Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    Today is the same as yesterday's.

    Week ?
    PW 237.4
    CW 237.2

    falling at a maddeningly slow pace this month
  • Mandi5512
    Mandi5512 Posts: 61 Member
    @amsandos just bout everyone on this team has been there and done that. No judgment. It feels promising to me when you can open up and post. You have everyone on this team rooting for you. It is a hard journey. But worthwhile for sure! I like that you are regrouping and trying to be gentle as you recommit. You can definitely do this!
    @lennoncpa I’m so glad your on this team. You are doing great! I eat a lot of raw nuts too but try to limit it to once a day a small amount. I try to bulk up on fruits and vegetables for the most part. I like that you keep analyzing and readjusting. I think Cyndie calls that tenacity.
    @lenka1 so sorry u aren’t feeling well. Zinc tablets really help me. And sooooo sorry for your little birdie. Sweet pic.
    @Mandi5512 I bought the Versa for my wife for Christmas. She knows she’s getting it. I’m so excited for you. Let us know what you think.
    @sleepymom5 so glad u had a good day. You have changed so much. Look at you coasting successfully through the holidays! Very proud of you.

    So far love it! After the initial set up its great 😉
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Daily check in for: Thursday
    Logged: Yes and a little over
    Water: 64oz
    Exercise & Steps: Leslie Sansone walking tape, 20 min and 10,021 steps
    Day 6 on my string

    Wow! A pound down! And I have been drinking and eating out. Usually my weight jumps up with alcohol and the sodium from eating out. I am very happy. I am going to go shopping today while we are here and my husband is working. Afterwards we are meeting friends for dinner and heading home. I am going to do a walking video before I head out to shop
    because the weather is miserable. I did stick to my pledge yesterday except I didn't get out fast enough to bike or walk on the beach. Otherwise I did great. Last night at dinner I stuck to my plan and ordered chicken since I had a big dinner the night before. It was the most unappealing dinner Lol! But I ordered a side of brussel sprouts and they were really good. I was hoping no one would want to share and I am happy they didn't lol! I did get a small dessert, you could get a normal size or a little more than a bite sized so I was happy with that.
    I hope everyone has a great day!

    @lenka1  oh no!   Poor little thing.  She is beautiful.  I wish there was something that could be done for her pain but I am sure all the TLC you are giving her is helping her.   Which by the way sounds like you could use a little TLC yourself.  Hope you feel better soon!  Hugs!
    @mandi5512  Another great day!   I have had a Fitbit for years!  I find it very motivating.   I don’t know after all these years how to add friends but lmk and I will send you my info.
    @amsandos I noticed that you hadn’t been checking in so I was going over to your page to send you a little note and I noticed we weren’t friends so that’s what prompted the friend request.   First thing, don’t beat yourself up.  Believe me, I have had many of those times in my past.  The important thing is to just get yourself back on track.  Whatever you gained,just don’t stress and recommit to what you need to do.   Even if you want to just maintain and not lose during the holidays.  Make a plan.  It took me YEARS to get that through my thick skull!  I maybe should say decades.  It makes things easier because you are not making choices under pressure or when you’re hungry.   Sometimes the plan is to indulge but at a set limit.  This isn’t a short term thing, this is going to be for your life.  I know you can do it.  Give yourself credit for putting a stop to it now and not just saying you’ll be back in Jan. Hang in there!  Hugs!
    @Mrsbell8well   I am pretty excited, I would never think I could enjoy the holidays AND still be on track.  I really feel different this time.  Good luck at your meeting!!  Hugs!
    @lennoncpa.  I think maintaining is great!  Especially this time of year.
    @cyndiesstuff   I am glad you have a long weekend.  You need to get a break from that place! Lol!  I hope you are having a little relief at least from your pain.  We went out last night with friends and a new couple we didn’t know.  We were supposed to have dinner and go on this little trolley ride to see the lights in this quaint little town (Cape May).  The one lady had taken pain meds before she came and although she knew they make her sick, the pain was so bad she had to take them.  I felt so bad for her. She ended up just going to the car to lie down. She was the one who made the plans too.  I kept thinking of you.  This poor lady is in a similar situation. She started with a new doctor so they are hoping maybe there is something that can be done. Btw, we ate quick so they could head home, we didn’t leave her in the car while we had fun!
    @carlsoda I will be 53 in January and I feel like I am finally starting to figure it out.   I can relate to your cookie story.  I feel the same way.  Let’s have a great holiday season AND keep it healthy this year!  Xo
    @eyesopennow   It’s going in the right direction!   This is a tough month.  You’re doing great!
    @mandi5512  You are doing good!  Hang in there. I  think it is a harder with little ones in the house.  I don’t have it in the house yet so it is going to be harder once Christmas hits.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @code4food Congratulations!! I am so excited for you!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Thanks everyone! The bird seems better today :) still limping but more herself.

    I didn’t sleep much last night. I had fever til about 2 am and then after 5 am I finally made myself get up and get ibuprofen. I was aching (hips and joints) for hours in bed trying to fall asleep before I took some pills. Dummy me. Of course my daughter woke up after 8 so I’m running on 3h of sleep:/

    But I actually feel better, just tired and congested. My workouts abs steps will be weak this week

    But I made it to 140s lol 😂 I weighted myself. I was 3 pounds down from Saturday, however I’d say at least half of it is due to being sick.

    Weekend is almost here! :)

    @Mrsbell8well good luck with your meeting!

    @amsandos hugs! It’s so tough... just look at long term goals. You came so far and one bad day won’t ruin your efforts. You can do this. It’s okay to let go and have some stuff to satisfy your taste buds. But don’t let that throw you off.
    The key is get back to good eating and habits on the next day.

    @sleepymom5 your beach house decor is great! We go to jersey shore too - twice in summer. It’s fun :) my husband has been going to the same place with his whole family for past 30ish years so it’s like a tradition we can’t break :)
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    @nstephenson01 This made me think of you. Your dogs out for a run, in bad weather...Daisy when my daughter went to take her for a walk 😂

    Awe!! What a cute picture @sleepymom5!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in for: Thursday
    Logged: Nope
    Water: not enough
    Exercise & Steps: 6.5 mile hike; 18,901 steps

    Yesterday started out pretty well. Had a great hike with my new neighbor and two of her dogs. I think we might be very compatible hikers. When I got back home hubby needed my help on a project outside. By the time we finished for the day I was cold, exhausted and hungry. Not a good combo... cooked a carb-loaded dinner and ended up doing a nose dive into the fudge my neighbor had brought over. Stopped myself after 3 pieces. Oh well... today's a new day. Tonight is a Winter Solstice party at another neighbor's house. They're a rather "eccentric" couple LOL. Last time we visited she brought out some homemade plum wine; I think I had a hangover for three days! Tonight I'm bringing wine and sparkling water to drink. Will do what I did for the last party also which is have a snack beforehand.

    Way behind on posts... will try to catch up. Take care everyone.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Dehydrated green juice pulp turned into a seeded cracker. Topped with vegan cashew cheese, organic pea sprouts and an organic blackberry. So yummy I ate 4 of them.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Friday
    Logged: No
    Water: 56oz
    Exercise & Steps: 12851 steps

    My pain has been bad and I feel like I am on a downward spiral. After the holidays I believe i will go back to counseling. It is really hard to deal with the bleak outlook of being in pain forever.

    @carlsoda i have said that all along. work 2 days and have 5 off and get paid the same. ohhh wouldn't it be glorious....

    @eyesopennow you are doing fine. if we maintain thru the holidays it is a win! lets just get thru this next week and then hit it hard. you got this buddy.

    @Mandi5512 your doing fine. look at all you have learned so far about what your body needs. it's not just about the scale. its more about the change in your state of mind. keep it up!

    @sleepymom5 yessss! you lost a pound the week before christmas. doing the happy dance! i love the new you, keep it up girl!!

    @code4food. ohh what a christmas blessing. i am soo happy for you and your family. what a beautiful present.

    @lenka1 I hated when my children were little and the sickness ran thru the house. you hang in there and get some rest. and feed you body some nutritious food it needs it right now.

    @Lyssysho26 I am so glad you got the help you needed. Sometimes we can't do it on our own. be proud you recognized it and are putting in the work you need to be healthy both physically and mentally.

    @Mrsbell8well wooo whoo. i am glad things are going well for you. you must have just wowed scot with your confidence and beautiful smile! you keep that up. the new you is amazing. and that looks like an amazing snack. I would truly dive right into that!

    @nstephenson01 sometimes i think the eccentric friends are more fun. i am amazed at the way they think. you know nancy, we have been at this a long time. you have been working sooooo hard. lets just get thru the holidays and then regroup, reflect and recommit. at least we will have till easter to concentrate on our ultimate goal.

    @DananaNanas we will take that as a maintain. hang in there chickie!

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