Calling all arthritics...



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    If medical or recreational marijuana is legal in your jurisdiction, check it out

    ...How can Medical Marijuana Help People Suffering From OA?

    Current research demonstrates that using cannabis reduces the chronic pain of OA and helps limit joint damage. As an analgesic (painkiller) and anti-inflammatory, cannabis is unmatched as a treatment for both the pain and swelling that are the most damaging symptoms of OA in adults.

    Patients participating in cannabis treatment for OA have reported increased range of motion, far less pain, and increased ability to participate in activities they previously considered impossible due to their OA symptoms. The CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis not only deadens pain as an analgesic, but also stimulates the immune system to help repair the damage caused by osteoarthritis. This not only reduces chronic pain, but also helps eliminate fatigue and slow the effects of OA as a person ages.

    Altogether, medical marijuana offers significant benefit to those who suffer daily from the effects of OA, and it is both non addictive and does not have the unpleasant long term side effects of managing pain with opioid painkillers. With more governments in all fifty states decriminalizing marijuana each year, it is likely that medical marijuana to treat OA will become a commonplace remedy for all Americans in the near future.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    FWIW, medical providers often say a person is "too young" for a joint replacement because they estimate that 20 years is about the maximum life span of the replaced joint and doing it again is a more complicated process (and often with not as good outcome). That being said, the ability to remain active leads to better health as one ages, not to mention improved quality of life.
  • scalebeater
    scalebeater Posts: 65 Member
    edited September 2018
    I had knee surgeries in my teens and 20s and now have arthritis in my 40s. I rely on cannabis/CBD for pain and inflammation, aloe vera drinks for inflammation and ibuprofen. Trying to lose weight and exercise more beause that makes it better too!

    I am also "too young" for joint replacement.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    My knees have crackled for about 20+ years now. Weight loss does help me. So does reduced sugars and avoiding foods that are inflammatory for me. I also take glucosamine chodriotin msm but I can't say if it helps a lot.

    I also need to avoid long endurance exercise. Running over 5-10km now makes my knees swell for days. Hiking is harder too - going up a mountain is hard but coming down is ouch.

    Yes....I can climb stairs like a champ but coming down......oh dear!!! :s

    This was me about 5 years ago--I've got OA and for a long time. I'm 63 now. I've never been more than 25 lbs overweight and have been swimming+aquagym for 23 yrs, plus a lot of walking and stretching. After following the forums for awhile I decided to try yoga and strength training. I don't know what it was but now I actually skip down stairs--no problem. I was bad before, sometimes even hanging on to my husbands shoulder to steady myself going down stairs. Going up is still not so easy. I also take all the recommended alternative medicines like glucosamine.... Try different things, and talk to everyone. I always think you can better things. B)
  • MHarper522
    MHarper522 Posts: 108 Member
    Tests showed I have gluten intolerance, my doctor said it may have made my arthritis worse (and from what I read, it can). I'm just starting on gluten free (and still bitter about it), so not sure if/how much it will help, but worth checking if you have gluten intolerance with your Dr?
  • fish9283
    fish9283 Posts: 25 Member
    Recently started using topical Voltaren gel for my knees. It works as well as oral NSAIDs, without the upset stomach and rebound headaches.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    It is true that WD40 penetrates and lubricates anything. I know aging auto mechanics that spray their aching hands.