
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I watched the end of the championship dog show last night. My favorite the French Bulldog did not win. Sweetest face. I was not familiar with the breed that won, so I have trouble remembering it.

    :heart: Margaret

    My husband was in love with the Frenchie too :)

    Janetr OKC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,576 Member
    edited November 2017
    Happy Sunday!

    I have an earworm today.... "Marie's the name... of his latest flame" by Elvis. That's a finger snappin' tune! Elvis was a little before my time but I really did like his music. B)

    Barbie - I am so with you on going to a restaurant to eat instead of cooking for company. I make exceptions for immediate family who can sift thru the fridge for leftovers. When we do have company, if they don't want to go out to eat, there's pizza delivery! The worry and fretting about who can eat what... who needs it?

    Walking on the ferry to Victoria sounds great!

    My scale was up a few pounds today from a couple weeks ago. I picked up Chinese several days agoand it's quite yummy. Also we were craving lemon squares...how did a 9" pan of those disappear in 2 days? I will say when I went grocery shopping this morning, there was nothing in the candy aisle or bakery that was even remotely tempting. >:)

    - thank you for sharing that great dinner photo! Sounds like the meal turned out OK eventually. How are the house showings coming along? Are the lookers interested?

    DH and I have been peeping out the blinds at the folks who bought the house kitty-corner from us. Yesterday was moving in day in the heavy rain, but lots of helpers showed up and had the moving truck done in a couple hours. We are guessing kids and grandkids were helping the older folks who were quite spry, by the way, lol. I'll be snooping on the county website to see who bought it once the deed is recorded which should be this week. The internet has way too much information... discovered the previous owner's wife was murdered by a family member (when he was living down by Portland many years ago.) Geeze.

    Wendy - glad you made it on your run OK and it was great to have your daughter with you!!

    - I was impressed that you were painting your house. That is hard work.

    Mary - I don't blame you loving your new home! You and your DH and Shep have such a nice area to explore!

    - have fun at your riding lesson! I bet Arrow will be glad to see you!

    Becca - so glad you had some "pull" with those prescriptions. Your DH running out of his prescriptions is NOT good! If mine ran out of his RA meds (prednisone) it would only take a day where he'd be in a lot of pain. Not life threatening but quality of life diminished quickly. We encountered a foul-up a few years ago with the Express Scripts and I was able to beg a few days worth of pills from a local pharmacist until DH could call his doc to phone in a month's worth until ES got their act together. What a hassle.

    Michele - that fruit/cheese tray is a neat idea! Maybe if you keep everything chilled and wrapped until the last minute it will survive the event just fine. Will the venue be warm? (Hot room). Thank you for checking on Lenora's whereabouts! That is so great about your osteoporosis getting better and I'm sure the exercise is helping.

    By the way, when the weather was icky last week I put in one of my Leslie Sansone walking DVD's, one of her easier 1 mile ones. My knees were really achy the next day - funny, I don't overdo it and go crazy plus I walk on a heavily carpeted surface. That happened a few months ago too. Think I'm just going to stick with the strength training and walking outside, no fancy side steps.

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
  • JayneNoor
    JayneNoor Posts: 16 Member
    PS: Thanks for your welcome Heather! Hope your son likes living in my home town. It is a pretty great Goldilocks kind of place, not too big not too small. I have lived in other towns and countries but have come home to my birthplace to roost ☺.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Frankiesgirl21 (((Hugs)))

    Machka I couldn't help but notice that those veggie wraps were from a Woolworths!!! - I can't remember the last time I was in a Woolworths; over 20 years ago, I'm sure. We don't have them in the USA anymore.

    Michele Sociables crackers come in interesting shapes but not exactly starshaped.

    Jayne and other newbies Welcome!

    Wendy Congrats! You look fabulous!

    Back to work tomorrow. I would love to retire, but probably have 3 years to go unless I win the lottery. Did any of you retire before you were eligible for full Social Security benefits? I am 63, and full benefits for me are at 66...if I wait until I am 70, it's even more...what are your thoughts?

    Karen in VIrginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,991 Member
    I have to work until 70 also
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Heather, thanks!
    Becca, yes, pills..... DH used to brag about he was the only person he knew who wasn't taking a handful of pills every day. Then he had a heart attack.... And they found out he has high cholesterol and high blood pressure, so it's not because he didn't need pills that he wasn't taking any, it was just because he hadn't been to a doctor for a long time. Anyway, now he has a herniated disc in his lower back, waiting to get an app't with a neurosurgeon (it's been a year now!) and he ran out of his gabapentin. Like Lanette, not life threatening, but for the day that he didn't have it, he suffered. It was just a matter of getting the refill, but he didn't tell me in time, so he ended up without for a day. When he worked for Home Depot, they tried making us use Express Scripts for long term meds, it was okay, but the whole payment thing was kind of a pain and they didn't always keep good records, I did have conversations with them about that! (I had paid, fortunately I do keep good records!)
    Jayne, how nice that you have an exercise room! Always nice to have a designated area!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,991 Member
    Well I am home..fed Ginger and got her out and will do the same in the morning..tired and going to bed.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    My stepdad left us today....

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Back to work tomorrow. I would love to retire, but probably have 3 years to go unless I win the lottery. Did any of you retire before you were eligible for full Social Security benefits? I am 63, and full benefits for me are at 66...if I wait until I am 70, it's even more...what are your thoughts?

    I retired twice already ... but now I'll likely be working until 70+.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Hi Sisters, I am pleased to report that I achieved my goal of running and finishing a half-marathon yesterday. My time was 2 hours 15 minutes. I am so grateful that I was actually able to go, after being so sick just a few days earlier. And then I had some car trouble with overheating on the long drive, four hours, to get to the event. My whole body is sore today and I have a dime-sized blister on the sole of my foot for some weird reason. I was wearing my normal running shoes and they've never given me a blister before in the past year of long runs. And I'm not usually sore after I run, but today I am. Still, it is a very small price to pay for the satisfaction of achieving my goal. It was a beautiful and interesting place to run "Rotorua" a thermally active area with an old redwood forest to run through, and then finishing alongside a large lake. The best part though, was that my middle daughter decided to come with me at the last minute, as a support person and we had an absolute blast together at the campground and soaking in the natural thermal pools and walking through the forest afterward (despite my blister!) She was in charge of the music on the long drive and it made the whole experience just wonderful. She also took my photo at the start of the race so I have a visual memory to keep. <3 Wendy

    Congratulations!!! That's excellent! Well done! :):)

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of advance pilates DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 10Minute Yoga, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Mary - what I was thinking is that if I buy a small can of biscuits, roll one out real thin, use a star-shaped cookie cutter, I'm thinking (right now) that that might work for the tree topper. Thanks for the tips. How long could your chesse cubes stay out before they started to dry out?

    drkatiebug - a piece of hard cheese...hmmmm....That WOULD be keeping with the theme of cheese for the tray. The only problem with those crackers is that you'd have to buy 12 boxes, and I would only need one cracker....lol

    frankiesgirl - ((((HUG))))

    exercised and put a spaghetti squash and butternut squash in the microwave just to get soft enough to cut. While I was exercising, cooked a sweet potato in the microwave, cleaned out the spaghetti squash and cut up the butternut squash, put them in the oven while I went to WalMart for things for this week, came home and made something for Rummikub this week, then iced a cake for a friend of mine, started feeling bad that Jess invited Denise to Thanksgiving and she again came up with a lame excuse why she couldn't come and had some of the icing as part of my pity party (enough of that), just made pork chops for later in the week. Oh, put a load of laundry in and it's now in the dryer.

    cheryoze - welcome!

    Wendy - congrats on your accomplishment at the 1/2 marathon. Great pic

    Rey - how long did that hat stay on your kitty? The venue for the mahjongg Christmas party (which I'm thinking of the cheese tray for) isn't excessivly hot. Warm like your house. It's being held at the clubhouse of this retirement community.

    Just ordered 4 more DVD's. I really needed them :) Well, they WERE on sale, and who can pass up a sale????

    Karen in VA - I'll have to check out the sociables. No one says it HAS to be a star.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    Rockys paw print in 2004. Done while he was at positive Approach's Christmas Pawty while Numia Taloa was the manager. She soon became a life long friend of ours
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    No workout today, long day...
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Missed a few days while having a house full of company. Will come back tomorrow because my battery is about dead. iPhone and my body. Lol
    SueBDew in TX
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Retirement: Well I won't ever retire.... you can't retire from being mom/grandma. I have never paid into social security so anything I might receive will be years down the road on my husband's record. My husband is planning on retiring in about 18 months. He will be 61 and have 40 years with the same company. He might contract as a consultant back to the company but I doubt it. More likely he will start a second career that is much less stressful that what he currently does. And I expect we will be traveling and scuba diving a lot.