Newbie Checkin' In! Plant-based athletes? Report here!

TheeBlackButterfly Posts: 7 Member
edited February 2020 in Introduce Yourself
Peace & love! I am currently in the season of toning up my physique, so I downloaded the MFP app as a way to track my calories. HOWEVER, I see that this is MUCH more than a calorie tracker! I am interested & excited to utilizing this app and connect with more likeminded individuals in the world of health & wellness.

About me on the fitness side:

I am a dancer; I've been pretty athletic my whole life. My current goal is to look and feel stronger as an athlete/dancer as well as imporve my overall stamina, endurance, agility, range of motion & explosive power.

Here is my daily training schedule:

M-Su 5am - bodyweight HIIT @ home 20mins

T/Th 4:30pm - Light strength training w/ (up to) 60lb barbell, 15lb kb, HEAVY full body loop band @ home 30mins

M/W/F 4:30pm - HEAVY strength training :p @ the gym 1hr

My @ home workouts are split which I will stick with for 3-4 weeks and I tend to almost always train full body when I am in the gym for those 3 days/week. I recently incorporated sprint intervals into my warm-ups on MWF and er-mah-gawd, I'm in love! <3

In addition to my training, I eat plant-based (I don't like the term "vegan"; more on that another time) meals 100% of the time.

Are you a plant-based athlete or fitness-er? What do you typically eat in a day? What's your weekly split or training schedule like?


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    I'm not plant based, but I just wanted to welcome you to MFP. :)
  • Thank yoooou! 😀
  • cheripie1
    cheripie1 Posts: 47 Member
    No I don't fit your spec entirely however I am a vegetarian and since starting a plant base organic meal replacement shake for lunch I've lost 7lbs in the same amount of weeks. Welcome and I hope that you find what you are looking for.
    Motivators can freely add me, support given and gratefully received.
  • TheeBlackButterfly
    TheeBlackButterfly Posts: 7 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss Queen! Keep going. 😊 Small steos bring big victories! Thank you for your warm welcome.