I need some help with setting my goals

Cathina1967 Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2018 in Introduce Yourself
I've been logging my food and exercise on MFP for a number of years and am now trialling the premium membership.
I am female, menopausal, 51, 11st 6lbs, 5' 5.5" tall (I am sure that half an inch is crucial - ha ha).
I sit down all day at my desk so am sedentary (Fitbit tells me I do about 4000 steps), but I do outdoor bootcamps 2-3 (sometimes, but only very occasionally 4 or 5) times per week. I occasionally do ParkRun.
My weight was always around 11 stone until about a year ago. I seem to be able to maintain very well - i.e. I can eat a lot and not put on much. I can go on all inclusive holidays for 2 weeks and only put on 2lbs. So, some people would say that is lucky.
I have now put on half a stone (and it did creep up to 11st 9lbs) and I can't seem to shift it. At a recent menopause medical appointment it was recommended that I follow the Blood Sugar Diet for weight loss, but to ensure I get enough calcium. So I have been following those principles but not keeping to the 800 cals per day therefore not losing weight. I try and drink 2ltrs of water per day, but its more often than not about 1ltr....

I checked a number of macro calculator websites and on https://www.katyhearnfit.com/macro-calculator it said
Fat 55.6g/Carbs 87.2g/Protein 134.9g and Cals 1389 if one works out 4-6 times a week, and
Fat 55.6g/Carbs 60.5g/Protein 134.9g and Cals 1282 if one is totally sedentary.
Do these look about right?
If I workout I could eat the higher carbs and cals calculation...?
If I don't workout I could eat the fewer carbs and cals...?

I am also very confused about TDEE, calorie deficit, eating your calories, total calories and net calories.... any advice most welcome.

I would like to get to 10st 7lbs.


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    honestly i just put in my stats in MFP and let it do it's magic. When i run I add the run exercise calories back in. you can get a guestimate calorie count for your workouts and on the days you do them eat those back.

    i also don't look at macros per say. I don't eat more or less carbs if I workout or not. as long as i follow my calorie limits it doesn't matter what the macros are.