Half way through my 3rd week

Hi guys,

I am half through my 3rd week, and so far so good. Just taking it one day at a time.
Who am I, I am a mother of two who had a wake-up call much later in my years.
But now I am working hard to live a healthier lifestyle and keeping it real.


  • go52182
    go52182 Posts: 133 Member
    Good for you! Keep it up!! :) What helps me is to keep in mind this lifestyle needs to be permanent: making good food choices in most situations and exercising almost every day, for the rest of my life!

    I find I am super duper lazy when I'm not exercising and when I'm not exercising I don't care about my macros, or cleaning my house, or anything for that matter! Exercise is the catalyst for a healthy, productive life, for me. Have you noticed anything like that?