Does an elliptical help a future goal of learning to run?



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I've been a life long runner. I had an unplanned lead injection in my left knee and still struggle with this. Never had a knee replacement, but instead opted for continued physical therapy - lots of leg lifts, presses, etc. When I put on a lot of weight I initially used the elliptical for cardio and to help with the caloric deficit. Once I got the weight down to a more manageable level I moved to running over elliptical. While I get my primary cardio from running now I still spend ~30 mins/week on the elliptical.

    The most dramatic impact to me was incorporating compound lifts into my regimen. I opted for the Stronglifts 5x5 app and plan. Squatting heavy has diminished my knee pain more than any other single mitigation effort.

    To reduce impact most PTs recommend moving from elliptical > treadmill > indoor track > road > trail.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    So here is an update from me. Last week on holidays I was away and did not want to fall off my wagon. (The initial reason for this thread) I used the elliptical in the house where I was staying and found it horribly boring but I did use it for some cardio. I even did some in reverse as was suggested. Also I went one day to a rec Centre that I found with an indoor track. I tried c25k week 3 day 1 but failed miserably with the 3 minute jogs so I went swimming for a bit there instead. Well ok I floated around in the lazy river, sat in the hot tub, and dove from the diving board a few times. Christmas next week will be challenging away from home again but I have better resources where I am going.

    Oh and yesterday I completed week 3, day 3 at our indoor track. As far as knee pain...NONE! I think the track is a good place for me to go. Well except the slippery parking lot there. I slipped and hurt my tailbone the day before my trip. I am trying to learn proper breathing. That is where I need work.

    Happy Holidays to you all!