Bad Bananas



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,836 Member
    If bananas have a somewhat alcoholic taste I don't eat them anymore. anything before that is fine. I'm even allergic to bananas that are still too green/yellow.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    I've read that most Americans prefer eating unripened bananas and never enjoy the sweetness of a truly ripe banana, because they think it is spoiled when it gets soft and mushy when ripe.

    For me, it's mostly a practical matter. Just easier to peel and eat an unripened banana. A ripe banana isn't "good" for long and huge mess to eat w/o a plate and fork or spoon. Better to use it in a smoothie or for baking in that case IMO.

    Don't think I've ever gotten a "bad" one. Partially bruised and discolored, yes, but never one so "bad" as to be unedible in whole or part.
  • quinnheaven703
    quinnheaven703 Posts: 5 Member
    Last night I had some black bananas :D I made smoothies out of them... two bananas, about 2tbsp of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, a cup of frozen strawberries... it was delicious!