So, feeling hungry isn't right - is that right?



  • JessBbody
    JessBbody Posts: 523 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    JessBbody wrote: »
    I feel ignorant for even asking.

    I've successfully lost a significant amount of weight several times in the past, and I never felt hungry, even when I was measuring my food.

    Since I started logging my calories about five days ago, I've been making sure to eat under my daily allowance. I usually eat back the calories I burn.

    I'm 155 and my goal is set up to lose 1/2 lb a week until I reach 135. I'm supposed to be eating around 1720 cals a day (before exercise)...

    I took a look at your food diary and a few things jumped right out at me:

    Eating RIGHT under your calorie allowance is fine but I see a bunch of days when you were around 200 calories under, and one day where you were 463 calories under. (That day you also only logged 31 grams of protein. Many people (but not all) find protein helps with hunger.)

    Not sure if you are doing this because of exercise calories, but a better approach might be to decide you are going to eat X % of your exercise calories and then come darn close to eating 100% of your calories.

    I also suggest you swap Sugar or Sodium for Fiber and make sure you hit or exceed your Fiber goal every day.

    This represents my thinking as well:
    Hunger as you approach a meal is ok, but not so much you fixate on it or can't wait until the next meal.

    (with the caveat that sometimes we mistake hunger for other things, like thirst, which is certainly true for me in the AM.)

    Thank you for looking at my food diary. Now that I'm looking at it, you're right, I may be under eating by a couple hundred calories.

    I think I should eat a larger percentage of my exercise calories. I think the amount of hunger I'm having is more than the usual first week of the diet hunger, and I just have this feeling like it's not good for me.

    Like @Duck_Puddle said above, I need to look into this volume eating thing.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    Just another thing to think about:
    At certain times in the month I am hungrier than others. Sometimes I just have days where I could eat everything and still be feeling starving (I know this, because that's what I used to do). If you are someone who menstruates, hunger can change with your cycle.

    Personally I'm in the camp of "it's okay to be hungry occasionally". If for one day I'm just hungry and then I'm feeling better the next, that's fine. But if it continues for days and days, then we're looking at needing to change something. Whether it's upping calories or changing where those calories come from.
  • beahyle
    beahyle Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for this post! I’ve gained a lot of insight because I thought I was the only one. ☺️