Lose 5lbs + in September 2018



  • saltypickle
    saltypickle Posts: 307 Member
    Original wt: 165
    October starting wt: 150.5
    October goal wt: 145
    December final wt: 138

    01: 150.5

    Total loss:
  • sunshinedaydream21
    sunshinedaydream21 Posts: 62 Member
    edited October 2018
    October starting wt: 154.8
    October goal wt: 150
    Goal weight: 145

    01: 154.8

    Total loss for October:
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    I can’t find the October thread :-/
  • sarahlucindac
    sarahlucindac Posts: 235 Member
    edited October 2018
    Posting here for October for now...

    Ultimate Starting weight - 200 Lbs
    *March 2018*
    Current weight - 156 Lbs
    October goal - 151 Lbs
    Ultimate goal - 150 Lbs
    **I might lower my goal to 140 once I meet my original goal**

    Sep 29 - 156
    Oct 6 -
    Oct 13 -
    Oct 20 -
    Oct 27 -

    Total goal loss for October: 5 Lbs
    Actual October loss:
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,757 Member
    Machafin wrote: »
    There is another thread for October weight loss, you could just use that one, it is setup the same way

    I saw that one,is it the same group,or a different one?
  • jeschields
    jeschields Posts: 90 Member
    Highest weight - 282
    Mfp starting weight - 260
    Oct starting weight - 193.9
    Oct goal - 189
    Ultimate goal - 145

    10/3: 193

    Total loss in October: 0.9
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Original Starting Weight: 167 lbs
    October Starting Weight 148.0 lbs
    October goal: 145 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 145 lbs

    I will be doing Wednesday weigh ins. Hopefully this will be my last challenge!

    Oct 1: 148.0 lbs
    Oct 3: 148.4 lbs
    Oct 10:
    Oct 17:
    Oct 24:
    Oct 31:

    Total loss for October: +0.4 lbs.

    No surprise that I had a slight increase. I was travelling for work the last couple of days so lots of eating out. Hopefully it falls back off by the next weigh in.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    I sent Samantha a message. If she responds, I'm sure that she will start a new thread. I don't want to abandon her. She started this almost 2 years ago. I'm going to give her some time. There is no reason that we can't continue here on this thread. Just post for October. <3

    Thanks for reaching out to her. Have you gotten a reply? Hope all is ok with her.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Historic Starting Weight: 258.7 lbs
    Recent Starting Weight: 238.6 lbs (2018)
    October Starting Weight 199.0 lbs
    October goal: 192 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 133 lbs

    I will be doing Wednesday weigh ins. Posting here til the October thread is up.

    Oct 1: 199.0 lbs
    Oct 3: 199.2 lbs
    Oct 10:
    Oct 17:
    Oct 24:
    Oct 31:

    Total loss for October: +0.2 lbs.

  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I sent Samantha a message. If she responds, I'm sure that she will start a new thread. I don't want to abandon her. She started this almost 2 years ago. I'm going to give her some time. There is no reason that we can't continue here on this thread. Just post for October. <3

    Thanks for reaching out to her. Have you gotten a reply? Hope all is ok with her.

    Not jumping ship, but I joined this October Challenge

  • AmyM831
    AmyM831 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm not bailing either. I will continue posting my weight here, as long it's still active.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    @mari_moulin, No, I haven't heard from her yet.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    I will keep posting here as well until Sam comes back. We can all just hang out here for October.
  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    Hope all is well with Samantha....I guess I'll stick around here until there's a new thread for October.
  • JennH517
    JennH517 Posts: 256 Member
    Hi everyone, so sorry I’ve been MIA
    I’m sad to say that one of my close friends passed away last week so I haven’t been on any type of social app

    If you can be patient with me a little longer I will have an October thread up for you within the day
    I’ll let you all know when it’s up and running

    Thanks everyone :) x

    I am very sorry for your loss, Samantha. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

  • JennH517
    JennH517 Posts: 256 Member
    I sent Samantha a message. If she responds, I'm sure that she will start a new thread. I don't want to abandon her. She started this almost 2 years ago. I'm going to give her some time. There is no reason that we can't continue here on this thread. Just post for October. <3

    Same here. Been in Samantha's threads since January 2016. We are a team. I will wait for our Captain.