
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :'(frankiegirl, so sorry for your loss

    :)Heather, you and your hubby and others look great. Your planning ahead makes such festive occasions.

    :) We have out of town friends coming through here today on their way back to California after spending Thanksgiving in Seattle. Jake suggested that we serve lunch to them here. I said that we eat meals that are appropriate for us and I didn't want to figure out what would work for them and I have several important projects laid out on the dining room table and I don't want to disturb them, so we'll give the friends the choice of three very different restaurants that we like and let them choose.

    <3 Barbie from dark, drizzly, beautiful NW Washington
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Everything the same, unable to use the arm due to pain, I am using my fingers ok and isntry to ecsercise them and the path of my arm from should've to elbow. Charlie is just really worried about my foot in that the bones aren't set and I'm walking around in shoes. Actually I walk very little for that reason.

    Saturday nights I do our medicine keepers. I told Charlie he would. We'd to help me. He takes about a total of 8 medicines and it took him more time to fill his than it took me and my booooqooos of medicine. I don't know what but last week I asked for my pill bottles to have the non child proof top. Since the reordered 22 of them last week, that was almost all of them. So it was so much easier..

    Hugs frankiesgirl. I take it that your step father was an important man in your life.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Evelyn: We've only had a car with us once when in Victoria and we left it parked at the hotel. We have walked and used public transportation otherwise. Our other visits were by boat and we tied up at the city docks by the Empress Hotel. Once we were travelling with friends and stayed in the Marina at Oak Bay. We took the bus into Victoria from there. All of those trips were wonderful. We always intended to visit in the Christmas season so we could see Butchart Gardens lit up, but DH 's health doesn't currently allow that. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce and Lenora: Sending healing thoughts and prayers for you both. :heart:

    DJ: It is good to see your post. :smiley:

    Barbie: I hope you'll share a photo of your scarf when it is done. :smiley:

    Frankies Girl21: I'm sorry for the loss of your stepdad. :broken_heart::heart:

    Barbie: Having a celebratory meal with friends at a restaurant is an excellent idea. :star:

    Joyce: We do our medicine keepers every two weeks. I help DH because I have better dexterity in my hands than he does. :flowerforyou:

    I have a riding lesson today. I haven't been to the stable in a couple of weeks due to this illness. The headache I've had for a week has diminished to the point that it is not disabling. I'm pretty sure Arrow will remember me even though I haven't been out there recently. :laugh: I'm not confident in my own energy level, though. :noway: I'll do what I can and won't push too hard. I got a bareback pad and hope to concentrate on learning how to use it to improve my riding.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    yesterdays stats for that day:

    jog- 60min, 139ahr, 163mhr, 5.7-8.5sp, 6mi = 585c
    apple watch 569c
    walk - apple watch only - 17min total, from car toys to hm = 88c
    walk/jog- apple watch only- 14min, hm to car toys= 96c

    total cal 769
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I've been here many months now, but I'm puzzled by one thing ... what is the meaning behind posting a few random letters of the alphabet or a collection of anchors or something?

    doesn't mean poop, just my way of marking my spot
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    My stepdad left us today....

    so sorry for your loss
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka - the random letters or smiles are a placekeeper, so their bookmarks will take them back to where they last posted. My system takes me back to where I was last, so I don't usually worry about it. But, on my part, when I'm posting infrequently, it is also to let people know I'm alive and well so they don't go hunting me down. It's a caring bunch!

    I wondered if it might be something like that, but both my phone and computer take me back to where I left off automatically.

    Speaking of connecting in other ways, is anyone here on Strava ... tracking your cycling or running or whatever?

    Machka in Oz

    i've bee on strava for years
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :) I do the medicine keepers for both of us. Jake offered to do it and tried but he got frustrated so I took the job back because orderly tasks like that are very soothing to me.

    :) We have been to Victoria quite a few times going back to 1990 (earlier than that with my parents). We took our car once in 1990 and the biggest challenge was that you couldn't make a reservation on the ferry from Port Angeles and we had to put the car in line the night before and carry a small suitcase back to the hotel. Now that we live on the Olympic Peninsula, we don't take the car and it's much easier. I went once with friends to the see the holiday lights in December. Now Jake's health won't allow him to do the walking that's required and boarding the dogs is a challenge and expense so I don't know when we'll go again. We're so close that it's possible for us to go in the morning, play tourist on foot, and take the ferry home in the evening.

    :)<3 Barbie
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Katla, Butchart Gardens is really quite something at Christmas! I've only been once, dragged hubby and both boys with me, swore I would never do that again! Never heard so much whining! I did enjoy it tho, and would love to go again, just need to find someone to go with. It's too bad that your hubby isn't in good enough health to enjoy it. We've been wanting to go back to Seattle, catch a few ball games and wander a bit, do enjoy it there, but my hubby has some health issues that don't let him walk very far right now (herniated disc mostly). Waiting to hear from a neurosurgeon. It's been almost a year now.....
    Frankiesgirl, so sorry for your loss.
    Heather, looks like a good time was had by all! Sorry, but which ones are you and your hubby?
    Well, doing my best to try and stay on track, did well last night, brushed my teeth shortly after having dinner, so no grazing my way thru the kitchen. Also went to bed earlier than I have been, closer to the time that I really need to in order to get enough time in bed so that I at least have a chance of 8 hours of sleep! lol And then I woke up at 6 a.m. But that worked out too, I did stay there for another 30 min or so, but then got up and got some extra stuff done before leaving for work. Now I won't have so much to do when I get home!
    Very windy here today, no rain, at least not yet, so that part is nice. Our staff Christmas party is next weekend, hoping that the weather stays mild as it is about 90 km away (combining with another facility there) and over the Malahat which is a high spot on the island. It's colder up there, so roads can get icy. It can be dangerous and the really unfortunate part is because we don't get that kind of weather very often, not everybody is prepared for it and not everybody knows what to do in it. Oh well, just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. The owner is paying for hotel rooms for those that want them, and I would do that but I have to work the next day, so it will be a quick trip up and back down. The meal better be good..... lol
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Cheryoze
    Cheryoze Posts: 11 Member
    Hello all, this looks like a wonderful post to follow for inspiration and support so I hope it's okay to join in. I hope those who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful holiday.

    My photo is a recent one from a September 2017 cruise. The only thing about it I'm proud of is that I came back from the cruise a few pounds lighter! Lots of taking the stairs due to crowded slow elevators and unintended ports of call caused by hurricane Irma. Basically, exercise. I still have a long way to go and it's holiday/winter season so I've got to get back on track. I'm attempting the ketogenic eating style so any insight, tips and/or recommendations are appreciated.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,596 Member
    edited November 2017
    Evelyn - as you look at the photo I am the female at the front and DH is behind me.

    I had a most welcome nap this afternoon. :D

    Cheryoze - I maintained weight on my cruise this August! Welcome!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Congrats Wendy! Awesome time and you look quite ready for the race in that picture! I'm glad you had a good run. How nice that you had a support staff, it makes a difference to see folks you know when running in my opinion.

    slower than Wendy!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Everything the same, unable to use the arm due to pain, I am using my fingers ok and isntry to ecsercise them and the path of my arm from should've to elbow. Charlie is just really worried about my foot in that the bones aren't set and I'm walking around in shoes. Actually I walk very little for that reason.

    Saturday nights I do our medicine keepers. I told Charlie he would. We'd to help me. He takes about a total of 8 medicines and it took him more time to fill his than it took me and my booooqooos of medicine. I don't know what but last week I asked for my pill bottles to have the non child proof top. Since the reordered 22 of them last week, that was almost all of them. So it was so much easier..

    Hugs frankiesgirl. I take it that your step father was an important man in your life.

    Joyce, Indiana

    I can relate to you filling the pill boxes for the week! I am Pill Queen! My dear husband takes a grocery list of pills. He was his general doctor here on the coast for a thyroid test. He decided to up his levothyrizine medicine, so when they called it in, they put out thru Express Scripts, which is the military mail order pharmacy. Well, from dealing with them in the past, they send erratically, and not consistent. With my husband, the last think I want is him going into rejection mode, because pills were late getting to us! So I had our transplantation hospital (OHSU), call Scripts to cancel but it had already been processed. So I called the doctor and said, " I am pill queen, and you processed it at the wrong place, and I need a 2 week supply of Levo , until everyone gets their shyt together! I picked that up the next day! Then waited for Express Scripts to send the pills. After about 5 days I called Express Scripts and was told the order had been cancelled! Then I called my mail order pharmacy at OHSU, and put a request of the new prescription... I shall say again... I am pill queen!! Haha. We finally got everything yesterday.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    "Let us not forget that the process thru the journey, is as important as the end result."

    I had to tell my middle son that, after he had posted a picture on Facebook of a broken screen, from trying to take it apart. I said old plastic vs stress, you win some, you lose some. He refurbishes old Game boys, and computer handheld games. He gives them new covers, puts lights in the screens so they're easier too see. He has a lot of fun! Except yesterday!
    I figured this phrase is good for me too!
  • joannepettis9
    joannepettis9 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry ....mistake... We started the plan on Oct. 30th not the 11th
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    I watched the end of the championship dog show last night. My favorite the French Bulldog did not win. Sweetest face. I was not familiar with the breed that won, so I have trouble remembering it.

    :heart: Margaret