34 year old diabetic Mom of 3 seeks to save her life.



  • verna73
    verna73 Posts: 5 Member
    In July of 2017 I learned that I was a type 2 diabetic with an A1C over 6. My doctor and I put a plan in place that didn't involve meds. In October I went back for more tests and had dropped 10lbs but lowered my A1C to 5.8. Today I went back again and while my weight had platoed I've brought that number down to 5.7. I've managed to go from type 2 to pre and if I lower it .1 by June I'll no longer be pre. I'm very excited to be taking my life back!
  • dtelsah
    dtelsah Posts: 584 Member
    I'm a long time diabetic as well. Since starting to use mfp my testing has been rock solid 80-120. Also using about half of the insulin I was previously.
    Being aware of everything that goes in is 3/4 of the battle it seems. Good luck to you in your journey. Feel free to add me for positive support.