Cant reach my calories!! Help!! (and counting calories)



  • Ashli333
    Ashli333 Posts: 16
    You've all been brilliant! Thank you! I am LOVING the peanut butter and banana idea! Definitely my new snack!! and just nuts in general!

    As of tomorrow I will up my calorie intake to 1200!! And keep you all posted as to how I'm getting on.

    Does anybody know if there should be a certain time you shouldnt eat after? Baring in mind I work in a restaurant (yes its hard dieting in a bloody restaurant!!!) so dont go to bed till about 2am.

  • I took a look at your diary and there are days when you are skipping entire meals. Is this intentional or is your daily life so busy that you don't find time? If its the later, find time. If its the former, skipping meals will hur t you not help. As others have suggested, this will slow down your metabolism. 900 calories is far to little for anyone of any age. Some options for you;

    1) If you can afford it, invest in some protien shakes. These are usually low fat, low carb options that have lots of protien and calories and calcium(depending on which type of protien you ingest). Some even taste very good. Look up Optimum Nutrion Whey Gold Standard. Chocolate is great, its what I use.
    2) Do NOT skip breakfast. You've just slept for 6-8 hours and your body has nothing to go on. When you eat lunch your body will begin to store as much as possible. As a matter of fact, do not skip any meal if possible, but most of all not breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day.
    3) I forget who, but someone mentioned original yogart. Great idea. Have one with breakfast. Have one about 3 hours after lunch.
    4) Trailmix. Peanuts, raisins, fruit chunks (just not the m&ms) is a great snack and depdning on how you make/buy it, is loaded with good calories. Good calories are those not from fat.
    5) Make sure you are entering the right servings. Some foods say 100/cal per serving but there are 5 servings. You seem pretty adapt at this so its probably not the problem, but worth mentioning just incase.

    Your body adapts to the amount of calories you are eating. It will burn however many you are taking in up to a certain physical level. If you raise your calorie intake by 100 calories a day per week, meaning - week 1 900/calories a day - week 2 1000/calories a day.. and so on) your body will begin to crave that amount of calories. You will be hungry for that amount of food.

    Alot of good advice on here. I just joined this community but it seems pretty legit. Check out that protien shake, lots of great stuff in there for you with very, very little of the bad.
  • Ashli333
    Ashli333 Posts: 16
    I took a look at your diary and there are days when you are skipping entire meals. Is this intentional or is your daily life so busy that you don't find time? If its the later, find time. If its the former, skipping meals will hur t you not help. As others have suggested, this will slow down your metabolism. 900 calories is far to little for anyone of any age. Some options for you;

    1) If you can afford it, invest in some protien shakes. These are usually low fat, low carb options that have lots of protien and calories and calcium(depending on which type of protien you ingest). Some even taste very good. Look up Optimum Nutrion Whey Gold Standard. Chocolate is great, its what I use.
    2) Do NOT skip breakfast. You've just slept for 6-8 hours and your body has nothing to go on. When you eat lunch your body will begin to store as much as possible. As a matter of fact, do not skip any meal if possible, but most of all not breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day.
    3) I forget who, but someone mentioned original yogart. Great idea. Have one with breakfast. Have one about 3 hours after lunch.
    4) Trailmix. Peanuts, raisins, fruit chunks (just not the m&ms) is a great snack and depdning on how you make/buy it, is loaded with good calories. Good calories are those not from fat.
    5) Make sure you are entering the right servings. Some foods say 100/cal per serving but there are 5 servings. You seem pretty adapt at this so its probably not the problem, but worth mentioning just incase.

    Your body adapts to the amount of calories you are eating. It will burn however many you are taking in up to a certain physical level. If you raise your calorie intake by 100 calories a day per week, meaning - week 1 900/calories a day - week 2 1000/calories a day.. and so on) your body will begin to crave that amount of calories. You will be hungry for that amount of food.

    Alot of good advice on here. I just joined this community but it seems pretty legit. Check out that protien shake, lots of great stuff in there for you with very, very little of the bad.

    THANK YOU!!!! Thats been a massive help! I've only been doing the calorie counting for a few days so I'll up it to 1200 tomorrow and I dont think it should matter too much! I'll defo check out that shake, and when you say original yoghurt do you mean plain natural yoghurt?!?!
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