Calories vs BMR

I’m looking for insight on balancing my intake with the BMR. With my current weight, height and age, it is giving me an approximate intake is 1250. I have been watching micros and calories along with using an treadmill. I usually stick to 1200 and sometimes less. Not losing anything. Please don’t judge. I am comfortable at a lower weight and feel better physically. Thoughts and ideas please.


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    Probably a logging issue, if you're not weighing your food and making sure you're using accurate entries that's probably where the problem is. Also you're going to want to eat a lot more than your BMR, eat to whatever number MFP gives you.
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Mate I hear you. I am 5'11 and currently 250lbs. I have lost 50lbs by restricting to 1500 per day and with exercise. Problem is I now seem to have hit a lull. I'm constantly under calories and exercising but I feel the loss is minimum. 1-2lbs week at best. I know all the talk that 2lbs per week is healthy but I have the excess to lose so I don't understand why it isn't quicker.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I’m looking for insight on balancing my intake with the BMR. With my current weight, height and age, it is giving me an approximate intake is 1250. I have been watching micros and calories along with using an treadmill. I usually stick to 1200 and sometimes less. Not losing anything. Please don’t judge. I am comfortable at a lower weight and feel better physically. Thoughts and ideas please.

    what are your stats? how much are you trying to lose?
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    Mate I hear you. I am 5'11 and currently 250lbs. I have lost 50lbs by restricting to 1500 per day and with exercise. Problem is I now seem to have hit a lull. I'm constantly under calories and exercising but I feel the loss is minimum. 1-2lbs week at best. I know all the talk that 2lbs per week is healthy but I have the excess to lose so I don't understand why it isn't quicker.

    You don't have the weight to lose quicker. Usually people who are 400+ can get away with losing more than 2lbs a week. 1-2lbs a week is a great rate.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to just exist/be, not factoring in any movement whatsoever.
    When people aim to lose weight they need to think in terms of TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and eat at 10-25% less than that number depending on how much you have to lose.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Mate I hear you. I am 5'11 and currently 250lbs. I have lost 50lbs by restricting to 1500 per day and with exercise. Problem is I now seem to have hit a lull. I'm constantly under calories and exercising but I feel the loss is minimum. 1-2lbs week at best. I know all the talk that 2lbs per week is healthy but I have the excess to lose so I don't understand why it isn't quicker.

    up to 2lbs a week loss is a good rate, 1lbs is best for when someone has less than 30lbs to lose. Sounds like you are doing just fine. Weight gain didn't happen overnight so don't expect loss to be quick, its better to lose a bit slower - we don't lose as much muscle along with the fat.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited February 2018
    I’m looking for insight on balancing my intake with the BMR. With my current weight, height and age, it is giving me an approximate intake is 1250. I have been watching micros and calories along with using an treadmill. I usually stick to 1200 and sometimes less. Not losing anything. Please don’t judge. I am comfortable at a lower weight and feel better physically. Thoughts and ideas please.

    Does this mean that you are already at a healthy weight trying to get leaner? What does your treadmill exercise incorporate and appox do you burn? Do you eat exercise calories back you are burning on the Treadmill?

    Please share you current stats: age, height, current weight, and how much you are trying to lose?
  • I honestly don’t know what the treadmill one is Its older. The elliptical counts steps. 20 minutes on the treadmill and steps average are 600-700. I’m just starting so hopefully I’ll get to a better number. I am 46, 5”1’ and an currently at 122-125. Goal is 115-117. Obesity runs in my family so my struggle is to lower my chances of the many health problems and obesity. Does this help?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I honestly don’t know what the treadmill one is Its older. The elliptical counts steps. 20 minutes on the treadmill and steps average are 600-700. I’m just starting so hopefully I’ll get to a better number. I am 46, 5”1’ and an currently at 122-125. Goal is 115-117. Obesity runs in my family so my struggle is to lower my chances of the many health problems and obesity. Does this help?

    Well you are very far from ever being in the obese category at your current weight.

    Just know that with only a small amount to lose this is going to be slower process. Us petite females don't have wiggle room in our calorie intake but the good news is if we move more and incorporate exercise into our weight loss and with using MFP we can eat more and lose weight.

    1) Setup MFP to lose .5 per week
    2) Get a food scale if you don't have one, weigh and log food religiously and as accurate as you can.
    3) If you chose sedentary as your activity level, I will encourage you to eat back exercise calories.
    4) If you weigh daily use a weight trending app like Libra, etc. Great tool to help weed out all those pesky fluctuations we see daily which is normal.
    5) Give your changes a whole menstral cycle. If you have not lost in 4+ weeks, you will want to review your logging and exercise calories burns and tweak. The best thing you can do is never go below 1200 calories, going lower is unhealthy for hormonal balance and of course side effects when we don't eat enough.
    6) If you by chance would ever be interested in strength training, I encourage you to look into this as well, this is so beneficial to both our health and body composition.
  • I appreciate your guidance. I just purchased a scale to be more accurate with my meals. My son is very much into his gym routine so hopefully he will point me in the right direction. Unfortunately working in an office does seem to make things difficult during the day.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    Mate I hear you. I am 5'11 and currently 250lbs. I have lost 50lbs by restricting to 1500 per day and with exercise. Problem is I now seem to have hit a lull. I'm constantly under calories and exercising but I feel the loss is minimum. 1-2lbs week at best. I know all the talk that 2lbs per week is healthy but I have the excess to lose so I don't understand why it isn't quicker.

    You're still losing weight at a safe and reasonable rate. That's nowhere near a lull.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Mate I hear you. I am 5'11 and currently 250lbs. I have lost 50lbs by restricting to 1500 per day and with exercise. Problem is I now seem to have hit a lull. I'm constantly under calories and exercising but I feel the loss is minimum. 1-2lbs week at best. I know all the talk that 2lbs per week is healthy but I have the excess to lose so I don't understand why it isn't quicker.

    As you get smaller your daily caloric needs also get smaller. You won't have as big of a calorie deficit so you won't lose as quickly. Many people lose weight faster at the beginning. Everyone's weight loss slows as they get closer to their goal. A 1-2lb loss per week is great!