Girl Friend Influence



  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    At the club, I am dancing with a girl, she seems to be enjoying it. Her friend comes pulls her away and thats it, she goes and then she will only dance with the guy her friend wants her to.

    Her friends likely thought you were out of your league and trying to prevent her from making bad/drunken decisions.

    Ya, but why would her friends decide that? Why can't she decide on her own? If she decided, why does she let her friends change her mind? Thats the question. The girls in this situation are not always drunk.

    Quit your whinning and get over it.....:devil: At least thats what my BFF said.....
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    Maybe they saw you hitting on someone else or doing something else they didn't like.

    Maybe she already has a boyfriend.

    I've been pulled away from a guy who was making obscene gestures to his friends when I couldn't see them, but my friends did.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    At the club, I am dancing with a girl, she seems to be enjoying it. Her friend comes pulls her away and thats it, she goes and then she will only dance with the guy her friend wants her to.

    Her friends likely thought you were out of your league and trying to prevent her from making bad/drunken decisions.

    Ya, but why would her friends decide that? Why can't she decide on her own? If she decided, why does she let her friends change her mind? Thats the question. The girls in this situation are not always drunk.

    Like I said, it may not have been her firends' decision. It's entirely possible these girls were not interested in you and needed a politish way to get away from the complete stranger who decided it was his right to dance with them. Sometimes we shoot looks or subtle signals to our friends that the men may not notice.
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    Ya, but why would her friends decide that? Why can't she decide on her own? If she decided, why does she let her friends change her mind? Thats the question. The girls in this situation are not always drunk.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    At the club, I am dancing with a girl, she seems to be enjoying it. Her friend comes pulls her away and thats it, she goes and then she will only dance with the guy her friend wants her to.

    Her friends likely thought you were out of your league and trying to prevent her from making bad/drunken decisions.
    Or she signaled to them to save her from the guy she didn't really want to dance with.

    Quite honestly, this was likely the case.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Most of my friends are men, and they ask me for advice, just like I ask them for advice.
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    My interaction is usually with women my age or younger so I am mostly talking about women of age 20-40. Here are typical situations.

    At the club, I am dancing with a girl, she seems to be enjoying it. Her friend comes pulls her away and thats it, she goes and then she will only dance with the guy her friend wants her to.

    I take a girl shopping, she gets what she likes and the next day she shows it to her friends, goes back to shop returns and gets something else.

    I make plans with a girl. She likes it and then she talks to her friends and thats it the plans changed.

    I could go on.. but you get the point. And no its not just me, I see the same pattern with many girls like my friends girl friend, her friends.. etc.

    Any friend of mine knows that I'm a grown woman capable of making my own decisions whether she agrees with them or not. If she came over and tried to stop me from dancing with someone when I am obviously having fun I'd tell her where to go. I can unequivocally say that I have NEVER returned something I liked because someone else didn't like it or changed plans based on someone else's opinion. None of these situations have ever arisen because I don't need the opinions of friends to validate my choices in life. You're meeting the wrong kind of women apparently.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    My interaction is usually with women my age or younger so I am mostly talking about women of age 20-40. Here are typical situations.

    At the club, I am dancing with a girl, she seems to be enjoying it. Her friend comes pulls her away and thats it, she goes and then she will only dance with the guy her friend wants her to.

    I take a girl shopping, she gets what she likes and the next day she shows it to her friends, goes back to shop returns and gets something else.

    I make plans with a girl. She likes it and then she talks to her friends and thats it the plans changed.

    I could go on.. but you get the point. And no its not just me, I see the same pattern with many girls like my friends girl friend, her friends.. etc.

    Any friend of mine knows that I'm a grown woman capable of making my own decisions whether she agrees with them or not. If she came over and tried to stop me from dancing with someone when I am obviously having fun I'd tell her where to go. I can unequivocally say that I have NEVER returned something I liked because someone else didn't like it or changed plans based on someone else's opinion. None of these situations have ever arisen because I don't need the opinions of friends to validate my choices in life. You're meeting the wrong kind of women apparently.

    I like you, not least of all for not going for a cheap shot at the OP, or at women.
  • At the club, I am dancing with a girl, she seems to be enjoying it. Her friend comes pulls her away and thats it, she goes and then she will only dance with the guy her friend wants her to.

    Her friends likely thought you were out of your league and trying to prevent her from making bad/drunken decisions.

    ^^this^^ also they could have thought you were a creeper we ladies tend to be very protective of our drunk friends. You can be the nicest guy in the world, but we still won't let you give our drunk gal pal a ride home. Sorry.