Looking for some tips..



  • Unicorn_Bacon
    Unicorn_Bacon Posts: 491 Member
    edited April 2020
    I dunno... when I read this board all I got from it was..

    Hes an active crossfitter, i figured he was trying to add muscle, as I'm sure hes probably fit. And wanted to know if someone could tell him what is a good amount to eat and how much of it to cook
    to achieve gains with his active lifestyle because he doesnt wanna fuss over it too much and just wants to make a few different things suggested and eat that.
  • pfprimo
    pfprimo Posts: 91 Member
    I dunno... when I read this board all I got from it was..

    Hes an active crossfitter, i figured he was trying to add muscle, as I'm sure hes probably fit. And wanted to know if someone could tell him what is a good amount to eat and how much of it to cook
    to achieve gains with his active lifestyle because he doesnt wanna fuss over it too much and just wants to make a few different things suggested and eat that.

    Thank you for your perspective, I think you nailed it. I misconstrued and I hope the community can more accurately address SheepDog's query.