Just saying hi :)

I'm a 32-year-old mom of two pre-schoolers. I watch my kids full-time and work from home. I used to be in great shape, I was a high school athlete and stayed in good shape through college, gained a little weight now and then through my 20s, but always lost it fairly quickly. I even lost the "baby weight", but then gained it back when I started eating like a toddler (with toddlers, of course) and working at my computer for hours at a time. Also, my kids have been low-weight since birth, so I am constantly encouraging them to eat.. usually eating their scraps. I had an epiphany a while back that I've gotta start looking after myself at least half as much as I look after them. Easier said than done though!

I've gotta get into better shape though... for me and for the kids. I've been trying to lost weight for a while now.. and have lost some.. and gained it back.. and lost it.. and gained it back. Right now I'm down 5 lbs from my highest weight and I want to lose about 20 lbs more and then keep my weight steady. To do this, I've started going to the gym at least 4 mornings per week and I'm struggling to get into a strong enough diet & exercise routine that I can keep losing, despite all of the time that I have to spend sitting! I'm hoping that this site will help me keep track of how often I'm actually working out and what I'm eating. I'd love to meet some other people to keep me company on this mission. :)