Do i count supplements into my micros?

Im currently taking Fiber and Opti-Green supplements. Im trying to lose Weight so do i count/log those supplements into my micros as well?


  • VegjoyP
    VegjoyP Posts: 2,708 Member
    I do. I started when I joined MFP. It can add up and even though it is a supplement it has calories.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,889 Member
    I just log higher calorie supplements, like my fish oil and blackstrap molasses.

    If you want your fiber supplement to count towards hitting your fiber goal (I would) then you'd log that as well.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I don't add any of my prescribed meds or supplements.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,961 Member
    If you're using MFP to track your micros, then why wouldn't you log supplements that contribute toward meeting your micro goals? Isn't that why you're taking them?
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Anything that has calories needs to be logged.

    If you track any specific nutrients, then I expect you'd want to log everything that has those nutrients as well.