Looking for friends to add



  • ShannCan
    ShannCan Posts: 9 Member
    Add me!!
  • CJ272015
    CJ272015 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started yesterday..anyone got any good recipes on how to stay healthy when working in office?
  • Nindyini
    Nindyini Posts: 14 Member
    Have sent out invites to all requests
  • ginjennie
    ginjennie Posts: 80 Member
    Always looking for new friends to help push me forward and support each other.
  • mike_rom
    mike_rom Posts: 680 Member
    I'll always accept an invite and love having new friends.
  • MaxInChicago
    MaxInChicago Posts: 59 Member
    I'm working toward losing 12 pounds by the end of May and keep good habits going. Feel free to add me and we can support each other in reaching our goals. Max
  • ArdieAgain
    ArdieAgain Posts: 27 Member
    Go ahead and add me as a friend. I like getting and giving motivation. :)
  • Kinalau
    Kinalau Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • MommyOfAnAngel17
    MommyOfAnAngel17 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm starting my journey again and would love to be accountability buddies :)
  • Scorpio8402
    Scorpio8402 Posts: 554 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me too!