but watching calories is as easy as reading labels and quick mental math.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Adults have to get smart where they get stress relief. You are using food.

    All you have to do is switch your stress relieving technique. Here is one. It takes fifteen minutes max. I suggest doing it just before mealtimes.

    I like the idea of prepackaged readymade meals. Your portions are already set out and you don’t have to think about it.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,516 Member
    Being an adult has its challenges but also some advantages when it come to weight loss.

    First recognize that you've picked a fairly tough path. Challenges of being a music major are under appreciated I think. So start by giving yourself a break on the weight.

    Exercise- exercise has a lot of benefits that may help you. It's very good for your brain. But exercise is overrated as a weight loss strategy.
    You can get a lot out of walking or biking. It doesn't have to be a "workout".

    Tired and hungry- if you have any diet type food around, throw it out. Same for junk food. While your walking or biking, think about what protein centered meals you are regularly going to eat and when you are going to eat them. 3 meals, 2-3 snacks. Fruit is generally a good snack, yogurt too. Where I live hard boiled eggs are available in a lot of convenience stores. Nutritious and portable. Start keeping a list of what you eat everyday. Only takes a minute or two. Don't bother about the calories.

    Adult gets easier when you get 2 things. 1) Life has limits. 2) Its OK that it has limits.

    We don't get as much as we want. We might not live as long as we'd like, or maybe not have our health. We might not get as much love as we want, or have as much money. Maybe we'd like to be at the top of our profession and not make it. We are frequently out of time, as you know. We can't eat without limits and not gain weight.

    But it's ok. Why? Because there is no other choice. You've got it right, only a real adult can navigate what you're doing. Congratulations. Embrace the challenges. To do otherwise is longing for a world that doesn't exist. Good luck.
  • joolsbishop
    joolsbishop Posts: 1 Member
    Growing up was a con, don't do it!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Adulting is hard. There is always more to do than time to do it all, but you just have to muddle through.

    How long are you in school those 4 days a week? Try to work at least half an hour of activity in either before or after school. Look at is as an investment in your future, just like practicing your music.