Weight loss help



  • Active37
    Active37 Posts: 43 Member
    I was my full height at 13, about a year after I started my cycle.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    Active37 wrote: »
    I was my full height at 13, about a year after I started my cycle.

    Thanks. Just curious. I must be an outlier!
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    lucerorojo wrote: »
    Active37 wrote: »
    I was my full height at 13, about a year after I started my cycle.

    Thanks. Just curious. I must be an outlier!

    I don't think you are -- I didn't reach my full height until I was in college (18/19). Came home from college at the end of the first semester, went to put on my formal/dressy winter coat, and saw that it was too short in the arms, and a few inches too short.
  • ejg1010
    ejg1010 Posts: 48 Member
    I think I must have missed this in the thread, but how much does your daughter weigh? At 5' 1" she will not have a lot of wriggle room in terms of CICO if she is wanting to lose weight. 15 years old is very young for someone to be watching their calorie intake, especially when she is obviously extremely active and I suspect she falls within normal weight levels. I'm sure she is likely to still be growing/developing and she really needs to make sure her active lifestyle is properly fuelled.
  • tracybear86
    tracybear86 Posts: 163 Member
    Active37 wrote: »
    I was my full height at 13, about a year after I started my cycle.

    Same here. I grew 5 inches between 12 and 13 and never grew any taller after that.
    I would second that she may be eating something at school or practice that you don't see. With so little wiggle room even one additional snack a day could be slowing her down.
  • Active37
    Active37 Posts: 43 Member
    She has been in homeschool last few months due to bullying issues that caused me to pull her. But yeah kids at school and at her gym started telling her she is big and has thick legs/butt. So it’s been a bit rough.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Active37 wrote: »
    I was my full height at 13, about a year after I started my cycle.

    Same here. I grew 5 inches between 12 and 13 and never grew any taller after that.
    I would second that she may be eating something at school or practice that you don't see. With so little wiggle room even one additional snack a day could be slowing her down.

    I was also at my adult height by 15, cycle started at 10. But my body still changed. I filled out and became more curvy in my late teens and early 20s. As a result my weight changed and how I carry it. I may still be that height but at 38 it would not be healthy for me to weigh what I did then. It could be that your daughters body is maturing even if she isn’t getting taller