
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Started reading “Woman Rowing North”. It’s really really good

    Rori – hubba bubba! What a transformation

    SuziQ – we have handrail covers. But I noticed at the condo that the handrail into the pool never gets hot (it isn’t one that’s coated, either) so that’s why I was wondering if there was a special kind of railing. Big congrats on eliminating the artificial sugars. Some of them are really nasty

    Had dexa, mammo, then volunteered at the Green Room, now here and in a few going to see Downton Abbey. Found out while at the Green Room that Menopause the Musical will be playing when we’re down in FL in Feb, bought my ticket because I’m so so sorry I missed it the last time it was playing there. I’m going myself, but that’s OK. I was surprised at how much the tickets were for a community theater. $29 for balcony seats. We’re talking Titusville, not Orlando. Sunny here and I’m going to miss going in the pool. Oh well….

    Regarding girlfriends…I honestly don’t have any friends that I would say I am especially close to. Lots of friends, but none that I feel I’d confide my deepest feelings to. I’d confide them to Vince, but I wouldn’t say that I have a girlfriend that I’d confide in. It does feel so good to know that I can come here, unload my deepest feelings, and no one will judge me

    Did the Michelle Dozois Peak Fit DVD since it’s a shorter DVD than I usually do. I really like her DVD’s. Even tho it’s shorter, I figure that something is better than nothing. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water class.

    Terri – what a wonderful drop!

    Michele in NC
    Who is off to see Downton Abbey
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    yvonne in TX, that picture of your doggie giving you the eye about those boots is SO funny! I GOL (giggled out loud) at it!

    Rebecca, what do you mean by “Kind of a lot of ‘dump trucks’, but that’s a good thing”? I don’t get it.

    Rho - i don’t “have” a nudie farm, but I’ve mentioned in the past, I live at a nudist resort east of Seattle.

    Not a picture, just an short history of my nudist life and beliefs.
    I’ve been a nearly lifelong “clothing optional” kind of person, at least since I was 27 and discovered skinny dipping at Arroyo Seco south of Salinas CA. It’s been hot springs and quiet beaches for me ever since. My girls all were raised that it was an ok thing to like your body and to enjoy being in nature, with or without bathing suits. Most of my kids and grandkids still come up. My youngest also lives in this property with her husband and their son. We do background checks on all visitors and it feels very safe here.

    NY Karen, you understand my need for a “gal pal” perfectly. And sometimes it’s just someone to be silly with, as we were in Woolworth’s as kids. Trying on hats, buying a craft kit together, laughing til our sides hurt at dumb inside jokes. I think I’ll start heading to the senior center more often. Thanks for the tips! It’s much like hunting for a sweetheart. I wouldn’t mind finding one of those along the way. At my age, most are taken.

    Sharon Near Seattle

    PS - TMI, i know, but I may be one of the few people to come back from Mexico constipated!

    Blood pressure numbers were explained to me once that the first number is the bad garbage, and the second number is the good dump trucks that carry it away. So if the borderline is 140/90 then 95 is a lot of dump trucks. Thank you for telling your nudist lifestyle story. 👍
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Kiss Day!

    "Today we celebrate and enjoy kisses. 'Kiss' comes from the Old English word 'cyssan,' which itself came from the proto-Germanic word 'kussijanan' or 'kuss.' This word probably comes from the sound that kissing can make. The first written mention of kissing is in the four Vedic Sanskrit texts, which may date to as early as 1500 BCE."

    Ginny - Luna is the smallest dog we've had in many years. It's taken some getting used to (and many people still consider her a "large" dog at 30 pounds!) but I will admit it's kind of fun to be able to take her places without all the kerfluffle surrounding travelling with big dogs. She got snowboots because we're planning to take her out on the crosscountry trails with us, and she has super-furry paws that would likely build up uncomfortable snow crystals.

    Sharon - I don't have any "gal pals" out here either, and I miss that a lot. My dear friend Rose was the main go-to person for me - we'd been friends since third grade. But Rose died in 2013 and now I really don't have anybody to do girl stuff with or call up and vent to about man peeves, etc. I wish I were better at making new friends. I guess I could at least be more proactive about maintaining phone relationships with my out-of-town friends.

    Machka - When you move, you take your kitty with you! My brother spent two years in Norway and had his two Brittany spaniels shipped over. It was a major pain in the behind, too, but they are family members so when the family moved so did the dogs. You're wise to hesitate if you're not sure relocating with a pet would be feasible for you.

    Cheri - Wow, that sounds like a lot of places although I know some people have even longer lists. I moved from my childhood home in Bellaire (Houston) to Bryan/College Station, then Austin, Albuquerque, Claremore, and back to Austin. Now we're in Taylor which is still in the Austin metro area. I think we'll need to make at least one more move and I'm hoping it'll be back to Bryan, but I hate moving. I tend to put down deep roots, which is undoubtedly part of why I'm so lonely out now. I haven't managed to put down any roots here yet.

    Betsy - All that legal wrangling sounds expensive and exhausting. It's hard to imagine mediation helping when no agreement has been reached after so many years, but here's hoping you'll all be able to come to some accord and put the whole thing behind you.

    Just gave Philip a shopping list for the week. He says he doesn't mind picking the meals but figuring out what we have and what to buy is too hard. {eyeroll} I took his menu and made the shopping list today but I'm still going to think about doing the shopping online and putting in a curbside pickup order for him for next week. Overall the whole thing has just annoyed me and has not saved me any time, so I need to find some other chore he can help with instead.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,866 Member
    Terri--What a handsome couple. Glad you had fun. Thanks for sharing.

    Yvonne--Those snow boots for Luna are so cute. Glad she is ok wearing them.

    Sharon--I guess I would say my gal pal is a lady I used to work with and we call each other everyday to just let off steam about our day. She lives in little town about 12 miles and we don't see each other often, but do look forward to our calls. I did have 2 friends that I had since I was 10-11. One passed away from Breast cancer and the other had the stroke and lives in a rehab in Lincoln. About 100 miles away, and I get down to see her atleast every other month. Just not the same, but will always be there for her.

    Rori--Looking good and can see the difference.

    As for moving. I lived in the same place until I was 10 then we moved acouple times a year until my parents divorced when I was 16. When I was married the first time we moved 6 times in 5 years. Then I came back to Grand Island and been here 38 years. I feel comfortable here and for now we have no plans to move.

    I do think Fall is coming, and they are talking frost and snow next week.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member

    Gorgeous day, though dry, leaves are starting to turn red/orange/yellow. I went for a walk by myself at lunch, it was a great choice and will have to remember to do it again!

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    I have stayed pretty much in one geographical area:

    Murray, KY - my dad was a student at Murray State
    Cincinnati, OH - ok, it was only my freshman year at UC
    Louisville, KY
    Columbus, OH
    Louisville, KY

    Of those, I really miss Columbus!

    Gal pals - I drifted away from my high school friends. We just seemed to go in different directions. Now they have grandkids, and my daughter is still in high school. The moms at Hannah’s ballet school just aren’t that friendly...and they are at least 10 years younger than me. I’m active at church, but again, the youth group parents are younger than me. My fellow choristers are all older. My good “mom friends” are all in Columbus. I miss them, but we have a private Facebook group that keeps us in contact.

    Hannah’s dancing, and I’m proctoring an exam for a former student. Took my mom, sister, nephew and nephew’s dad some spaghetti. My nephew has his first job interview Thursday. I’m so excited for him.

    Connie in KY
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Karen in VA: sending healing and strength vibes to Josephine and her near and dear. Praying the precious ballerina can dance around this horrific diagnosis and on toward health and joy in life.
    Welcome Lyttlefish on the Albertan Prairies, Sara/smhuges6578, taburris2015, Laurie in VA.
    Lanette, your “drop a seed” then back off and let it sprout or not reaped a bountiful harvest this morning. After nearly a week of letting it germinate in peace and silence, Joe announced today that “We could go” to the Doctor on Thursday morning. While he was getting big thank you hugs and kisses, he said something about wanting “you to be happy.” Glad I kept Tracey's cast iron skillet in reserve ;)
    Barbie “Part of the problem is that I like walking, dancing, and riding my exercise bike a whole lot more than I like strength training. “ Truer words never spoken. ;}
    Rho, I loved and hated the J.Jill shelf bra tanks. Most comfortable “bra” I've ever put on my body, but had to return 'em, just not enough support for the wayward girls. Trying this next: https://www.jcpenney.com/p/leading-lady-breathable-cotton-racerback-sports-bra/pp5005900709?pTmplType=regular wish me luck!
    Pip it's 9:23 and my mouth is watering for that Chocolate-tini!
    Rita ((hugs)). Hate that feel-crappy-for-no-reason feeling.
    SuziQ good luck with the natural sugar alternatives and congrats for dumping the artificals. Have a bottle of monkfruit drops I could send you. Tried 'em once, not to my taste ;) Mayo clinic debunks the “People with cancer shouldn't eat sugar, since it can cause cancer to grow faster” myth here:
    Of course we shouldn't eat "large amounts of sugar", Mama was right "Moderation in everything."

    Only thru pg 72 but time to get up and at 'em. Let's see, do I vacuum before or after I comb Tumble? Hahahahahahahaha!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for September: grit
    Steps-2850 Thurs, 3181 Fri vits-16 log-20 CICO-16 Tumble-9 mfp-17 AF-11 << need to update, later ;)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym, windy- 6.39min, 135mhr, 14.3amph, 1.58mi= 78c
    apple watch- 61c
    SKI MACHINE- 35min, 131mhr, 113ahr, 15-30resist, 5-20incl, 1.60mi= 223c
    apple watch- 154c
    Floor exer- 7min, 3sts of 10ea, 2 diff exercises, 120ahr, 138mhr= 56c
    apple watch- 54c
    bike ride gym 2 dome, misty n windy- 4.52min, 140mhr, 17.8amph, 1.44mi= 68c
    apple watch- 54c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station, windy- 13.27min, 145mhr, 13.6amph, 3.05mi= 149c
    apple watch- 116c
    jog sta 2 wrk, windy- 5.18min, 145mhr, 9.56min mi, .53mi= 65c
    apple watch- 59c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.18min, 9.38min mi, 151mhr .44mi= 61c
    apple watch- 56c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.54min 8.2amph, 141mhr, 2.57mi= 179c
    apple watch- 139c

    total cal 879
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited September 2019
    "Cheri - Wow, that sounds like a lot of places although I know some people have even longer lists. I moved from my childhood home in Bellaire (Houston) to Bryan/College Station, then Austin, Albuquerque, Claremore, and back to Austin. Now we're in Taylor which is still in the Austin metro area. I think we'll need to make at least one more move and I'm hoping it'll be back to Bryan, but I hate moving. I tend to put down deep roots, which is undoubtedly part of why I'm so lonely out now. I haven't managed to put down any roots here yet.
    Yvonne in TX"

    We moved in childhood for my dad's work. I moved in adulthood when the hubs wanted a change. Our move from Akron, Ohio was b/c he lost his job and wanted to return to a warm weather state. I specifically said anywhere on the east coast would suit me fine. Well he got offered a position @ Texas A&M and here we are in College Station! We will be here until he decides to retire then.....

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    many colleagues
    many students
    gf bread
    organic supermarket