What is your "life style" change?



  • CheezWhiz88
    CheezWhiz88 Posts: 116 Member
    hope it worked out for you, cheez! I had a house guest myself yesterday; it didn't work out so much for me, though lol - I know I ended up eating more than I should have!

    Thanks! I didn’t eat a single one and sent them home with all the leftovers, so it was a success! I decided to eat my lunch before they came so I wasn’t as tempted. Don’t worry about a slip-the next day is a fresh slate! I had a trainer years ago that told me, “a slip here and there doesn’t ruin dozens of great decisions.”
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    hope it worked out for you, cheez! I had a house guest myself yesterday; it didn't work out so much for me, though lol - I know I ended up eating more than I should have!

    Thanks! I didn’t eat a single one and sent them home with all the leftovers, so it was a success! I decided to eat my lunch before they came so I wasn’t as tempted. Don’t worry about a slip-the next day is a fresh slate! I had a trainer years ago that told me, “a slip here and there doesn’t ruin dozens of great decisions.”

    It's a little harder when a slip slides into a couple of days in a row - stupid TOM..... - but you are right; yesterday does not mean I can't start fresh today. I keep plodding along!
  • UnicornSmoothie
    UnicornSmoothie Posts: 20 Member
    I want to get more into hiking too, when the weather warms up, though I'm not sure how often it will fit into my schedule.

    I recently thought about getting back into bowling! The problem is I don't really have anyone to do it with regularly, though I suppose I could always rent a lane and practice against myself! lol

    I used to live right outside Yellowstone NP, so hiking was one of my favorite things to do. Since we've moved to Indiana and I'm basically bummed all the time, hiking isn't as appealing. We have Turkey Run and Mounds and Shades and stuff, but like... that doesn't really compare to waterfalls and hot springs and mountains, y'know?

    Check into leagues! Sometimes they can be super competitive and really serious about it, but there are other fun, relaxed leagues, too. I've been thinking about getting back on a women's league, but it's just finding time and money right now. Most of them meet once or twice a week, usually in the evenings, which isn't super bad. I used to be on a league when I was younger, and I was on the school bowling team. The saddest part is, once upon a time I could throw a 17 pounds ball and now I'm all the way back at 13 pounds!
  • ckh825
    ckh825 Posts: 23 Member
    I guess I am everything in moderation. I will not deny myself anything, I just eat less of it. As my mom would say I am on the ..” Eat less, Move more” diet. I have went back to walking on the treadmill and trying to sit on my butt all day
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member

    I used to live right outside Yellowstone NP, so hiking was one of my favorite things to do. Since we've moved to Indiana and I'm basically bummed all the time, hiking isn't as appealing. We have Turkey Run and Mounds and Shades and stuff, but like... that doesn't really compare to waterfalls and hot springs and mountains, y'know?

    Check into leagues! Sometimes they can be super competitive and really serious about it, but there are other fun, relaxed leagues, too. I've been thinking about getting back on a women's league, but it's just finding time and money right now. Most of them meet once or twice a week, usually in the evenings, which isn't super bad. I used to be on a league when I was younger, and I was on the school bowling team. The saddest part is, once upon a time I could throw a 17 pounds ball and now I'm all the way back at 13 pounds!

    I've been through Yellowstone and the Tetons both twice and loved the areas! I was visiting on a weekend both times, though, and was alone, so I wasn't able to get off the beaten path - I didn't think it was very wise for a inexperienced person to be wondering western hiking trails alone.....Beautiful area, though! I loved the Tetons the best - less crowds. I love natural settings and want to get to Glacier one day, but the part that is a let down for me is the crowds; it take away from the setting and feels a little artificial and contrived, you know? I've often looked out at an area - even the eastern suburbs - and wondered what it looked like back in the day before the Europeans arrived and settled it.......

    I hadn't even thought of leagues! I did play in one one year a long time ago and it was fun, but I'm really, really self conscious and being a completely newbie, it bothered me to be the worst player; I always feel like I'm dragging my teammates down and I hate to make them lose. I tried playing softball for 2 years for a company league and even though we were the worst team in the league, a regular Bad News Bears, I still felt bad if I messed up and would usually tag for a runner if I got to 1st base. I know, I'm way too self conscious! lol
  • rabidhamster87
    rabidhamster87 Posts: 74 Member
    @ckh825 I haven't heard it put that way, but I love it! That's the diet I'm on too. I lost 101 lbs about 6 years ago and when people would ask how I did it, I would say, "I just counted my calories," and I could just see the interest leave their faces. Maybe "Eat less, move more," will be a better answer when I get to that point this time!
  • ckh825
    ckh825 Posts: 23 Member
    @rabidhamster87 I am glad you like that. My mom has told me that my whole life. She said it is the one proven diet that works all the time