November 2017 Running Challenge



  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Am I a jerk if I find that both insensitive and funny as heck? LOL
    @Stoshew71 No your not a jerk, I had the same reaction. It would be hilarious if next year a majority of runners
    - moved to the back of the pack - behind the obvious walkers/stroller rollers.
    - Wore the Race Shirt or
    - White or Black hooded sweatshirt - that said "Runners Edge" or some similar wording ( 2 for 1 on that )
    - Eating a pre-race Bagel
    - But the best - Every runner - or at least a big pack came into an aid station and they all stopped for a drink
    Hey you need to stop for a good selfie photo. Suddenly had this mental image of Black-White shirts alternating like a checker/chess board pattern.

    Me Bad ???

    @juliet3455 I've actually gotten a couple pairs of my running shoes at Kohl's once. LOL

    @juliet3455 @Stoshew71 - Last April, I had a pre-race bagel. Maybe that's why I ran out of energy about mile 20? (Like, the heat and being sick had nothing to do with it.)
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    Finally reporting in as my week last week was crazy (and I didn't get any extra running in those last couple of days). Big race yesterday (see December report) though!

    Goals this month: Do 1 shorter race, plan for spring racing (register for 2 races), 90 mi total
    What I did: 2 shorter races (yay), haven't quite gotten my act together to register yet, but I have a couple of races on my radar for spring (OP 50K in March--just not sure if I can be ready by then--need to plot it out), also need to find a warm up race (trail marathon or half marathon in Feb), plus I did sign up for a XC 5K series to run with my son in Dec and Jan. 78.8 mi total miles. Not too bad. Will make an effort to get there in December.


    11/1 Walked outside for 45 min + did my PT
    11/2 Ran 3.5 mi + walked 0.75 mi + PT
    11/3 Fail (intended to run but ran out of time before leaving town)
    11/4 Walked while out of town
    11/5 Ran 10 mi + stretched
    11/6 Water walked + stretched and foam rolled a bit
    11/7 Ran 3.5 mi + walked a bit
    11/8 Walked outside + getting back on track with PT
    11/9 Ran 5 mi + walked 1 mi + PT
    11/10 Water walking for 45 min
    11/11 Ran 6 mi
    11/12 Ran 9 mi + walked 1 mi
    11/13 Rest (planned to walk later but never got the time)
    11/14 Rest (on my feet all day for lab, intended to run but ran out of time/energy)
    11/15 Ran 3 mi and walked a little bit
    11/16 Ran 5 mi and walked 1 mi, PT
    11/17 Water walked for 1 h + PT
    11/18 5K race + extra 0.5 mile
    11/19 Ran 11 mi + walked 1 mile + PT
    11/20 Water walking
    11/21 Rest day
    11/22 Rest day (again!) but still feeling pretty spent
    11/23 5K race (2nd in my AG!)
    11/24 Water walking, walking + strength workout
    11/25 10K slow run (+ trail maintenance) + yoga class
    11/26 10 mi + extensive stretching + a little PT
    11/27 30 min water walking
    11/28 Walking outside
    11/29 A little walking outside
    11/30 Rest

    Goal: 90 mi
    Total: 78.8 mi
    To go: 11.2 mi