Not reaching calories

If I’m not reaching my calories at the end of the day, should I eat another meal before bed or stop eating (because it’s best not to eat a big snack/meal late at night)?


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    How many calories are you speaking of? Only just today? Or is this an on-going problem?
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    If you're finding you're not reaching your calories most days, it's time to tweak your routine so that you get more calories/nutrition during the day. There's nothing inherently bad about eating late at night in terms of weight management, but for sure some folks find they have problems with GERD and indigestion if they eat a lot and then are laying down for the evening. But it's surprising how many calories you can get into a small amount - like an oz of mixed nuts for 180 calories, for ex (and a bit of protein, monounsaturated fat (good for you) & fiber to boot).