Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • Mandi5512
    Mandi5512 Posts: 61 Member
    Logged yes and under!
    Steps 11286
    Exercise treadmill 3mph 30 min

    Feeling better today finally! Back on track, just in time for Christmas food 😂😂
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Finally dropped under 167 again! 166.6 this morning
    Having a good week so far moving a little more each day.
    Almost done getting ready for Christmas, plan to shop today for those last few gifts, than bake another batch of cookies. I made my husband his favorite now for mine. There will be nine of us here for Christmas Eve so I'm still trying to decide what I should fix - finger foods (sandwiches and fixings) or a meal?
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Good morning all! Early check in for me...then I need to get busy!

    Yesterday I started to not feel so hot, but I did get in my steps, did 10 minutes of yoga and ate pretty good considering. I ended up having soup for dinner with added chicken in it (for protein). Today our company is heading over to Feed My Starving Children and pack meals, but I think I'm going to back out, still not feeling 100%.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited December 2018
    User ID: Shirin_K
    Week 3
    Weigh-in Day: Thursday
    Previous weight: 170.4
    Current weight: 169.4
    Week 3 Step Count: 56283

    Also, my Week 2 step count was 61530. The spreadsheet shows a different number, not really a big deal though.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Daily check in for: Wednesday
    Logged: Yes and a little over
    Water: 64oz
    Exercise & Steps: Leslie Sansone walking tape, 20 min and 10,835 steps
    Day 5 on my string

    I was going to break my string but you know what? I did really well considering so I am keeping it intact. I got the walking tape in before we left for the shore. We met friends for lunch down here and I had a glass of wine. I have to work on feeling badly if someone isn't drinking because I am not. I wouldn't have had one normally. My husband and I ended up at a steak house in Atlantic City for dinner. My plan was to eat 1/2 of everything and I did. We actually haven't been alone in a while and were talking so much that we were eating slower and I actually felt full! Lol! It wasn't hard to stop eating. AND I didn't feel gross and stuffed. I also did my one before dinner, one with and one after dinner with my drink and drank a lot of water. I logged 64 because I am not exactly sure how much but I am sure I was over. I also did pretty well at the casino so it was a good night. I always just spend what I think is fair for "entertainment" so that way if you lose, it isn't like you really lost. If that makes sense. I actually went home with that and some more so very nice. Sorry for being MIA yesterday but I think I will be all caught up after I am done here. Tonight another dinner out but I already looked at the menu and have the same plan for drinks. No matter if we have drinks before or after, I limit myself to one at dinner. I also LOVE all the fancy holiday drinks they have but I am sticking to my prosecco. Hope everyone has a great day!!

    @cyndiesstuff The big problem this time of year at the shore is drinking of course and basically not eating like I am on vacation. I really need to get myself in a solid routine before the summer hits. I can’t be in vacation mode from May to Oct. Exercise is awesome during that time but eating and drinking is another story. Don’t beat yourself up about the weight gain. You have so much going on. Just try to get it under control ASAP! That is key. Your step count is awesome!
    @Mrsbell8well Your coworker was me for so many years. I have finally learned that you can never be “off”. I obviously struggle but I am really trying to just enjoy the holiday and get right back on track.
    @DananaNanas Thank you for stepping up to the step challenge. (Lol! See what I did there?) You have had a tough year but look at all you have accomplished. Even though you feel like you aren’t where you would like to be, think of where you would be if you DIDN’T do those things. Hang in there and keep doing what you’re doing. I know with my daughter it can be a while to find the right medication and dosage and the right therapist. Don’t give up on yourself. You are worth the effort. This is totally a guess but I think that most people don’t your struggles. You seem like you are probably the funny, entertaining person of the group. That is also a lot to live up to. Like I said, totally a guess but just from some of the things you have written in the past, I get that vibe. And never feel bad about coming in here and venting. Weight has so many factors to it. All these stresses or celebrations are part of our issues. This is also a safe place that you don’t really have to worry about being judged. Hugs!
    @nstephenson01 Your decluttering reminded me I never told you (or maybe I did) that I took from your example and got rid of Christmas stuff we don’t use. I actually gave them to my son and his fiancé who just bought a house this fall. Maybe I will declutter the attic before the decorations go back in Jan. You seem to do well even when the weather doesn’t cooperate. Your dogs are good motivation.
    @Shirin_K great job hitting those goals. I need to do the pledge too. It kinda forces me to think about the day and possible problems that may arise and plans to ward them off. And another great day yesterday! Nice loss this week too!
    @carlsoda never worry about not checking in. Although it is good that you do, it shouldn’t be a cause for stress. I was thinking while reading your post that I would be struggling with not ordering pancakes lol! That is definitely a WIN! Great job! I also didn’t realize you mall walked! Great idea for the cold weather. Happy to hear you are staying on track! Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Feel better soon
    @ljdanny I bet he wasn’t happy but I am guessing it is just to keep it stable since they just removed the pins. I am glad he is doing better. What a nightmare to go through, for all of you. Hugs.
    @Mandi5512 I am glad you are feeling better. Great day yesterday!
    @bbcbw Wtg!! Nice loss!
    @pacsnc6 sounds like you are doing great! I do Christmas Eve too just with out immediate family. We always do appetizers and finger foods. I asked the kids if they wanted a dinner and they want to stick with the appetizers. I was surprised. Good luck whatever you decide.
    @eyesopennow At least the scale is going in the right direction. Great job! Especially this time of year! You usually weigh in Fridays, do you want me to use this weight for the week?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member

    Thursday's Weigh Ins still due

    Friday's Weigh Ins

    Saturday's Weigh Ins

    Late Weigh Ins
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    T.E.A.M. Pledge I really need to do this today

    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:(stole my goal from @Shirin_K Lol!)

    Log my food, stay under my calories and get 10000 steps

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:

    Get out before the rain to ride bike and hopefully walk on the beach or boardwalk
    Get up every hour and move
    Look at menu and plan meal before going to restaurant
    Log everything
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 LOVE your beach house décor! Can I stop by??? Our family is all over the place. MIL just getting out of hospital. Not doing too good. Molly will be there. Robin and Skylynn at boyfriend's house. Dad has his daughter and granddaughter coming over whom I have never met. I am not counting on anything or anyone. We will celebrate when we can. But I wish I had a glass of wine in front of that cute little fireplace.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @Mrsbell8well . Thank you! I wish you could join me! I am sorry to hear about Molly's mom. I know she has been having a rough couple of months. I will keep her in my prayers.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    Week 3
    Pw 186.4
    Cw 187
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @ljdanny not bad at all. Especially this time of year!
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