
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Pretty Lillie’s!😊
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,575 Member
    edited June 2019
    Karen in VA - thank you for that beautiful photo this morning. <3 What a wonderful thing to see as I am sipping coffee and waking up this morning! We are "letting nature take over" our flowerbeds, lol. Does your grandson get a summer break from school? You probably mentioned and I skipped it. :( By the way, hope things have settled down at your workplace and you'll be able to ease into retirement without a lot of heartburn.

    Lisa - getting older has been on my mind a lot lately, aggravated that I don't recover from injuries overnight like I used to even ten years ago. I've decided to focus on what is still working correctly in this body of mine. You are right, there's plenty to be grateful for.

    I ran into an acquaintance, Jane, at the doc's office this past week who I hadn't seen in several years. She's near 80 - was a bit more bent over and frail than when I saw her last, wearing a knee brace and she spoke with the receptionist at length about ordering more of the medicines she was taking. She sat with me a few minutes and we chatted, she told me of her various ailments - THEN quickly smiled and laughed and talked up all of the things she was able to still do. She made my day. We might not be able to do all the things we used to do physically, but we can always serve as an inspiration to others.

    You ladies on this list do that and that's why it's such a neat group. <3

    Heather - so glad you are having a good weather to get your running done.

    Katla - I am so tickled the CBD is working for your pup!

    Sharon - I stopped in the local cannabis shop and they didn't have the brand of oil you recommended but it looks like they have something similar. I'll pick up a tube this week. By the way, I hadn't heard of the seat cushion you recommended but it looks great. I got a thick foam cushion off Amazon that does the trick - my recliner sits too low so needed a bit of a boost to get my knees into alignment with my tush and this seems to be doing the trick.

    My doc gave me several pages of exercises for hamstring stretches. Turns out the one I'd been doing before was an advanced one (something that's super easy for someone in their 30's) but too much for someone like me in her late 60's, so no wonder my sit bones were complaining. I've been doing the easy ones and everything is much better.

    Here's the website she pulled the exercises from: https://www.thephysicaltherapyadvisor.com/ It's pretty neat, seems to have a lot of articles about healthy aging. Looking forward to a few hours this weekend of reviewing his stuff. If my doc recommends this guy, he must know what he's talking about.

    OK ladies, I better get crackin'. Make it a FABULOUS weekend! <3

    Cool SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Lisa- I second Corey's opinion..if I go out,I like to go out early..if I go with friends out anywhere that I know will be loud I always always bring earplugs..
    SiL harassing me again..ugh
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :) Awhile back a woman brought cake to line dance class to celebrate her 80th birthday. Several women in the front row said things like "80 years old--that's nothing." Many of the men and women I dance with are years older than I am and their presence reminds me that I still have a lot of living to do.

    :) My mother lied about her age starting long before I was born. Her mother did the same thing. It never made sense to me.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    Cooking 97 calories brunch so I can have a huge dinner y some new snack taste testing yum yum lol 425* 40-60min in my stove 1/2of eggplant 🍆 cut into steaks salted y peppered with squash zucchini cut up sprinkled with Parmesan qd41dwqptz8q.jpeg
    Barbie NW WA-My Mom couldn’t remember her birthday 🎁 or age we had no birth certificate so we celebrated 4th she was born the 3rd lol guessed her age at the funeral so shows her younger forever ♾ lol went by her sisters guess y my Dads sister. Told the coroner he managed to get us all death certificates with Dad that show her actual age y birth date recorded but I wonder if Grandma (farm birth told them 3rd but meant 4th cause she was always celebrating that day guess will never know for sure fully but feel this closest will ever come .
    Amber Tx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Machka, Barbie - thank you for your viewpoints, it helps my perspective. And Barbie, much like you, I have never lied about my age. Never understood why anyone did. :wink:

    I think part of what drove my musings on the subject is my best friend's mother - who just fell and broke her shoulder a few days ago. She is in her mid-80s, and this is her fifth broken joint in the last ten years. Both shoulders, one hip (which she subsequently had replaced) and both wrists. Each repair is harder and harder on her, and she heals slower and slower... and my friend is getting more and more worried. She broke the shoulder while recovering from a surgery less than a month ago to repair the muscles in her stomach that were left screwed up from yet another surgery. It is a grim look at a possible future that I truly want to avoid...

    Ah well, it's a beautiful Saturday, and there are things to accomplish this morning. Enough navel gazing for one day.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all,

    Just in my happy place this morning, and the house Internet is working, so happier than yesterday at the same time. :)

    Corey didn't want to go out last night for his 50th birthday (he is not fond of ambient noise, hates crowds, and once it gets past 6 p.m., every restaurant is crowded) so we'll go out tonight, but earlier. We were talking last night about aging and what's changed about us. His comment was that the older folks who eat at 4:30 p.m. are the smart ones, as they avoid the noise and the hustle-bustle of the crowds. But then, neither one of us was ever fond of the bar/nightclub/crowded restaurant thing after we got past our early 20s. My exception was a stretch of my 40s, when I lived close to a number of my family members, and we went out to sing a lot. Even then, I was always the designated adult. :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    I went through a little bit of the bar/nightclub/crowded restaurant thing when my first husband and I split up. I was 20 when we married, and he was never into any of that stuff, so in my early 30s I went through a very brief phase.

    But for years my idea of a perfect weekend evening has been peace and quiet at home. Especially lately when I've been so busy. I can't wait to get home on a Friday night, put on my comfy clothes, hope that there's something interesting on TV (lately Fridays have been duds) or put on a movie, and get settled in front of my computer to work on whatever my next project is ... or maybe even not to do much of anything at all. :)

    If we do go out to a restaurant, we also go earlier. Here, people eat late. Many restaurants don't open until 5:30 or 6 pm, and by 8 pm, they're chockers. So if we get in by about 6:15 pm, we're good. We pretty much have the place to ourselves.

    M in Oz

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    I’ve read a lot of talk about age here and other places. My dad dropped dead in the shower of a heart attack at age 62. He had refused to see a doctor for many years, had uncontrolled high blood pressure, and was an alcoholic. My mom is incredibly active at 80. She was still working until her stroke 4 months ago. She has clearance to return to work. She is dabbling in her flower beds. Yesterday she went to Lexington with my nephew and me. She intends to keep moving until she can’t.

    I will be 55 in August. Except for occasional sore knees, I don’t feel 55. I’m sure part of this is because I opted to wait until I was 40 to start a family. It amazes me how many places offer senior discounts starting at 50 or 55. I’m more than willing to take the discount, but daughter gets embarrassed by it. Luckily, my gray hairs blend with my blonde so most people don’t refer to me as “Hannah’s grandma”.

    Machka - those photos are amazing!!

    Connie in KY
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    tracey in Edmonton! What terrific news! I’m so glad your search is over and they are willing to accommodate your wedding schedule somewhat. I hope you aren’t too exhausted to enjoy the wedding, your guests, and summer - when it finally arrives.

    We are getting similar weather here. My heater is on also. However, I’m having a bit of an adventure today. My daughter and I are going bicycling on a side by side adaptive bicycle where I can actively help peddle as much as I’m able. A bicycle would be a great tool for me, but I want to be sure of my abilities first.

    Rebecca, You don’t look nearly put-upon with that duty! Holding a warm snuggly anything is a pleasure, but holding a baby human is heavenly.

    Lisa in AR, glad you’re home, and perhaps a bit of the slow lane is what we all need from time to time.

    Janetr OKC, many hugs for you, and thoughts for your sister and your friend. Sepsis can be deadly. I lost a BIL to that two years ago. Glad they caught it early!

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2019
    Pip t5509.gif. Happy Anniversary!!!

    Lanette Glad the picture of our flowers cheered you. My grandson is off for the summer. I recommended that he continue writing and working on math this summer but he wasn't interested. Hopefully he will read. He got all A's and did well on SOLs and iReady tests, so he is in a good place to start back up in the fall.

    Here's a sweet story from CBS Sunday Morning. Have a tissue ready!

    Karen in Virginia