Juggling Adulting and Weight loss?



  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    You don't need exercise to lose weight. Full stop. All you need is a calorie deficit - portion sizes.

    If you want to just exist at a lower weight without regard to cardiovascular health, muscle development, and a favorable body composition, then sure, just eat less and don't exercise.
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    edited December 2017
    You have gotten a lot of great advice. I agree with most of it given.

    weigh all of your food with a food scale. They're cheap if you don't have one.

    You don't need exercise to lose weight, I didn't start exercising until I had lost 70+lbs because it wasn't a priority until then.

    Just want to throw out there what works for ME and may not work for everyone but could give ideas.

    I don't "clean" during the week. I load the dishwasher and my partner unloads when they're done but other than a quick wipe down of counters I don't do anything else. Maybe a quick sweep of the kitchen if my dogs track in a bunch of leaves or something. I use a couple of hours on my weekend to clean. I dust and vacuum and mop floors while my partner cleans the bathrooms. Boom knocked out in no time and we are both done. It has dramatically eased my stress during the week.

    I also have two dogs. I have a fenced yard so our routine is like this:
    before work: outside run around the yard for a few minutes to burn a little energy. throw a ball or something.
    after work: let them out to the yard to run while I change. Then we suit up and go for a walk 30-45 minutes (2-3 miles).
    before bed: playing in the yard. throwing balls running around (good exercise for them and me) for 15-20 minutes. They love the attention.
    They might go out a couple more times just depends.
    On weekends they get longer walks or maybe 2 - 30 minute walks

    After our evening walk I work out -10- 30 minute home video of some kind. Sometimes something on youtube sometimes something I own it depends.

    For dinner: I MEAL PREP THE CRAP OUT OF IT. We sit down and decide on Saturday what we will eat the next week and shop for any ingredients we need. On Sunday we make it.... we make it all. And we divide out dinner portions and lunch portions and stack them in the fridge to grab and go.
    THE ONLY TIME I DO NOT PREP MY FOOD ON SUNDAY is if I am making something in the crockpot. Then I start it before work and set the time (I have a programmable one so that when it's done cooking it turns it to a keep warm mode) dinner hot and ready whenever I am.

    I hope you are able to incorporate some of this advice from everyone to work for you! Good luck!

    ETA: If you get breaks at work is there a place you could walk??? You'd be surprised by how walking can add up, I walk on my breaks for a few minutes and it does help me get a few extra calories each day.
    Also, I have 3 herniated disks in my back and have had surgery on a couple of them. It's not fun but losing the weight has helped tremendously with my quality of life.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I feel you... I am a full time working Mom of 3 sons although older 23, 19, 14 they all live at home as well as two dogs. I have 4 herniated disc in my lower back, 2 in my neck, and degenerative joint disease at the young age of 48. I leave the house at 650am every morning to bring my son to school before headed to work and don't get home until 530pm every night. The last thing I want to do is cook, clean or anything else for that matter other than assuming the position on the couch... well that mindset left me with an extra 60lbs over a 4 years span on my already over weight body. Making my back/neck issues just that much worse. Since then I have changed my mindset on mostly everything that caused me to justify the weight gain. Portion control was key, as the first three months as I did not exercise a lick because I thought there was no way I could with my back right? In those three months I got my mind right with food, learned to cook new things, I began to prep my meals on Sundays for the week so it gave me less excuse to come home and eat crappy because I was too tired to cook. I became best friends with my crock pot, who knew all that can be made in that thing?? I also prelogged my food for the next day before I went to bed each night. It left less room to stray for the day knowing where I was for calories already. I lost 27lb in the first 90 days, so I was feeling like a boss now and decided it was time to get active. I literally walked 20 minutes a day on my lunch, rain sleet snow I told myself I needed to walk. Those walks turned into 30 minutes at a much faster pace for just under 2 miles. I added a night of zumba to the mix, fun class didn't feel like exercise it was just and hour of dancing as far as I was concerned. loved it so much added a 2nd class to the week. Fast forward a year, I have lost 75lbs with 25lb to go. I still zumba twice a week, go on my lunch walks daily, run on the treadmill twice a week and just recently added a circuit boxing training class two days a week. :o:D:p while I have to modify a lot of that class because of my back/neck issues, I am still getting my sweat on and never imagined I would ever be able to finish a class like that. Obviously you have to pass everything through your dr as far as how much you can do with your injuries, but find one thing you enjoy doing and just do it religiously... You don't need to exercise to lose weight, that is simply Calories in Calories out... However, exercise keeps your heart healthy and just makes you feel good. Small changes, consistency and you got this. If this old broad can do it, anyone can LOL Good luck!!! B)
  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    I get the busy schedule thing... crazy dog mom here too, plus I have a hectic work schedule that keeps me running. I've been following MFP for almost 5 months now and logging everything I eat. The only purposeful exercise I do is walking - nothing else. I walk a mile on my lunch break, and I walk my dog every evening after supper for another mile or two. Following this, I'm down over 45lbs!

    It's totally possible to do this all as an adult... just remember to log everything honestly, count even the little things that add up over time. Most of it's diet related, and if you can get out and just move a bit it makes a big difference!
  • KateBoss7521
    KateBoss7521 Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you— it can be exhausting to have so much “to do” constantly swirling in your head.

    One thing I find helpful is keeping a yellow legal pad handy and writing everything down that I need to remember. Cleaning, appointments, shopping list, etc. It greatly reduces my stress because my brain can be clear. I write things down as they come to mind and then forget about them.

    I joined Planet Fitness because it’s $10/month and then a yearly charge of $40. I’m really broke, but it’s one thing I don’t regret spending money on.

    Check craigslist or local Facebook garage sale groups. People in my area frequently give away exercise equipment for free/cheap because it sucks to haul around and they just want it gone.

    I also have 3 dogs. They hang out with each other & sleep during the day when I’m gone. They aren’t suffering because of my busy schedule. As long as you get a walks in as able, and spend some quality time around the house with them evenings, they are just fine :)
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    Welcome to adulthood. ;-)
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    The phrase "adulting" makes me stabby.

    As a 19-year-old, all grown up, fully self-supporting single parent working like a dog for peanuts, I used to walk on my lunch hour. When I worked my next job where we only got 30 minutes for lunch, I walked while eating my sandwich. It was nice. I got outside and out of the office.