Littlest Losers (Week 4)



  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    :sad: Yea, so TOM is here and I am back up to 151.5 so i am blaming it on that! Sucks and it is making me feel really tired!! So this coming week I am going to work super hard to get this weight off.

    Happy Friday to everyone! I am so ready for the weekend!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Losers,

    Well my official weigh-in today 129.2 back down from last week but the same as week two.(It has been as low as 128.8-but not today and as high as 130.6 week one) So In four weeks a lost of 1.8 pounds -( if you count the highest to the lowest randomly.) That is about 1/2 a pound a week - so I think that's pretty good. I have four pounds left to lose and 11 weeks. I should get there!!! I will increase my exercise - now starting level 5/6 with power 90 so that should help. I will make sure that I do my power walking too.

    Enough about me - but I hope this helps others that have that 2 pound fluctuation on a regular bases. It is discouraging but it's normal. Especially around TOM. I usually weigh myself everyday but only record once a week. This helps me learn the fluctuations.

    Hope everyone has a great weigh-in and happy healthy weekend!!!
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    OK so I weighed in at 152.8 this morning which is down from 154 last week, however I'm using a different scale because hubby moved my other one for some reason:grumble: so I guess it's real but not too sure I will just keep doing what I'm doing and hope that next week is just as good!!:ohwell:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i am sooooooo in lurve with my scales today i am down 4lbs dont care where they went as long as they dont creep back but wooohoooooo and yesssssssss todays weight 132lbs only 8lbs more to get to my target

    AWESOME!!! don't you just love that feeling??

    I'm down this week too! down to 149.0 from 150.4. I was down to 147.8 when i checked on Saturday, but for the weigh in, I'm 149, and the OK with me!!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!! :bigsmile:

    love that feeling isnt in it today i adore it ive been stuck at 136 for 7 weeks so to look at scales today and be 4lbs lighter is like heaven i love it when the scales are nice it puts me on a high all day although i guess i shouldnt moan i manage dto maintain weight for 7 weeks not gain lose gain lose so its not all bad and a 4lb loss wont make me feel so down if i stay this weight for 7 ore weeks its just really good to wake up to a positive thing for a change
    congrats to all us who have lost this week
    what will be our targets next week??
  • carilyn39
    carilyn39 Posts: 91 Member
    Not a good week at all. 150.6 todays weight. TOM was a real..... well you know. routine off very little almost no exercise. 5 days of County fair doesn't help much . but plenty of walking/running around taking care of livestock and checking on children. should be a better weekend then week. Back to schedule on monday.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    Not a good week at all. 150.6 todays weight. TOM was a real..... well you know. routine off very little almost no exercise. 5 days of County fair doesn't help much . but plenty of walking/running around taking care of livestock and checking on children. should be a better weekend then week. Back to schedule on monday.

    hang in there! it's tough to be out of schedule - i'm a VERY routine person, so i get shaken a little when something screws me up. totally relate.

    CONGRATS to everyone who lost! WOOO!!

    we're having a cook out/carry in at work today. i worked extra hard this morning to burn some extra calories and contributed by bringing a cooking light apple slaw salad. here we go self control!! i'm limiting to one plate and no desert.
  • Hi am too late to join in? My starting weight was 201 and now I am 189.6. Actually i have been 189.6 for the past 2 weeks now, LOL! Its fustrating. I would love to join because it can probably motivate me more. Let me know plz!
  • gained .5 this week..even though i worked out 5 days 2x/dy!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Down 1/2 pound to 129, i'll take it!

    have a great weekend all!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy saturday all
    i have cleaned my downstairs and i now have a huge pile of ironing to do ill trade someone ill exercise instead lol

    hope we all have a good day and this week be as good as last
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Weighed in at 156.4 yesterday... not the best week :ohwell:
  • arobles3231
    arobles3231 Posts: 15 Member
    I stayed the same...115. I was thrilled cause I hadn't had the best week but did exercise every day!
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