Under the desk elliptical

I work a desk job and then have a part time business on the computer at home so I don’t have a lot of time for excersize. Has anyone tried those under the desk ellipticals? I’m trying to find out if it would be a good option to get excersize in. Thanks!!


  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,454 Member
    Any movement better tham none. Can't imagine anyone over 5'6" would have enough clearance under a standard desk to use one.
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    Any movement is certainly better than none. But I have my skepticisms of it. Your burn is going to be limited compared to normal cardio exercises because you are not engaging your core or upper body. Plus, if you were to really work it hard, wouldn't you work up a sweat, and that would be kind of uncomfortable for both you and your coworkers in the office?

    I also think there is always time for exercise if you make it so. I own a business and am used to long hours in the office, but I still make time for 6 or so hours of exercise a week because it is a priority to me. Even if you don't have that time, a 15-30 minute YouTube video routine at home would likely yield more benefits that a desk elliptical IMO.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    edited February 2020
    The recumbent bike is for me the worst exchange of time for benefits, and this is going to be a lot like that but even less effective because like MikePTY alluded to, are you really going to want to build up a sweat at all? I think a 5-10 minute walk every break you get would be a better option.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,876 Member
    Ages ago I had an under the desk "bike"...I find these things to be rather gimmicky when it comes down to it. I always found it difficult to pedal and actually focus on what I was working on. I'm also fidgety and ultimately figured I probably get as much movement just fidgeting and bouncing my leg up and down as I did pedaling under my desk.

    I ultimately ditched it and started doing other things to get more movement into my day. Started parking further away from the office building. Taking the stairs. Using the break room and bathroom on another floor. Getting up and going to talk to colleagues when I had a question or needed something rather than using email or the phone. Getting up every hour just to walk around for a couple minutes or do some body weight squats or something. Stopped using my office printer for the most part and started printing everything to the admin printer in the communal area. Stuff like that added up to be of far more benefit than my under desk bike.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I have a treadmill desk at home, and I really like it, but not so much for added calorie burn. You can't go fast and use a spreadsheet. HOWEVER, I'm one of those "cold all the time" people, and the constant movement DOES keep my blood circulating better and my heat bill has gone down significantly since I installed the thing. So... There are *some* benefits to the under desk thingies, but calorie burn isn't necessarily one of them...