410lbs in Dire Need of a Lifestyle Change



  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    Bekah7482 wrote: »

    My starting weight was 398 and I am down to 236 and still going. I have added you as a friend. Don't hesitate to reach out.

    As someone who has been in your position, I will share some things that have worked for me;

    - I recommend staying away from trigger foods. Sure if you are only counting calories then it is ok to have a slice of pizza, but if you know that you can't stop at 1, then avoid it until way later in the process. A lot of people on here will say go ahead and drink that soda, eat that pizza and go to fast food, you have the calories. However, this early in the process with the compulsive overeating that we deal with, this is not helpful and I have found leads to failure quick! Until you can manage those food from a reasonable mindset, they are going to be detrimental to your success
    - Set goals and deadlines for yourself. When I just have a pounds goal, I never really make it that far but when I say I am going to lose 20lbs by this date, then I push myself more to hit that goal.
    - Start exercising NOW. Do whatever is a little extra for you. If you can walk for 2 miles then do that. If you can only make it down the block and back, then do that. If you can only make it to the mailbox, then do that. Just whatever you are currently able to do then build up from there
    - This is a big one, THERAPY!! This is coming from someone who thought therapy was useless and for crazy people. I decided to try it and had a therapist that I didnt connect with for about 7 months. I finally switched and got an amazing therapist who has done so much work with me on how to control emotions, positive self talk, being in wise mind and really dealing with WHY i eat.
    - Celebrate every victory and do not beat yourself up. You will have good days and bad days. If you have a bad day or a bad meal, don't let it break you. Dont start again tomorrow, start again NOW. Your breakfast was bad? That is fine, start again at lunch with a balanced meal.
    - I eat 4 times a day. Find what works for you. 3 meals no snacking, 3 meals 1 snack, 3 meals 2 snacks. Do what works for you to make this as comfortable as possible. There is no 1 size fits all for dieting. you will try and you may fail a few times but when you find what works for you, you will be golden.

    I think that is it for now. Good luck.

    I too was exactly where you are I started at 409 my highest and right now about 275 and still going so it can be done. Start slow sounds like you are starting good but realize this takes time I'm 1.5 years into it went to medical weight loss center at local hospital which gave me dietician, nurses, and therapy and it does help a lot.

    But would recommend starting walking more I started just walking a block and sadly I was exhausted but would go 1 house further every week, then farther and now do 5Ks pretty easily.

    If you need help on your journey ask I will help in anything I can.
  • DimarypEvans
    DimarypEvans Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, guys. So it’s been a little over a month since I posted this and I want to thank every last one of you. You guys have been so supportive of me in the recent weeks and it has helped me so much. I have already lost 25lbs and you guys are big reason that’s happened. Thank you. <3