Addicted to food.. really.



  • smsquash
    smsquash Posts: 38 Member
    I love to eat at night as well. I used to have dinner, and then second dinner (yikes), and then snacks after second dinner. It is like a compulsion. I keep a whole selection now of foods that are practically zero calories - things like carrots, cucumber slices, green beans, broccoli, etc. etc. They also happen to be the healthier foods (bonus). So now, when I must snack, I pull out those three cups of green beans and go to town, and it adds up to nearly no calories. I also have taken to making my own kale chips, because I must have something crunchy and salty, and these fit the bill and do zero damage. I don't think it's how much you eat as much as what you eat. I just made a huge vegetable and bean soup, and a 2-3 serving bowl is like 127 calories. Add brown rice and I can have dinner, and second dinner, for like 300 cals total. This way...I can eat and eat until there is no possible way I can eat more, and still not worry. Some days, when I eat really well, I struggle to make my calorie goal of 1300 cals. Oh and I agree with the previous posters. Tons and tons of water.
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    something my nutritionist suggested to me was not drinking 30 minutes before, during or 30 minutes after meals. It flushes food through your system faster. Maybe if you try that, you will stay hungry longer?
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Pre-logging my food for the day is so important for me. Also, finding snack substitutes I actually enjoy. Like protein bars in place of candy bars and a greek yogurt/ice cream instead of just ice cream.

    Oh, and there was something I read on the .gov's Ask-a-Scientist site about stomach growls are part of digestion, not an indicator of hunger. That's a nice reminder for those times when my tummy rumbles, but it's not quite time for another meal.
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Great thread. All these responses have been helpful for me.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I don't think this is all that uncommon!

    I do the same thing, and what I've learned (that is sort of drastic to do) is to completely exclude certain food groups if I'm serious about being healthy. Last week, I went paleo and have been, with a very few exceptions, limiting myself to meat & veggies. Even if I have too much fruit, I'll start craving sugar again. Also, no sodas. Truvia for sweetener.

    Also, if I'm craving food, I try drinking something first. I'm really not big in to water, so I'll make myself a hot tea (bonus: you have to sip it!) or a fun flavored iced tea. A lot of the time, I was just thirsty and not even hungry.

    I'm an all or nothing kind of person, so this works for me.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I don't buy crisps, biscuits, chocolate, fizzy drinks etc at the supermarket any more. It does seem to help.

    Also cooking baked potatoes ahead helps me. I didn't have any ready the other day and just binged!

    Don't feel bad, you're on here and you're logging which is an EXCELLENT start. Good luck. xx
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    When you're learning how to eat properly, but slip
    "Don't let the Perfect overshadow the Good".
    "Baby steps "! Everything can be a victory.

    I keep pecans, pork rinds, and fresh, crunchy cucumbers
    so that even if I go over in calories, I'm raising my grams of fat
    to get as close to 70% of my daily intake.

    If you are hungry, you need to eat fatty foods. Yes, it's NOT
    what the ADA recommends, but following the ADA Food Pyramid
    is NOT what you need to do on Paleo.

    This is a link to an image of the Paleo Food Pyramid:

    Are you seriously recommending to someone to snack on pork rinds?

    Your ticker says 0 lb lost and 130 to go.

    When I first saw that I thought the same thing. Also, when the **** did OP even mention eating paleo?? If she did, I missed it. I am SO SICK of the broscience. How does what she wrote even remotely make sense?????

    OP - sorry I don't have more to add, most of the advice given has been excellent. I think the biggest thing that helped me with my binging was pre-logging the food I wanted to binge on, like another poster mentioned. I didn't even get optimistic, if I wanted Little Caesar's I just logged the whole damn pizza like I knew I would eat (disgusting, sad, and pathetic to me both now and then). The shock of seeing the calories, fat, etc. made my stomach turn and really turned me off of eating so much. Now I involuntarily gagged when even typing Little Caesar's (not that it's bad if you eat that, but there is much better quality pizza to be had is all I'm saying!). It'll get better, just stay accountable and keep working at it.
  • Stevenbowtieman
    Stevenbowtieman Posts: 10 Member
    I joined overeaters anonymous. I am definitely addicted to food.

    Ditto for me.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Okay, so I can exercise like nobody's business. I like to work out actually, but I also like to eat... a lot... Not because I'm hungry, not because I'm thirsty, not because I'm craving anything in particular... I just do, and I don't know why. I always start the day doing pretty well. I have to eat and snack pretty regularly due to blood sugar issues and borderline diabetic issues, so even eating healthy snacks, I pretty much use up my alotted calories by dinner time. But then, I just keep eating. And it seems like later in the evening I give over to eating the things I shouldn't and end up doubling my intake for the day, ruining all my hard work after exercising and just feeling ashamed. I don't know why I do it, but I've been like that for years. The only time I wasn't was when I was smoking which I haven't done in almost 9 years. It's like I just swapped one bad habit for another. So is it just me? Does anyone else have this problem? And what do you do about it? I have tried telling myself I will have some tea or veggie sticks or something else, but then I just end up having tea, veggies, a couple of cookies, a coke, and whatever else until I'm full. Suggestions? If you have/ have had this problem, PLEASE add me as a friend because I really need some help and would love to try and support back. Maybe it would be easier if I wasn't feeling all alone in this.

    high blood sugars will make you excessively hungry.

    Ask me how I know :huh: The only way to see just how high those sugars are is to test & monitor it yourself.

    I recommend and start with the tab that says ' the patterns in which diabetes develops'
    Then click on 'what is normal blood sugar' and finally, click on 'healthy blood sugar targets'
    That's the short version just to get you started, but do read the rest of the website, get you some coffee first, it'll take you a while.:blushing:

    If you decide to test (glucometers can be purchased at any drugstore OTC) Before you can do anything about losing weight or for your health, you've got to get your metabolism right and there's no way it's going to behave normally if you have bouts of blood sugar spikes.

    Good luck, I know how you feel :ohwell: Just 4 months ago I was in your shoes & didn't even know it.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    What helped me was getting rid of all snacks, ice cream and sweets, anything that I would find a reason to munch on, out the house. I then had to work hard on not buying them when on the road. It takes time but it gets easier.

    I logged but I also had the food in the house, so even though I logged before or just logged after, it didn't matter, I would go a few days, then find a reason to snack, especially on the weekends. So I emptied the house all together. Now all I have to munch on are almonds and fruits etc.

    Take it one day at a time. Good luck :)
  • ShrinkingLauren88
    ShrinkingLauren88 Posts: 197 Member
    Okay, so I can exercise like nobody's business. I like to work out actually, but I also like to eat... a lot... Not because I'm hungry, not because I'm thirsty, not because I'm craving anything in particular... I just do, and I don't know why. I always start the day doing pretty well. I have to eat and snack pretty regularly due to blood sugar issues and borderline diabetic issues, so even eating healthy snacks, I pretty much use up my alotted calories by dinner time. But then, I just keep eating. And it seems like later in the evening I give over to eating the things I shouldn't and end up doubling my intake for the day, ruining all my hard work after exercising and just feeling ashamed. I don't know why I do it, but I've been like that for years. The only time I wasn't was when I was smoking which I haven't done in almost 9 years. It's like I just swapped one bad habit for another. So is it just me? Does anyone else have this problem? And what do you do about it? I have tried telling myself I will have some tea or veggie sticks or something else, but then I just end up having tea, veggies, a couple of cookies, a coke, and whatever else until I'm full. Suggestions? If you have/ have had this problem, PLEASE add me as a friend because I really need some help and would love to try and support back. Maybe it would be easier if I wasn't feeling all alone in this.

    Oh girl I hear ya. I can exercise like nobody's business but food will always be my downfall and something I'll have to constantly work on. It really does become an addiction and I know how hard it is. Feel free to add me. I've lost 75lbs so far so it can be done. I notice I do the best when i'm logging EVERYTHING.
  • pollypocket3
    pollypocket3 Posts: 51 Member
    I pretty much do the suggestion of logging everything I plan on eating during my work day - breakfast, snack, lunch and another snack - and then I know what I CAN eat for dinner. I definitely found this to be helpful in not overeating because I eat a bigger dinner and give myself enough time to go exercise afterwards before the night is over.

    I also find that if I exercise after dinner I don't eat when I am done with my run/walk/bikeride because I have to stretch out and get ready for bed. I also made a promise to myself (with exceptions on days I go out with friends) to not eat anything other than maybe an apple after 7pm so my body has time to digest it a bit... but that's just me. :)
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I don't know "full" or "satisfied" and I never, ever did, from when I was a very small child. Since beginning my present routine, I've felt as sated as I've ever felt in my life.

    In the last week or two, I've had several "eating out" experiences that were very much beyond my control, and although I made good choices and recorded faithfully, this is the first week that I've been record keeping that I didn't lose weight. Because of this, I really began to feel uncomfortably like how I used to feel, sort of frantic and wanting to stuff myself with something while not being reallly hungry or truly needing food.

    Thankfully, I stayed home today and ate my usual program. Hopeful for next Wednesday's scale report, and feeling MUCH more positive and relaxed!
  • amyotte1992
    amyotte1992 Posts: 39 Member
    A year ago I had a really bad eating addiction, sugar and flour were my drug. I would always be on a weight loss/gain roller coaster. I would overexercise and diet and then binge out to the point where I lost control and hated myself. I was luckily able to find a program of recovery for food addicts, it's a twelve step recover program. I've lost the weight and my life has changed completely.
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    This is an amazing thread .... I am struggling with this myself. Have been wondering if there is an AA for food?! Finally thought I was 'back in the groove' .... logged everything last week and lost weight. However, this week finds me sneaking around, making trips to the grocery store so I can buy a treat and eat it before I get home. Stopping to buy gas, when I don't really need it or the chocolate bar I pick up. HELP. I lost my mom suddenly 3 months ago, :brokenheart: and just can't do anything but eat. The time between 4pm and dinner has always been hard for me ... snacking as I was making dinner, and in the end probably logging enough calories to have called it a second dinner :cry: But now I just want to eat all the time ... and VERY poor selections. I know better! Doc sending me for grief counselling. Hopeful that this may help, but seeing other people with the same eating habits helps to know I am not alone. Willing to accept any motivating friend requests ... I am trying to work at this. THANKS
  • Nenny1985
    Nenny1985 Posts: 122
    I hear ya hun. I need to eat often too and sometimes it goes a bit haywire ( sometimes is ok). I try to have lots of healthy options on hand like veggies and fruit so then if I eat too much it's not the end of the world. However I do believe that occasionally it's ok to have something unhealthy, cos that helps me not to binge. Also remember that cravings don't last long either so if you feel a "feast" coming on do something else for a bit. Be happy to be friends as we seem to have similar issues