Nov. Beginner Challenge.. Walk 30 mins a Day.



  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    I've been stuck walking around my street this week and it's super boring. Today, I was able to head to the park! Woo hoo! Did one hour, but I was itching to do one more lap around...soon I think.

  • H2596
    H2596 Posts: 286 Member

    50 minutes today. Walked through the car park at work feeling very virtuous.

  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    edited November 2017
    I've missed two days in a row. :(
  • H2596
    H2596 Posts: 286 Member
    Mzruthy ... What’s done is done - can’t change yesterday but tomorrow’s up for grabs.

    Went up town, got stuck near the Christmas Markets due to the crowd so took this photo. About an hour there and back.


  • kimmie373
    kimmie373 Posts: 57 Member
    Ok I missed a day, maybe 2? Too tired to really remember. Today I did some walking at Cabelas and looked around a parking lot for a geocache. It was cold out. It snowed and I did 30 minutes shoveling at least. I didn’t time my other walking. hmmbn1aiimdx.jpeg
    Granddaughter playing outside while I shovel.
  • kimmie373
    kimmie373 Posts: 57 Member
    Ok group, it looks like this is getting hard for us every day. Let’s keep trying though.
  • kimmie373
    kimmie373 Posts: 57 Member
    Just another store walk. Bought my Turkey and fixings for Thursday.
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    I know I haven’t been posting. I haven’t done purposeful walks, however I’ve been staying very active between keeping my house clean and all the shopping lately. I’ve also been parking in the back of parking lots to get in more steps. I will make it a point to do my purposeful 30 minutes for the remainder of the month. Let’s keep it up! 10 days left of the month.
  • H2596
    H2596 Posts: 286 Member
    edited November 2017
    Well done @kimmie373

    Had a cold so been feeling sorry for myself. 40 minutes yesterday but the furthest I’ve been today is the kitchen for drinks. No photo.
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    Haven't been posting but getting my 30 in last couple days. I prefer my 3 miles (about an hour) but..... Hopefully Friday get back to it.
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    Hello all, sorry I haven't been posting but I have been getting my 30 minutes in daily. It's just been that busy time of year. I still love this challenge and it was great for motivating me to at least get in my daily 30.
  • Jancandoit7
    Jancandoit7 Posts: 356 Member
    Awwwww- wish I'd seen this thread sooner- I've been walking a lot all month- :'( Being in New England, I'm not sure how I'll do in the December cold but I'm sure going to try to continue- As long as it's at least 30 degrees (no wind) I'll be okay- I just love getting outside.
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    Did my 3 miles!
  • kimmie373
    kimmie373 Posts: 57 Member
    I think I am going to be too busy for dedicated walking. I did start my new part time job which requires being on my feet for 8 hours with lots of walking.
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    3 miles.
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    I did 10 minutes on the treadmill and walked all over academy for about an hour.
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Walked 30 minutes up and down the street pushing Ella in her stroller.
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    3.5 miles today.
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    edited November 2017
    Missed my walk today...not feeling well. :s (Actually yesterday/29th). I hope I'm out & about today. (30th)
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Well today is the last day of November. I didn’t do this challenge to the best of my ability. I probably walked my designated 30 minutes only half the month (if that). I’m disappointed in myself. I would love to do a December one too though and take it serious this time. I can’t continue living my life inside hanging out on the couch. No more excuses!

    Anyone up to continue this for December?