Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • gottagetthisdown
    gottagetthisdown Posts: 125 Member
    Good morning all,

    I do not know if I am still part of the group I have been preoccupied and not exercising or sticking to my meals as I wanted to. I haven't gained much weight which is very surprising but I am hoping to get back on track next week. I hope you all are enjoying your day and had a very Merry Christmas!
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Tuesday (a day late this week due to Christmas)
    Week 4
    PW: 193.6
    CW: 193.4
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Tuesday
    Logged: No
    Water: Not enough
    Exercise & Steps: house cleaning after 2 Christmas gatherings and 5557 steps.

    Ok. I am sooooo glad that is over. I am afraid of the scale tomorrow. Between the pain and all the holiday I am sure it is not pretty. But I will be on track. I am making home made bean and ham soup with the left over ham hock! yummmmm. and good for you to. Now I am working on getting my head back in the game. Never give up.

    @Mrsbell8well you lost weight thru Christmas. I am soooo proud of you good job. your Christmas dinner looked delish. one handed downward dog.... lol you show off. I wish you could be closer to help me learn how to cook all that delicious food.

    @ljdanny I hope you had a very merry Christmas.

    @Ashleigh1178 not bad at all for Christmas. now back on track.

    @nstephenson01 your meal looks amazing, even better than the picture. and you house is like a Christmas card how beautiful.

    @twyla77 happy day after Christmas Twyla. back on track today girl!

    @Shirin_K love the new profile pic. very pretty. and marry Christmas to you too. now it is time to get back on track and regroup after a beautiful holiday. congrats on the new fitbit!!

    @Lyssysho26 omgooosh 5.6 pounds that is amazing. how was your Christmas?

    @lennoncpa your Christmas sounds just magical. I don't care how old they get, they are still your babies.

    @lenka1 what a nice home gym. holiday is over. back on track today. purge the leftovers from the kitchen.

    @sleepymom5 I just love pictures of the shore. you are so lucky to have natures playground as your gym!!

    @Mandi5512 ohhhh nooo is your baby oK? what was wrong? time to deep clean that house and get rid of all the yuckies.

    @ihp2015 this is awesome. love your home gym. no excuses back on track today. and your right, that weight will just fall right back off. no harm no foul.

    @gottagetthisdown you are still part of us. what is your weigh in?

    @phoebe112476 yes... Christmas and a loss on the scale. good job!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    I am just posting this so we don't have to dig back through the thread to see what is next!

    1. Strike a pose Sunday, selfie with a little introduction

    2. Healthy Meal Monday, picture of what did you have for dinner

    3. To my work out on Tuesday, picture of home, park, gym, where do you work out?

    4. Inspirational Wisdom Wednesday, Picture of what motivates you to keep going

    5. Transformation Thursday, picture what has changed about you this month

    6. Fun Festivities Friday, what do you do to liven it up

    7. Silly Saturday- post a pic of something silly or fun

    Thanks @sleepymom.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Clear out the Crap - Why test your will power unneccesarily? If there is leftover holiday food and that IS YOUR WEAKNESS THROW IT OUT! Half a dozen christmas cookies? Ditch them. Don’t think, just pitch it. I used to have a girlfriend who would eat her fill of her restaurant dinner and as soon as she felt slightly full, she would pour pepper all over the remaining food on her plate. Crazy, but effective to prevent overeating. I have no Holiday deserts left in my house. I packed them all up and sent them with the guests. It is becoming a new holiday tradition in my house. But we can use it for more than just the holidays. Jim likes his treats. I have him keep them in his snack cupboard. I do not go into that cupboard. Out of sight out of mind. And if it is something that is irresistible to me, I have him take it to work and eat it with his buddies.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in for: Tuesday
    Logged: No
    Water: Not enough
    Exercise & Steps: 4,830 steps

    Had a quiet, relaxing Christmas with hubby and our two dogs. I ate things I shouldn't but didn't go overboard. Dinner cooked in the slow cooker all day so our meal was easy peasy with minimal dishes. I remarked to my husband how so many of my Christmas memories included an endless stack of dishes and hours at the kitchen sink. Sure... great conversation and memories were made but I didn't miss the dishes LOL. At the end of the day I felt such a sense of peace and calm. So different from previous, crazy Christmases. Woke this morning feeling good and motivated. Not surprisingly weight is up today but starting today its back to basics... hydration, more fruits/veggies and exercise. I need to remind myself I didn't come this far to come this far!!

    @lennoncpa I love your Christmas tradition with your sons!!

    @Shirin_K Enjoy your new Fitbit. I love mine... I think it helps me stay accountable.

    WTG @Mrsbell8well!! A loss over the holidays!!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Good morning everyone! Good thoughts @cyndiestuff! And your granddaughter is so precious! I wish you lived next door to me and yes we would cook together. Your a great cook and I know you could put together any of those dishes that I made. I can't wait to eat my leftovers today. My dad noticed me drinking my peppermint tea for dessert. "can I have some of that too he asked?" Of course!
    I found a big secret of my success is to make positively sure that I have drool worthy items on the dinner table. There is no way I felt guilty or overly stuffed after dinner. And my leftovers are so healthy that they will continue to feed me for the next few days. Molly really enjoyed all the yummy food as well.
    I bought Skylynn a raw foods dessert cookbook for Christmas. She is making cheesecake for New Years. Yum...I get to enjoy cheesecake now too! I am also making a special vegan "raw" gingerbread cookie dough this weekend. You stuff it into medjool dates then dip the whole thing in chocolate. It's all on my new Yes yes list. All organic all raw. Life is good.
    @Shirin_K So nice to have a pretty profile pic to get to know you better! Lovely.
    @gottagetthisdown welcome back! Not sure what you have been up to but looks impressive!
    @sleepymom5 I am hoping you and I will become really good friends and I will come and spend the summer with you kayaking, swimming, biking and having a whole lot of fun!!! Lol...I think you are living my dream life.
    @lennoncpa your Christmas story has completely charmed me. How delightful!
    @lenka1 your story is so real to so many of us. Just a few harmless treats turn in to a desire for more. It is so hard to get it back together. But if anyone has the willpower to get back on track...that person is certainly you!
    @ihp2015 Isn't it great to get all those temptations behind us? Now your ready to rededicate just in time for 2019!
    @Mandi5512 I was so sorry to hear about your little one. I hope he is feeling better. Your whole family...I hope they get well real quick. How are you holding up?
    @phoebe112476 Yes a loss this time of year? Definitely something to be proud of!
    @cyndiesstuff thanks for the praise. I am so proud of that little 1/2 pound more than some of the big losses. It thrills me to eat so well at Christmas and still lose weight.

    I have done really well with my yoga but desperately miss doing my walking/running. I keep saying I am going to start again. Now Molly has a fitbit so there is no way I am going to bed and letting her have more steps than me! (@lenka1 I am very competitive too! lol) Hoping to get my cardio back on my calendar ASAP.
    We do a traditional New Years day hike every year since we met...6 or 7 years now. This year Molly may be with her mom. She is still struggling. We have hiked through ice, snow, wind, the worst conditions and had a blast. We take any company with us that is willing to go. Still not sure what is going to happen this year. It's a beautiful 3 mile hike around Lake Laura. @nstephenson01 doesn't compare to your hikes but it's still outdoors and exhilarating!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lennoncpa wow that's crazy! Your brave. but love the clogging group!!!! How fun!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @ihp2015 I love your inspirational post! Beautiful pics! You can totally do this!

    I forgot to post my other notes Lol!
    @shirin_k. Beautiful new profile pic!!
    @mandi5512 How scary! I am glad your son is doing better now. You guys have been sick over there for a while. I agree, once you have a break from school they should be feeling better
    @ihp2015. Love your home gym! I had the day after Thanksgiving weigh in that was not pretty Lol! I agree, that is probably mostly water so no worries!
    @mrsbell8well Nice loss! Love the cute jeans as motivation! Will you leave them there to see every time you open the closet?
    I have to tell you, that peppermint tea has replaced alcohol on quite a few occasions this month for me. Of course you must come to the shore! However your peaceful dream may be shattered when you remember I have 5 kids! Lol! I love your New Years hike tradition. I would love to join you! Maybe virtually I will. I think Molly should try to schedule it in. I think it would be a good thing for her. She needs to take care of herself too. Not sure if you have to travel to get there but if it’s local it may do her spirit wonders.
    @gottagetthisdown of course you are still part of this group! Thanks for checking in! We always love hearing from you. Nice loss too!!
    @cyndiesstuff. I will try to hold back my gushing over your granddaughter but OMG she’s
    so cute!!! Love that cute little face! Ok..I will stop...thanks for picking up the slack, I just needed some extra time to get moving the past few days lol! I need to get my head back in the game too. Back to my book! Today I will figure out where to start back at. Lol! Great words of advice too. I am getting rid of the junk as soon as I get off the computer
    @nstephenson01 Haha! That is so true about the dishes 😂 many of my holiday memories included piles of dishes. Sounds like you had the perfect Christmas
    @lennoncpa-you are the cutest!! Love both pics! I usually look like a crazy nut in those roller coaster pics! Do you perform with the clogging group or do you do it for fun?
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    I got my Fitbit for Christmas, I went to Zumba and did a Leslie sansone video today to start getting my steps in. I hated seeing a zero next to my name in my Fitbit app and not being able to participate in my challenges. I also got a GC so I can go buy new sneakers. I plan on working out every day of my vacation. Maybe getting a few things done around the house but I am going to take 1 day to do nothing after my workout. Tomorrow the scale probably won't be pretty but I'll keep working at it. I refused to take any dessert home yesterday, I made my cousin keep it all, so that's a start.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @ljdanny woo hooo it feels like you have been waiting forever for that Fitbit!
    @Ihp2015 wowzer...those are great pics! Great motivation! Love the string bikini!
    @sleepymom5 What a sweet family! Best motivation possible! I like your goal to stay healthy for them. I feel like I already know your kids from hearing you talk so lovingly about them.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    @lennoncpa I live like 15 minutes from Cedar Point :)

    I'm sorry I'm behind everyone, updating my steps now! I know I posted in here about my tracker not working Friday and Saturday but I must not have put anything in the stepping thread... ugh. Sorry :/ and sorry for the low steps :/ most of them came from chasing my dog around at family gatherings!
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