JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    Sooo tired! First day of vacation travels to see family. Was up at 3:30 eastern time and now heading to bed 9 pm pacific time. 😴
    My only goal today was to not overeat and frankly I would have done better if I could have eaten lunch at a normal time but by the time I was eating it I was famished! Ate so much I didn’t eat any dinner and I am still not hungry.
    I drank a ton of water today though and feel like I ran 10 miles. Tomorrow I’m going to get up and do a walk/run plus some stretching and yoga to make up for it. Hoping to just be reasonable with food and get lots of walking in.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    @bosswitch Welcome to the Group. Accountability and support is what we are all about. One day at a time, building better habits.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    JFT - Friday August 2
    2L of water - 🙂
    Log all food- 👿
    Gratitude Journal - 👿

    JFT - Saturday August 3
    2L of water
    Log all food
    Gratitude Journal

    I went out after work for dinner with the leadership team as one is leaving. I had a burger and fries and a couple of delicious drinks that were probably way too many calories. I did drink lots of water too though. I didn’t log it but I’m sure I was right at my 1200 calories yesterday because that’s all I ate all day.

    I had a wonderful evening with Rodg and didn’t pay any attention to my phone or social media.

    Today we are going to buy car parts and then when he’s working on the car, I’ll clean the house. It’s a long weekend here so I have lots of time.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hi all, having a wobbly day here so far today. My kids are off with their dad for the weekend but my eldest felt ill first thing and was really tearful about going. So I feel horrible about it and quite emotional. Went to a long hot yoga class this morning but I don’t feel like it really helped. All kinds of anxious and now sitting at home staring at my to-do list and not doing any of it. So hopefully posting it here will prompt me to get on with it...

    Friday goals recap:
    - morning run ✅ 5k - short but sweet!
    - babysitting at 10:30 ✅
    - brunch with kids and N ✅
    - help P pack for adventure week ✅
    - kids to pack for weekend with their dad ✅
    - laundry ✅ needs putting away though!
    - pack for weekend with bf ❎
    - lay out yoga gear✅
    - bed by 9:30❎

    Saturday goals:
    - kids up and ready for their Dad ✅
    - yoga at 10 ✅
    - tan
    - put away laundry
    - pack for bf’s place
    - relax and hydrate
    - bed at a reasonable hour

    Have a great weekend all x
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    @Faebert Parenting is so hard! I'm sending you a big hug, and just the fact that your eldest feels comfortable enough to lose it with you emotionally means you are doing the right things. We are their safe place. Hugs Mama.

    @bosswitch Welcome! I love having the daily accountability, and everyone here is so nice and supportive. I just started posting here a few months ago and I've found it extremely helpful.

    @Snowflake1968 Sounds like a great day! :)
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    JFT 8/3

    30 minutes exercise :)
    Drink water
    Have fun and be in the moment
    Make 'mostly' healthy choices

    Vacation day two! I already got in a 34 minute walk/run and am heading to the old hometown to do some sightseeing/walking later and then dinner at a very fancy exclusive restaurant that I've been wanting to check out for years. Healthy choices all day, then whatever the chef serves at dinner. Can't wait! QT time with family and lots of walking, today will be a great day.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    @nlmackey98 - I hope you have a wonderful vacation. My parents used to let me take a friend on vacation too. It made it easier on them I think.

    @cschmitz110515 - I so miss clothes drying on a line. I am a little envious.

    @maryrobinson40 - I was thinking about you this week and wondering how you were. It has been a struggle for sure lately.

    @mytime6630 - I had a theory when my girls were making life decisions that we didn’t necessarily agree with that we had to show support and be there for them. I feared if I wasn’t supportive that if things fell apart they wouldn’t come to us when they needed us.

    @Faebert - awe I feel for you.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    @mytime6630 - I had a theory when my girls were making life decisions that we didn’t necessarily agree with that we had to show support and be there for them. I feared if I wasn’t supportive that if things fell apart they wouldn’t come to us when they needed us.

    That is my theory also ... it is not our life, it is our sons. And .. he seems so happy. So we are happy about that, and looking forward to seeing all of them in a couple of weeks. We are very supportive to him. Life is short, and as I tell him, find the happiness in life because someday it all ends.

    Today I cleaned out my sewing room... such a great feeling! I took 4 large bags of fabric to goodwill .. and bought a new carpet to put down. This time, I just bought a $18.00 indoor/outdoor carpet. It is as thin as can be, but, I can take it out and just shake it out ... and my chair rolls on it nicely. I still have to tackle the closets ... but one project at a time.

    Went to the gym this morning, so started my day out right!!

    So goals for today (even though I said I may only post once a week, the accountability is good, and today I have time!).

    JFt, Saturday
    1. log all food... make wise choices
    2. gym (already done this!).
    3. work in my sewing room.
    4. work in the guest room .... I already have 3 more boxes for goodwill. Feels so refreshing to get rid of some of the clutter!~
    5. go to Home Depot -- buy fresh flowers for our patio. I still have pansies in one of the containers!
    6. concentrate on 8+ water

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Hey all! Missed you all. Its been a hellish week. We thought DH had sun poisoning last weekend, sick, fever of almost 103, miserable headache, and night sweats. But we couldnt place the night sweats. Then on Wednesday a rash started forming...thought maybe hives. But by Friday it turned into the tell tale Bullseye of Lyme disease. Hes in between insurances, but we had to go to urgent care. Fortunately, he was seen, diagnosed, and perscribed antibiotics with our too much of a hit to our wallet. But the week was long, stressful and tiring for us both. Now his meds are making him itchy and it will be another 3 weeks of treatment. Oh dear.

    On top of that, we were supposed to buy a lot of land abutting our property. We had been sold by the sellers realtor on the fact that its a buildable lot. Our attorney alerted us on day of closing it is not, but their realtor claimed we knew that. We were in fact told the opposite. We pushed the closing back a week while we do more due diligence. But we were so angry to have been flat out lied to. It's a complicated situation, so we are waiting to hear back from building comissioner and tax assesor. Its such a small town thought that they only work one day a week so its hurry up and wait at the moment. Someone was definitelt watching out for ua that this information made its way to light before we signed though.

    I had my first doctora appointment to confirm pregnancy. It didnt go as I expected or hoped. My doctor had no congratulation...just asked if it was planned and told me her first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, and 1 in 4 pregnancies doesnt make it out of the first trimester, and that the OB wont be contacting me until Atleast 12 weeks incase i miscarry so they dont waste their time. I'm not naive, I know these are all facts about miscarriage but it felt so insensitive and unnecessary to approach it so negatively. It was dissapointing to say the least. Im trying to stay positive but she really stressed me out more than anything. Ive been hiding my feelings in food for a week now...gotta climb out of this hole.

    Oh my -- you've had a lot going on! Glad your DH went to urgent care to get antiobiotics! I always worry about Lymn Disease because of all the deer we have in our yard.

    I am so sorry your doctor was so discouraging. That is horrible... no doctor should have such negativity. I cannot believe a doctor would say that to you ... no wonder you are turning to food. But think positive .... don't let her ruin your happiness and excitement. Big congrats to you!

    I;ve missed so much by not getting on here ... time to try and catch up on all that you all have going on. Such strong women we have on here!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Hey all! Missed you all. Its been a hellish week. We thought DH had sun poisoning last weekend, sick, fever of almost 103, miserable headache, and night sweats. But we couldnt place the night sweats. Then on Wednesday a rash started forming...thought maybe hives. But by Friday it turned into the tell tale Bullseye of Lyme disease. Hes in between insurances, but we had to go to urgent care. Fortunately, he was seen, diagnosed, and perscribed antibiotics with our too much of a hit to our wallet. But the week was long, stressful and tiring for us both. Now his meds are making him itchy and it will be another 3 weeks of treatment. Oh dear.

    On top of that, we were supposed to buy a lot of land abutting our property. We had been sold by the sellers realtor on the fact that its a buildable lot. Our attorney alerted us on day of closing it is not, but their realtor claimed we knew that. We were in fact told the opposite. We pushed the closing back a week while we do more due diligence. But we were so angry to have been flat out lied to. It's a complicated situation, so we are waiting to hear back from building comissioner and tax assesor. Its such a small town thought that they only work one day a week so its hurry up and wait at the moment. Someone was definitelt watching out for ua that this information made its way to light before we signed though.

    I had my first doctora appointment to confirm pregnancy. It didnt go as I expected or hoped. My doctor had no congratulation...just asked if it was planned and told me her first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, and 1 in 4 pregnancies doesnt make it out of the first trimester, and that the OB wont be contacting me until Atleast 12 weeks incase i miscarry so they dont waste their time. I'm not naive, I know these are all facts about miscarriage but it felt so insensitive and unnecessary to approach it so negatively. It was dissapointing to say the least. Im trying to stay positive but she really stressed me out more than anything. Ive been hiding my feelings in food for a week now...gotta climb out of this hole.

    What a stupid doctor.
    And what a disgusting thing to say, not bothering to contact you until 12 weeks incase you miscarry?! What a load of bull!
    The reason it will be 12 weeks is thats when they can arrange the first scan, the earliest time they can make accurate measurements of your babies development! Ive been in at 9 weeks over miscalculated dates and they brought be back at 12 to do the measurements!

    Did he do your BP and stuff?

    If you want to contact your OB, then DO.
    The amount of people who worry about ringing when they think is something wrong! Its their JOB to make sure youre okay.

    Even in later pregnancy, when you dont feel enough kicks, you can ring even hours later if movement stop again!

    Hope youre feeling a bit better from it now!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Scale Goals progress:
    SW: 227 (Mar 2014) Worsening hip problem made weight loss imperative.
    Jan 2015: 220: -7lbs; Struggled on my own to lose that 7 lbs. Joined MFP on daughter's recommendation.
    UGW: 153 (losing 1 lb per week)
    Sept 2015: 189:✅ -38; Had my hip replacement op.
    Oct 2016: 153:✅ -75: My lowest weight in a long time. It was a really struggle losing the final few lbs.
    Nov 2016: 160:🤦🏼‍♀️ -68: A holiday and several family celebrations later.
    Feb 2017: 164:🤦🏼‍♀️ -64 Christmas and more celebrations!
    Aug 2017: 159.2:✅ -68.8 I seem to have reached an equilibrium around 160/5.
    Jan 2018: 165: 😏 Still working on discarding that last 12 lbs.
    Jan 2019: 165: 😏 Still working at it.
    Goal for Dec 2019: 155
    Apr 2019: 162.4: 😄 Decided to concentrate more on health and fitness. I am increasing my strength training.
    Jul 2019: 166.2: 💪🏻 Muscle % increasing, but so is weight. Measurements are decreasing. Holiday 20 - 27 July Is bound to push it up more!
    28/07/2019: 169.6: 😜 Holiday baggage is the pits! This morning My Scale informed me that I was 'Overfat'. Let's see what I can do in 4 days to bring this back down!
    29/07/2019: 169.0 😁 Phew! It’s shifting! Now I gotta stay on track.
    30/07/2019: 168.2: Scale now says I’m ‘healthy’ lol!
    31/07/2019: 168.4: Normal daily fluctuation.
    1 Aug 2019: 167.8:
    01/08: 167.8
    02/08: 167.8
    03/08: 167,5

    JFT: Sat 3 August
    • Meditation/Reflection 🌟
    • Prelog food/follow through/hydrate 🌟
    • Do something fun 🌈 Went up to Belfast to Support Gay Pride March. Very lively day, great crowds, fab floats.
    • 30+ minute workout/6000+ steps 🌟 Just over 13,000 steps done today.
    • Journal (I'm reviewing July and revamping layout for August) —>
    • vacuum the upstairs (DH does the the downstairs 😂) 🌟🌟🌟
    • Work on crochet —>

    JFT: Sun 4 August Planning a relaxed day today after our busy Saturday.
    • Meditation/Reflection
    • Prelog food/follow through/hydrate
    • Do something fun (Visiting elder daughter)
    • 30+ minute workout/6000+ steps
    • Journal (I'm reviewing July and revamping layout for August)
    • Work on crochet
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited August 2019
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Hey all! Missed you all. Its been a hellish week. We thought DH had sun poisoning last weekend, sick, fever of almost 103, miserable headache, and night sweats. But we couldnt place the night sweats. Then on Wednesday a rash started forming...thought maybe hives. But by Friday it turned into the tell tale Bullseye of Lyme disease. Hes in between insurances, but we had to go to urgent care. Fortunately, he was seen, diagnosed, and perscribed antibiotics with our too much of a hit to our wallet. But the week was long, stressful and tiring for us both. Now his meds are making him itchy and it will be another 3 weeks of treatment. Oh dear.

    On top of that, we were supposed to buy a lot of land abutting our property. We had been sold by the sellers realtor on the fact that its a buildable lot. Our attorney alerted us on day of closing it is not, but their realtor claimed we knew that. We were in fact told the opposite. We pushed the closing back a week while we do more due diligence. But we were so angry to have been flat out lied to. It's a complicated situation, so we are waiting to hear back from building comissioner and tax assesor. Its such a small town thought that they only work one day a week so its hurry up and wait at the moment. Someone was definitelt watching out for ua that this information made its way to light before we signed though.

    I had my first doctora appointment to confirm pregnancy. It didnt go as I expected or hoped. My doctor had no congratulation...just asked if it was planned and told me her first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, and 1 in 4 pregnancies doesnt make it out of the first trimester, and that the OB wont be contacting me until Atleast 12 weeks incase i miscarry so they dont waste their time. I'm not naive, I know these are all facts about miscarriage but it felt so insensitive and unnecessary to approach it so negatively. It was dissapointing to say the least. Im trying to stay positive but she really stressed me out more than anything. Ive been hiding my feelings in food for a week now...gotta climb out of this hole.

    What a stupid doctor.
    And what a disgusting thing to say, not bothering to contact you until 12 weeks incase you miscarry?! What a load of bull!
    The reason it will be 12 weeks is thats when they can arrange the first scan, the earliest time they can make accurate measurements of your babies development! Ive been in at 9 weeks over miscalculated dates and they brought be back at 12 to do the measurements!

    Did he do your BP and stuff?

    If you want to contact your OB, then DO.
    The amount of people who worry about ringing when they think is something wrong! Its their JOB to make sure youre okay.

    Even in later pregnancy, when you dont feel enough kicks, you can ring even hours later if movement stop again!

    Hope youre feeling a bit better from it now!

    Many Congratulations!
    Thoroughly agree. That doctor was way out of order!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Hey all! Missed you all. Its been a hellish week. We thought DH had sun poisoning last weekend, sick, fever of almost 103, miserable headache, and night sweats. But we couldnt place the night sweats. Then on Wednesday a rash started forming...thought maybe hives. But by Friday it turned into the tell tale Bullseye of Lyme disease. Hes in between insurances, but we had to go to urgent care. Fortunately, he was seen, diagnosed, and perscribed antibiotics with our too much of a hit to our wallet. But the week was long, stressful and tiring for us both. Now his meds are making him itchy and it will be another 3 weeks of treatment. Oh dear.

    On top of that, we were supposed to buy a lot of land abutting our property. We had been sold by the sellers realtor on the fact that its a buildable lot. Our attorney alerted us on day of closing it is not, but their realtor claimed we knew that. We were in fact told the opposite. We pushed the closing back a week while we do more due diligence. But we were so angry to have been flat out lied to. It's a complicated situation, so we are waiting to hear back from building comissioner and tax assesor. Its such a small town thought that they only work one day a week so its hurry up and wait at the moment. Someone was definitelt watching out for ua that this information made its way to light before we signed though.

    I had my first doctora appointment to confirm pregnancy. It didnt go as I expected or hoped. My doctor had no congratulation...just asked if it was planned and told me her first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, and 1 in 4 pregnancies doesnt make it out of the first trimester, and that the OB wont be contacting me until Atleast 12 weeks incase i miscarry so they dont waste their time. I'm not naive, I know these are all facts about miscarriage but it felt so insensitive and unnecessary to approach it so negatively. It was dissapointing to say the least. Im trying to stay positive but she really stressed me out more than anything. Ive been hiding my feelings in food for a week now...gotta climb out of this hole.

    Oh my Darling Sister... Whew! You have been through so much. Thank you for sharing and
    for coming to lay your head on our shoulders. Forgive me, but I think I would have totally gotten
    in her butt for her lack of professionalism. One person's outcome doesn't determine another.
    😤. Oh I'm so pissed at her... I've had miscarriage before, ended up with three daughters and
    would have had more if I hadn't gotten myself fixed. That was uncalled for. I must calm down.
    I'm totally gritting my teeth over here. How dare she.
    Sister. One thing I believe and it's been proven through many things, people don't have the final
    say about your life. There have been many testimonies from the Bible days with Abraham and Sara,
    to the quintuplets in the news... about what people felt were impossible, that turned into facts.
    Ok... I love you and all my JFT FAMILY. Glad I wasn't there for that appointment... When I got
    done with her she would have gone back to medical school...but definitely apologized.
    Hugs from the heart Sis and prayers for you and hubby.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Right so yesterday was one of them realisation days.
    Our house doesnt havent a full length mirror atm.
    And yestedday me and ash did some shopping, i dont normally try stuff on because i know my size and know if i buy it then it would fit, but a couple of items i decided to try just incase they didnt suit me.

    Anyway stood in just my jnderwear in the changing roooms ans i really came face to face with the damage ive caused to my body.
    I look absolutely humongous, it was horrible.
    Im really feeling put off by it and now really want to make some changes, but im ALSO worried if it was enough to really make me change my ways.

    Not sure where to start from here but im guessing just logging and exercise would be a good place to start. Ash said he would deffo sign me up for the gym but hes just checking we can afford it first, either way i can do work outs at home.

    Eigh, i really need you guys ro kick me up the butt if i start slacking! I need to get this weight off!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited August 2019
    @AJB1014 Totally agree with everyone. That doctor was bang out of order. It's very unprofessional for her to let personal tragedy cloud her judgement like that, in her dealings with patients. Try to avoid letting her problems affect your pleasure in your news.

    Many congratulations! Enjoy your upcoming happy event. Can you ask for a different doctor in future?

    Hope your husband recovers quickly.

  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hi all, so I did something a bit special this morning - a half marathon race!! Didn’t mention it beforehand (or even to many people in real life) because I was so scared and didn’t know if I could do it. But I did!! And it was really special. 12 years ago on this day I got married. It’s taken 6 years for my divorce to be finalised and this is my first 4th August where I’m officially no longer married. So it feels really significant to have done this, all by myself.

    The race was near my bf’s place and I didn’t have the best prep last night. Was planning to head over to his place yesterday afternoon but he said he was sick and he’d call me when he was up to it. He knew about the race. I didn’t hear from him so called him and by the time I decided to come over it was late. Not the best sleep either, although he did try to help by badgering me about eating and drinking. To be honest it just made me more anxious though!

    Then I had to walk 1.5 miles through the common to find the race village and got lost! It was all very stressful but maybe that makes it feel like even more of an achievement. It was all trail, and I’ve only ever run a half marathon once before so I’m super thrilled with my time of 2:12. Reckon I could have gone faster as there was lots of time stuck in bottlenecks but I ran the whole thing without stopping and overtook lots of runners so I’m delighted.

    Saturday goals recap:
    - kids up and ready for their Dad ✅
    - yoga at 10 ✅
    - tan ❎
    - put away laundry ✅
    - pack for bf’s place ✅
    - relax and hydrate ❎
    - bed at a reasonable hour ❎

    Sunday goals:
    - up early and prep ✅
    - half marathon race!!! ✅ 😊😊😊
    - Pick up kids at 5
    - get P to finish packing
    - kids hair wash
    - bed by 9

    Sorry for the essay! Wishing you all a great Sunday x
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    JFT 8/3 Recap

    30 minutes exercise :)
    Drink water :)
    Have fun and be in the moment :)
    Make 'mostly' healthy choices :)

    Had a great day yesterday and went to a 'bucket list' restaurant! Ate so much that I am literally still not hungry today. :D But the food was beyond amazing, perfectly cooked, and absolutely delish. Today will be a much lighter day though bc I'm feeling a little sluggish. I also walked a ton and made it out for a run yesterday. I'm really sore today though so I'm thinking I'll just take a rest day today and then get a longer run/walk in tomorrow. Plus we have a hike tomorrow so definitely need the rest today.

    JFT 8/4

    Healthy Choices
    Lots of water
    Be in the moment and enjoy family time-don't be rushing/thinking of the next thing

    Today is a bbq with family, plus possibly going to see a movie this afternoon. I'm looking forward to just enjoying the day, making healthy choices (though may get popcorn) and going with the flow of the day. Really enjoying seeing everyone and today managed to sleep a little later so hopefully by tomorrow will be a little more adjusted to the time change.
    Have a great day all!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Thank you so much friends. Your words have really helped me this morning. I'm struggling because DH doesn't quite understand my fatigue. working full time, trying to keep up this house well enough alone since hes been ill, and the emotional roller coaster of all this with very few friends in real life to lean on who have similar experiences. I dont mean to sound like im bellyaching...but I guess I am. Today I had plans to tackle the house thats gotten away from me this last week...it just all feels too much right now. I know its not...im capable, my hormones just have other opinions right now and ive been a blubbering mess all morning. I think I'll take a break from working inside and head out to do some weeding and deadheading...maybe the fresh air will help. Love you all, thanks for your support.