Water and peeing...



  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I wasn't drinking enough, only 1 or 2 glasses a day, but now I drink 5. Still not enough, but I will get there. I am a little freaked out though because I already pee alot and adding water makes me go more.

    2P or not 2P......

    Do you drink coffee or any other caffeinated/sugared drink as well? Both are diuretics (peeeeeeeee peeeeeeee peeeeeeeeeeeee! *burp* q... PEEEEE!!!) and when you put water in on top of that it's pretty rotten. I should know - I have a small bladder (I call it a pea sized bladder - get it? pea? hahahaha! *ahem* anyyyyyway....), I drink roughly about the same as you and I'm a coffee addict (HUSH all you crazy health nuts - I gave up my nicotine - I'm keeping my caffeine, dang it!) and I've had 2 kids... talk about a party with my commode... wow. If I had to pay it for every flush, my toilet would own my house.

    I have noticed though that the longer I drink consistently (water that is - the coffee goes without saying!), the longer it is between sittings. How long does it take? It's different each time, each day and I'd guess for each person. That's not to say that it will necessarily EVER get to the point that I can call it 'infrequent'... but on those days where I'm literally going every 10 minutes (I don't know what's up with those days - I've clocked it once - I LITERALLY went every 10 minutes ALL DAY!), I'm thrilled when I end up going a few hours. Perhaps just limiting your intake in the 2 hours prior to bed if you haven't already tried that?

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking 2P or not 2P.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has pee based dreams. I'm not usually a deep sleeper but every once in a while it does happen. I end up having to pee at some point during the night but it doesn't wake me up. So, what happens is that I end up dreaming that I have to go to the bathroom - but I can't. Every bathroom I stop at has a problem, like the the toilets are clogged or there's no toilet paper. Usually I'm on a cross country trip, stopping at every rest stop along the way. Sometimes I will go pee but only trickle a little, the way you do when you have a UTI. So as soon as I stop trickling, I still have to go.

    I know that it's my subconscious way of NOT allowing myself to wet the bed but I really wish it would actually wake me up so I could go pee and then get on with my normal SciFi/Fantasy inspired dreams.
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking 2P or not 2P.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has pee based dreams. I'm not usually a deep sleeper but every once in a while it does happen. I end up having to pee at some point during the night but it doesn't wake me up. So, what happens is that I end up dreaming that I have to go to the bathroom - but I can't. Every bathroom I stop at has a problem, like the the toilets are clogged or there's no toilet paper. Usually I'm on a cross country trip, stopping at every rest stop along the way. Sometimes I will go pee but only trickle a little, the way you do when you have a UTI. So as soon as I stop trickling, I still have to go.

    I know that it's my subconscious way of NOT allowing myself to wet the bed but I really wish it would actually wake me up so I could go pee and then get on with my normal SciFi/Fantasy inspired dreams.

    Haha, I have pee based dreams too! Usually the toilets all have carpet in them, and I'm on a boat.

    I think if you try and not drink a whole lot right before bed you should be ok. Have you always woke up at night to pee? I know it's a rare night for me if I don't wake up around 3 or 4 am to use the bathroom. Some people just have smaller bladders. And the sipping rather than chugging thing is important too.
  • I am so glad to hear Im not the only one with peeing problems. I thought I was a freak when I got up 1 or 2 times a night to pee. and trying to drink enough water, even spaced out causes ne to pee every 20-30 minutes. I get embrassed i go so much.
    And for those if you talking about dreams at night where you have to pee? I was laughing hard because i have dreams like that too. In my dream Im in search of bathrooms, but when i get to
    them I either go or not go. I get the feeling and continue to find toilets to pee. Eventially I actually wake up and have to go bathroom. lol! I think its herititary because my Mom always has to pee and goes even more times then me. Road trips our fun in my family! lol!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    still workin on that one! plus it seems the more water i drink the thirstier i get! so not sure but it helps if you drink it slower and more spaced out thru the day but i understand ur aggrivation.

    This goes away eventually and it'll even out :)
  • I have been drinking about 72 oz of water a day for the past 4 weeks and I still pee a lot. But I have always had a very active bladder, so even before then I have always had to go a lot. I guess when you work-out more, the less you will have to go? I am still getting into the swing of my new work schedule so trying to find when to get my work-out's in is complicated atm.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I have been drinking about 72 oz of water a day for the past 4 weeks and I still pee a lot. But I have always had a very active bladder, so even before then I have always had to go a lot. I guess when you work-out more, the less you will have to go? I am still getting into the swing of my new work schedule so trying to find when to get my work-out's in is complicated atm.

    When you work out, remember that you are sweating so not all of the water is going to be used to flush the internal systems and end up in your bladder. Also, when you work out your muscles swell to repair and in that swelling is water, along with other things. So, yeah, you'll pee a little less.

    I must say that brings up a new excuse to work out: "I work out a lot so I don't have to pee"
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