Most Uncomfortable / Hardest Part Of Being Overweight



  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'll be 30 in a few months and I feel like I've wasted my 20's away due to depression due to my weight and body image.

  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    hardest part - is when we start treating ourselves like we can't do something, or automatically expect failure.
    - For the longest time, I've hated stairs and escalators - mostly because I am afraid of hights and think that I'm automatically a clutz. I could step on a crack, or suddenly put my foot wrong and end up at the bottom on my head. Fact is - that's never happened. I spent years holding bannisters for dear life - having to count 4 stairs before stepping onto the escalator, and holding up traffic behind me. Fact is - I'm my own worst enemy. Recently, as I'm losing weight, and developing confidence - I'm finding that stairs dont scare me any more. I am flying up or skipping down them. I'm not a clutz - and I've never been a clutz. I spent those years making excuses that I have two left feet, or that I'm afraid of heights, but fact is - those fears were all weight derived.
    So, losing confidence in our own stegnth is the hardest thing. We're all a lot better than we think if we just let go our fears.

  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    edited November 2014
    This is a deep thread. Some comments made me really sad and other made me laugh. I "hate" being fat but I consider this to be temporary. I'm grateful to have the chance to do something about it and I'm diving in head first. Don't know how I got here, besides the obvious reason that I ate more than my body burned, but I'm not long for this fat suit. Despite yo-yo'ing a few times, things were never that bad. I'd gain 20lbs and lose it by eating clean and working out. It was never like it is now and it scares the crap outta me. I have always taken a no nonsense approach with myself. I got myself into this mess and I'm a fixing to get myself out of it (again). I never experienced a lot of what some of you have stated but I can empathize and it's heartbreaking. My wake up called happened after I gained a ton of weight after breaking my ankle (while riding my bike; I have been into fitness for decades). I just ate crap and sat on my bum. When I woke from my slumber I was 80lbs heavier than I was 3 years ago and couldn't fit anything in my closet. Finally, a month an a half ago, I attempted a 30 mile charity bike ride and barely completed half of it. I was dead last and had to get the SAG vehicle to drive me back to the start line and my car. I was so embarassed and disappointed in myself. It was the first time I was ever unable to do something because of my size. And it made me take a look at all my other new ailments (achilles tendonitis, ankle not fully healed, lower back pain, breathlessness, GERD, hiatal hernia...). It was all because I got fat! It woke me up in a big way. I have been at it ever since and am 22lbs down as a result rigorous exercise (cardio and weights) and a clean diet. I would rather be fit, lean and attractive than have cake, ice cream, candy, hamburgers, etc. That's the bottom line. So this is a life resetting moment for me. I will be happy to reach my lofty 100lb weight loss goal and I know I will get there. And I'm prepping mentally for the fight of my life to stay there forever and never experience these feelings again.
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    The hardest thing is not being able to do what I want to do. I used to love doing outdoorsy stuff but being 160 lbs overweight is not real great for climbing mountains. In Western WA, the only way is up, up, up on most hikes and I have had to settle for the very few with little elevation gain. And trying to find affordable exercise or hiking clothes in a women's 4x? Forget about it!

    (And I have a secret, possibly unreasonable fear of being too heavy for the wood in pit toilets or outhouses and falling in and drowning down there. Nice image, eh?)

    No more! Almost 30 lbs down, much more to go. I am hiking the Wonderland Trail in 2 years and eventually the PCT. This body of mine is going to get in shape because I've got places to go and things to see!