Is lifting enough?



  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    Great information. Thank you all!!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    With lifting 3x a week, I can maintain at around 2000 calories. When I was doing 2x a week of cardio in addition, I was maintaining at closer to 2200 calories. For scheduling reasons I dropped the cardio but I do enjoy doing it for just the activity and the added calories. But I definitely believe you can be healthy and continue to lose without it. I'm just not one that doesn't like it.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Damn, that's impressive! Is it just a guy thing?

    I would say that because men typically have more muscle, they burn more calories and have higher TDEE's. But, there are lots of women with very high TDEE's as well so it really just depends on the individual.

    I'm only 5 feed tall and I do cardio every day because my NEAT sucks. I am naturally very sedentary and sit at a desk often for 10 hours a day. I do not fidget and I can sit very still for very long periods of time without feeling the need to move. That's bad. I am trying to make more of a conscious effort to get up and move once every hour but I have to have a timer set in order to remember to do it. I have a neat little desktop program that pops up every hour to remind me to take a 10 minute break.

    I don't kill myself with the cardio but I do walk/run 2 miles just about every day. Most days I'm walking the dog so it's at a relatively slow 16 minute mile pace.

    I'd also add that if you're lifting heavy, you're getting your heart rate up and that's all that really matters. New studies have shown that short bursts of intense activity are all you really need for heart health.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Locking so we can track active threads better. If you have further questions, please PM me, and include a link to this thread and I will unlock so you can pose them.
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