Cathartic Thread For Injured Runners, er support for managing injuries. ;-)



  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @simcon1 I awoke this morning and realized I failed to look up PF in my book for even the slightest hint of help for you. I didn't forget about you, just forgot about the book.


    Thanks so much for posting this, @Elise4270! I’ve been googling away, and this added some ideas to what I’ve been doing until I can get an appt. I had no trouble reading the pics!

    And biking ended up working out fine yesterday, with a bit of a late start. So we only got about 16 mi in before it got dark (and I still have never been to the end of this bike path, which I keep wanting to do!). But in good news, I found the keys to my locks, which had been lost since a trip in mid-August where I wasn’t the unpacker, so I can incorporate some bike commuting back in as well. And it was pretty and nice to be outside... all really valuable because my work is so darn stressful at the moment and for the foreseeable future!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 and @simcon1 - my sports chiro used the k-laser on my PF and taped it (with KT tape). It made a huge difference. The objective of the k-laser is to increase the blood flow to the area and the heat seems to help with the pain. The taping just provided more support while it was healing.

    Glad the stretch is helping @Elise4270! That is great news and sounds like it is healing well. hope the cycle/studying works! I have seen people at the gym read and study while on the bikes. Me, I watch movies... never anything productive 🤣
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I think you mentioned the k laser before. That’s probably a great idea!


    Day..... oh I don’t know anymore. I think my brain has come loose, just shorting out.....18? Yes 18.

    I’m exhausted. Most of my muscles hurt on my right side from my quads to my ribs. The little medial glute is probably the most unhappy. Then the left is on fire. I was hoping it’d (all) get better as I progress, which it might, but in the mean time, waiting, it sucks. I didn’t sleep well last night. I froze all night long and can’t curl up on my side since it aggravates my hip. Froze. Like an inverse hot flash, it means AF is lingering.

    I’ll get on the bike today. Might have a nap first though. Had a low dose Valium, I don’t know if it’ll help “angry” or not. If I get desperate I can always reach out to my people for advice. I feel like a massage would help, I put my burning left butt / piriformis on a tennis ball last night and it was seemingly unproductive. So, maybe it wouldn’t be. Just a “two steps back” kind of day.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2019
    Day 24...

    wow, 24 already? The osteotomy surgery seemed to take 6 years to get past 3 weeks. That might have been the norco though. Today isn't any different than day 18 up thar. I should expect pain and grumblings for up to 6 months and with the past surgeries, it seems I take the full time to recover. Thanks age and other various ailments.

    I haven't reached out to the office regarding the left butt fire. I'm doing all I know to help that side and am just hoping its a strength issue. But... I could be in denial. Doc said I'd be read to run come spring. Surely he wasn't just being optimistic, giving me hope? I'll probably send an email this week. That side is nerve related and it's likely not a good idea to ignore a mad, previously damaged nerve. *grumble grumble*

    oh I am suppose to be standing on the right leg, one leg stand for strength. I don't like it. I'm weak and it hurts, but I notice if I suck it up and do it, my muscles fire where I don't limp... for a short time. yay!

    ETA and my IV bruise is almost gone. 24 days... sheesh. stab folks much?
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Elise4270 Hang in there, sounds like slowly getting better for you.

    My PF is getting much better. Spent the last three days at my oldest brothers helping them prepare for an auction sale of the family farm. Wearing High Top Hiking boots as they feel the best. So lots of walking, bending, lifting etc. Should have worn my garmin but was afraid I would break it. My foot, heel and ankle were pain free this morning.

    The Family Farm 74 years of collection to sort through.
    The common quote is " If you have to ask if it is junk - it is junk and should be binned ".

    Finding some treasures - my grandpa was a machinist in Canada ( think heavy equipment mechanic - Tanks, Trucks, Ships etc ) in WW2 and the first thing a machinist had to do was build a set of tools for his use. Found his old tool case and some tools in the Attic of the garage. We are taking them to the local museum to ensure they are protected and never sold off to some private collector.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @juliet3455 Wow, that’s sounds like an amazing find! Awful that the farm is being sold out of the family. I’m glad the PF is better with the high top boots, you may be on to something there!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Elise4270 It might be the extra support of the footbed or the high tops, all I can really say is they were the boots/shoes that felt the best and seemed to give relief - not cause additional discomfort.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Eh, I reached out to my peeps about this pain... the suggestion was continue with crutches, 1 or 2 if I’m off of them as I may not be adjusted enough to be off them.

    1) I am off them. I noticed the pain was so much more severe using them. But, I may try them again today. Sometimes my peeps are right.

    2) this started before the last surgery.

    3) I don’t wanna bother following up with the office on it again. it’ll just hurt til the next appointment and I can take Tylenol or stockpiled Norco at night. Email isn’t a good substitute for a face to face.

    4) rest absolutely helps. And I’ll continue to keep activity to a minimum

    I do think I’ve been to aggressive with the stretching and will reign that in to see if things calm down.

    Don’t mind me, I’m in a “giving-up, cry-baby mood” today.

    There’s an invite at university for tennis, lead by a past pro... I wanna play so bad. Maybe the next life.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Another day...

    I feel I’m at a plateau with pain. I can’t seem to even keep covers on me because I toss and turn so much. One’s on the floor, I added a second one because I can’t keep the one and get cold, it winds up at the foot and my sheet is to the middle of the bed. So, I need to start taking something at a night and if dh feels it’s a valid purchase, I may go back to an inexpensive sleeping bag.

    I’m tired.

    But I’m reminded this morning of a fellow I knew ages ago, mark. Mark was in a motorcycle accident and spend 3-6 months in the hospital, a fair amount of it in a coma and lost a leg. If you asked him how he was doing his reply was always “I’m upright and walking “. Tired is fine. I’m upright and walking too.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @elise4270 - I know you don't particularly like hugs but I am sending you a virtual one anyways! Is the discomfort expected? I really thought it was going to be better. Can you do anything to alleviate the pain when you sleep - pillow under your leg, between your knees, something, anything? Would acupuncture, massage or something like that help? Sure hoping you find something that helps!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @shanaber! Pillow placement doesn't help. Sleeping on my side, either side hurts. I think this is expected. I need to just manage it for the time being.

    Day 31

    Took 5mg Valium before bed and it seems to help better than the Norco. I don't wanna make it a habit, but might require something to help me get sleep.

    I am tired now. Hopefully it'll wear off before long.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I over ate yesterday, *surprise*. We took dh's family out for Mexican food. I was a pig. I really enjoyed their company so, I'm glad to have had time with them.

    Maybe today I'll do better. No plans past coffee with cream that I'll regret half way to class an hour away. I'm just trying to wake up.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    with my autoimmune, sometimes all i can tell people is "i'm alive"
    upright and walking is good :)

    your body is recovering. overeating here and there isn't a bad thing.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Day 33 past FAI sx
    Day 223 past osteotomy sx

    Corner? Was that a corner?
    Yesterday was “good”, no meds last night. Pain is still better. I had identified a few things I was doing that aggravated the non surgical side (well 1st sx side), and corrected that and have accidentally found some relief. The hip is somewhat settling down, for now.

    I noticed my leg is back to losing muscle, it’s rather thin compared to the right. I’ll have some strength training to do soon.

    Stay healthy my friends!
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    I’m still hanging in here with my PF. I saw the sports med doctor, who I liked, and got a referral to a runner physical therapist. He also does needling, but I’m not there yet. But the waits have been so long! I finally got to move the physical therapist up a week, so will see him this Thursday. I would have been antsier, but have had so much work travel, and have decided to do swimming and biking to build my base towards training for a triathlon. So that’s been fun but I’m getting impatient about running. I was thrilled to find I could keep up with a masters swim class though!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @simcon1 Masters swim class? Wow! Rock it! I'm too lazy to swim or bike. Haha! Nah, I think I just haven't made it a priority.

    I'm still stick in a loop. I'm sure I'm getting better, ever so slowly.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    right. I'm officially landing myself in this thread.

    Foot still hurting. I can walk fine as long as it's mostly on my heel or inside of my foot, without putting pressure on the outside/pinkie side. Booked appointment with my GP to try and persuade them to send me for an X-ray.

    As I can barely walk more than a few hundred yards, running is out of the question.

    woe is me.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Oh @girlinahat that’s awful. I hope you can get seen soon. As much as I hate crutches or a walking boot, it may give you some mobility back. Are you dealing with plantar fasciitis?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2019
    50 days post op (FAI) doc appointment.

    Ok doc assistant follow up. Overall positive. They hadn't collected many hip scores on patients at the 6 week mark, but think my pre op score of ~58 to 70 today is absolutely fantastic. I'm special? Y'all marking my progress?

    I said it hurts when I turn to look over my right shoulder. So when that exam position came up, I kinda fought tears. He said "ya don't do that" . Not a prob. Haha!

    They did x-rays and there's a new tech. She mentioned they wanted coccyx measurements. Hmmm. Am I still broken? Is something else gonna hurt? I forgot to ask why. I just chalked it up to research, I'm a guinea pig. They do research, present and publish. Big deal. I mean really it is, a great service to the field.

    I forgot to ask about swimming. Figure I wouldn't go anyhow. I have a few exercises, and if I go walk for an incredibly short time, I am to use a crutch or my walking poles. I'm too weak and it'll just cause injury.

    ETA i got a fist bump for nursing school and advice on getting to surgical. aww they remembered. be pretty cool if i got to visit and watch the master in action.... hint hint universe, id really like that.