HIIT ideas for a runner?



  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    edited January 2019
    Awesome suggestions and so knowledgeable, yall. I guess I mean HIIT as a way to increase endurance and pain threshold. I'm a long distance runner and would love to increase speed without increasing running days.

    You should check out some running plans then that correspond to your next race (or current distance-speed goal). Those will generally include 1 weekly long run (endurance) and 1 day of speedwork (intervals) along with some easy runs to add weekly mileage.

    Weight training did a lot to increase my running speed and muscle endurance (as long as I'm not running the next day after a weight training session - I have less fatigue if I run the same day -- may vary with person).
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    ritzvin wrote: »
    Awesome suggestions and so knowledgeable, yall. I guess I mean HIIT as a way to increase endurance and pain threshold. I'm a long distance runner and would love to increase speed without increasing running days.

    You should check out some running plans then that correspond to your next race (or current distance-speed goal). Those will generally include 1 weekly long run (endurance) and 1 day of speedwork (intervals) along with some easy runs to add weekly mileage.

    Weight training did a lot to increase my running speed and muscle endurance (as long as I'm not running the next day after a weight training session - I have less fatigue if I run the same day -- may vary with person).