Just need someone to hold me accountable!!!!!



  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    I need to surround myself with people having struggles and successes and accountability. We are all in this together.

    I feel that I can say with some certainty that we all have our struggles and successes.

    Personally for myself, I find the kitchen part (vs. working out) the hardest. I think the trick for most ppl isn't even the "dieting or working out part, it's the Lifestyle change that needs to occur, otherwise maintenance is going to be impossible.

    You hear the stories all the time "lost weight, gained it all back" Hence the need for lifestyle change.

    Many times I say to myself, "do I want this "snack" or do I want to look my best. Sometimes the snack wins, but more often then not my desire to look and feel my best wins out.
    I think internet accountability can be really motivating for a lot of people, myself included. I enjoy commenting on other people’s posts and celebrating their success. I’m also the type of person where if I post “I’m going to work out today” then I WILL work out that day even if I don’t want to because I already told everyone I was going to.

    Today I incorporated a 10 minute standing ab workout video from Fitness Blender into my cardio workout. It was my first time watching any of their videos and I really enjoyed it.

    Great job sister! I do core twice a week. I find it helps in so many other areas in my lifting.

  • fli_gal
    fli_gal Posts: 2 Member
    hi guys. I did good without over eating today but I ate to much today. So I will get back on the wagon tomorrow. I didn't want the food to go bad so I ate to much of my lunch