Needs friends so we can motivate each other



  • eenyMindymo
    eenyMindymo Posts: 21 Member
    I'm an emotional eater to the max! It is super tough to address but worth it in the end, I'm certain!
    I'm sending you a request:)
  • tracygreen70
    tracygreen70 Posts: 2 Member
    How do we send friend requests? I could do with a bit of motivation at times.. I’m a Mum of one little monkey, but I can’t get out to exercise.. I walk the dog by that’s about it.
  • I’d love to join! Anyone feel free to add me x
  • ajhitchens
    ajhitchens Posts: 8 Member
    Im the same as most people here, just from what I have been reading. Which is great. I will add you for support. Anyone feel free to add me as well. I am going through a slow phase atm oops. I just stopped losing weight so I am working out a new battle plan lol
  • burneika
    burneika Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Mr_BH1986
    Mr_BH1986 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me
    I could do with the kick up the backside at times. I have recently rejoined the gym after a three year break