Losing Weight & PCOS



  • Amazing. I appreciate all the replies.

    I've had success with using MFP and excercising before. The key for me IS food logging. I need to get in the habit again. It really helps you understand portion sizes and how much healthy food you can eat vs. junk.

    I think I just need to completely cut carbs for a week- well refined sugars and flours. Hopefully that will get the cravings away so I can jump back in to it.
  • xcatsaxon
    xcatsaxon Posts: 43 Member
    Doc just increased my dose a few weeks ago of Metformin, and not to be too personal here but omg my period won't stop and I am in so much gastric distress I can't exercise! Anyone else have this type of issue going on with increasing dose? Also, only 1 lb lost in a month!