I blew it



  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Your back on here-that shows commitment. Totally agree with all of the above just get back on track and forget it. This is the reality of being able to lose and maintain our loss. We all go off track and maybe you will be the better of your wee break. It's an ongoing process, keep logging and trying!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Congrats on your loss. Just forgive yourself and decide to move on. go out for a walk..You did not blow it. It is a different day. It is all up to you.
  • Sarahloulalou
    Sarahloulalou Posts: 60 Member
    Draw a line under it and move on.

    Honestly the amount of times I've 'blew it' is way too many to list. Just last Tuesday when I was 'firmly back on the wagon' I had a blip and ate two chunky kitkats.

    So you've had a few days off, it's fine, but now is the time to get focused again, meal plan for tomorrow and stick to it and log again, it'll all fit into place xxx
  • Aw that's not "blowing it" or ruining anything. We all have bad days. The trick is to just put those days behind you and look forward :)
  • Don't stress it so much, this is part of adapting a healthy lifestyle. Not an obsessive lifestyle. You should feel comfortable being able to indulge yourself here and there, just don't let it get out of hand! You caught yourself and now it's your choice whether to brush it off and move on or beat yourself up about it. PS. I hate a whole large pizza to myself today, didn't even log it, not worth it, and not an ounce of guilt came from it because I know I'll have a kick *kitten* healthy week to make up for it!
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Like all above - you didn't! You must have needed a break and thats ok. You realize you want to get back on track, otherwise, you wouldn't be posting here. So, put it behind you ~ start your logging ~ and you are there. Great going on what you have achieived so far. Keep going - you can.
  • Also, are you allowing yourself treats in your healthy eating? If not, that could be why you ended up binging.

    I have a disordered eating history, much of which consisted of depriving myself of anything that wasn't a less-than-100-calorie fruit or vegetable. I'd always end up binging. I am recovered now, but I find that if I don't allow myself a chocolate bar, small bowl of ice cream, a serving of potato chips, all, ever, I'm GOING to binge on those things and regret it. So I have a bowl of ice cream several times a week, I eat candy bars when I want one, I have chips or fries with my sandwiches sometimes. I just factor it into that day's calorie goal. Satisfy sweet tooth cravings and lose weight? Yes, please.
  • Try not to be so hard on yourself. A couple of high calorie days will not make you put on weight in the same way a couple of days of healthy on target days will not make you lose weight. It's what you do over the long term that matters.