Let me know you a little better



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    I am immune/impervious to the effects of caffeine. What most of you would call a "caffeine high" or "buzz"? Yeah, I don't experience it, at all. Not even mild alertness. I can spend most of a day drinking coffee and highly caffeinated energy drinks with no effects one way or the other.

    Or drink three cups of joe and fall asleep immediately after. Kinda sucks.

    Omg. Me too. Pre-workout? Nothing. Not even with a double serving. But….I sure feel it when I quit caffeine. I get a five day headache and super tired. I’m currently off of caffeine again and have been for several months. I could be off of it for a year and have it and still nothing. I feel much better without it even though I don’t get any of the “benefits” while consuming it.

    I don't have withdrawal symptoms, either for whatever reason. Part of me would love to push the limits and see just how much I can consume in a day or if I can go past the "limit" for a person my size, but I know that can be dangerous and would probably just be stupid.
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 14,632 Member
    I have flown on many, many airplanes in my lifetime but have never watched a movie on a plane.
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member
    Menopause really sucks

    What do I have to look forward to as a woman? 🤨
    Can’t wait to just be a cyborg.
  • GymGoddessGoals
    GymGoddessGoals Posts: 2,146 Member
    Menopause really sucks

    It truly is profoundly sucky.
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member
    I'm 36 and I still play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). So much so that I spent 300+ on a metal pad for my home versions of the games.

    I also have two fully operational PS2s, a fully functional SEGA Genesis and a Gameboy Advance that still sorta works.

    This is cool
  • litha_
    litha_ Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited August 2021
    I used to really like going thrifting and exploring open air markets in different places.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Menopause really sucks

    What do I have to look forward to as a woman? 🤨
    Can’t wait to just be a cyborg.

    If you were a cyborg, what parts would you want replaced with mechanical ones?

    Today, I'm thinking I'd like the pain centers in my brain replaced with mechanical ones...that could not feel. Skin sensors I'd like to remain, 'cause self preservation and all, but I could deal without brain pain.
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    Menopause really sucks

    What do I have to look forward to as a woman? 🤨
    Can’t wait to just be a cyborg.

    If you were a cyborg, what parts would you want replaced with mechanical ones?

    Today, I'm thinking I'd like the pain centers in my brain replaced with mechanical ones...that could not feel. Skin sensors I'd like to remain, 'cause self preservation and all, but I could deal without brain pain.

    I mean that sounds good to me. I get migraines all the time now because I’m so smart. 🤓 I’d like to be the kind that is just the brain in a robot body. But minus the migraines.
  • Finishiitnow
    Finishiitnow Posts: 896 Member
    Menopause really sucks

    It truly is profoundly sucky.

    I feel hot-cold, happy-sad-mad, tired-full of energy, young-old. Menopause is my foe
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 14,632 Member
    I have a phobia of automatic drive-thru car washes.
    My car is always dirty.
  • Salt4Stone
    Salt4Stone Posts: 75 Member
    Ok Ok, So there I was Werkin N Da Garage all covered N Motor Oil... She walks N wearing NothiN butt Scuba Gear.. Datz when all Hell Broke Loose!!! Yep Lightning, Fire, Tornado Vortex N Suction Cup Kisses... iT was the start of a Purdy KEWL Band!! 🌪🎸🔊
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I have a phobia of automatic drive-thru car washes.
    My car is always dirty.

    I am so glad I am not the only one! I really need to wash my car and have been putting it off for a month.
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 14,632 Member
    RAinWA wrote: »
    I have a phobia of automatic drive-thru car washes.
    My car is always dirty.

    I am so glad I am not the only one! I really need to wash my car and have been putting it off for a month.

    My ex makes fun of me.
    The last time it was washed, he drove it through.
    I don’t really understand it but, whatever..🤷🏼‍♀️
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    RAinWA wrote: »
    I have a phobia of automatic drive-thru car washes.
    My car is always dirty.

    I am so glad I am not the only one! I really need to wash my car and have been putting it off for a month.

    My ex makes fun of me.
    The last time it was washed, he drove it through.
    I don’t really understand it but, whatever..🤷🏼‍♀️

    I don't understand it either - I've never had a bad experience in a drive thru car wash and I'm not claustrophobic, it just freaks me out.

    My husband laughs at me about it and he was in charge of washing the car but he can't drive any more so my car stays dirty. Oh well.
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 14,632 Member
    When we moved to Brazil in the 1970s,
    it took 3 visits to the AF Base for shots and vaccines/boosters.
    My little brother threw unbelievable tantrums.
    It was unpleasant 😭.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,864 Member
    I'm perfectly comfortable with heights...if I'm standing/sitting on something. The one time my daughter convinced me to get into this super-swing where you lay prone like Superman, then they pull it back in an arc before releasing you like a pendulum, I was freaking out and cussing up a storm. Yet I know I've stood unphased atop far higher buildings and mountain cliffs.