Gal Only: How do you handle PMS Cravings



  • I throw on my big girl undies and deal with it. It's your period. You are going to have one every month until you hit menopause or get knocked up. Log what you eat, and stop using it as an excuse.

    While this is very true, many of us ladies have it much worse than others, it is not an excuse, simply a reality. And I am absolutely positive that we would like more comfort during that time. So having said that, being so insensitive is really uncalled for. I am not hating on anyone, just being realistic about our differences as women, cycles and symptoms we may have.
  • Sorry still kind of new to this site and the quotes.

    @ da bears: pardon my post at at this moment, hormones are raging and I'm a little emotional... The help I sought by asking others how they deal with a sweet craving was exactly that: help. Sometimes, when I'm having a hard time dealing with something on my own, its nice to hear how others have successfully overcome a similar situation. If you have nothing helpful to add then you are welcome to skip my post and not answer. Perhaps putting on your big girl pants works for you. When I'm lying on the floor, almost throwing up and dealing with depression brought on by birth control and PMS,I'm thinking you can take your big girl pants and butt out.

    Thank you to all of you who were helpful enough to answer the question with a useful answer and the attached links were also good resources.
  • MaxxieTibbyMom
    MaxxieTibbyMom Posts: 16 Member
    Check out this article I found -
  • rachelisblonde
    rachelisblonde Posts: 1 Member
    So this is where i bring in my quest bars. Since I'm ALWAYS craving chocolate I find these are the best thing to fix my sweet tooth without ODing on sugar. Plus the fiber helps you actually fill up as I also feel as though I'm never full. Sometimes it takes a few bars.. not gonna lie, but I try spacing them out and drinking lots of water. I also buy Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate and melt it down, add stevia and unsweetened coconut and almonds to make a chocolate bark.

    Theres really no escaping my PMS cravings if I don't give in I eventually give up and binge on everything in sight. So be smart, know its coming and be prepared! Your not alone!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I handle them like any other craving:
    I give in, in moderation.

    Chocolate? Fat-free sugar-free pudding, or hot chocolate, or a couple ounces of chocolate chips eaten one by one.
    Salt? Potato chips, but only a handful.
    Sugar? Cookies, but only a few. Or maybe a Twix.
    Fat? This is hard... butter on bread, or even a doughnut. A relatively small, controlled indulgance. Maybe even a handful of cashews or almonds. I also normally use regular salad dressing & sautee my veggies with olive oil, so this doesn't hit often.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I eat whatever I'm craving, but in a controlled, informed way.

    This last time, I was -dying- for poptarts. So, I found 100 calories "pastry crisps" that are very similar. So I ate like....4 of those.

    It might have been 400 calories, but if I'd have had a box of real ones, it would have been much more than that.

    All about finding better, less caloric options.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    During this time, I crave salt and chocolate... together... right now that sound awful.
    I found a couple brands of dark chocolate bars with sea salt.
    The only way it could be better is if it were wrapped around potato chips.
    It's only a couple hundred calories for 2 large squares, so easy to work in.
  • StajaB
    StajaB Posts: 51
    I find all the mean ladies here disturbing....

    Dear Miss,

    I definitely experience cravings when I'm at that time. I find it makes sense to give in, in healthier ways, and kudos to the other women on here suggesting the same! So I'll make a similar list here to some yummy indulgences!

    Fat! Avocado stuffed with shrimp egg salad. The mayo/ avocado fulfill that craving and the egg/shrimp add extra nutrients and protein especially!

    Meat! This one is HUGE for me. And honestly, I have no problem downing a well cooked steak with some yummy mushrooms and onions on top. Get a lean cut, skip burgers and bacon or a combination of the two.

    Chocolate/Sweets! Dark chocolate chips mixed with dried cranberries and blueberries Keep the portion low, but eat it mindfully. Really take a few minutes to enjoy it piece by piece instead of cramming a handful in your mouth.

    Salt! I really adore tomato slices with lowfat cottage cheese and salt sprinkled on top. Cottage cheese has some great health benefits like good fat and protein, and tomatoes have vitamins. Way better than a fried or even baked potato chip/cracker!

    Did you indulge in something worse or too much? That's ok! I cramp really bad so "exercise" sucks during that time, but dancing it out, swimming, or SEX make me feel better and earn me extra calories to spend. Enjoy your life and pardon me, but **** the haters!

    I truly hope this helps.
  • NotASoul
    NotASoul Posts: 25 Member
    Don't know about other people but I've found that exercising a lot the week before my period really helps with cramps and PMS symptoms - usually I have terrible cramps (like, have to go home from work due to fainting type of cramps), but have recently discovered that exercise really helps.
    As for food cravings, I tend to go for popcorn and fruit - as usually the cravings I get are for sugar (have worked out how to make popcorn sugary like in cinemas, but lower calorie so *joy*). Think I'm quite lucky though as I also get cravings for fresh food - like salad and vegetables!
    Oh, and chocolate - either instant hot chocolate or cocoa powder with hot water tends to be no more than about 40 calories, less with cocoa powder (depends on how you like cocoa - I usually use 1/2 teaspoons of cocoa powder and sometimes one of sugar but not always).