January 17 Sign In



  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,039 Member
    @GreyGirl915 - Stunning photo. Looks professional!

    @pearl0408 - Awesome quote! I need to write that one down.

    @fossil9078 - Love the deer, and I hope you enjoyed your rare snow!

    @Ginadomaszewicz – Bikini? What’s that? My pregnancies removed that option years ago. But my good news is that with the weight lost I can actually fit my swimsuits (that I like) again, and might even splurge on some new.  beautiful deer and heartwarming story about your FIL.

    @mshawski – banana bread – I cannot make that. Congrats on enjoying it with control!

    @alligatorob – Scrolling down, with all the clouds, I expected your photo to be through an airplane window. :P Looks very peaceful!

    @Hollis100 – We have been to the Hemmingway home a coupe times. I am naughty and I smuggle cat treats in in my purse and give them out around the property. Highlight of my trip! :)

    @dsgoingtodoit – Lovely nature! What this new approach you are trying? Anything interesting to share?

    @RangerRickL – Continuing to think of you. I’m sure that you and Rose are going through a lot, in all aspects. We are still working on getting my MIL (selling home & buying new condo) and all estate aspects fully settled and my FIL passed 15 months ago.
  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,996 Member
    Yes, yes, and yes
    Treadmill, 20 min yoga, and 20 min HIIT.
    And a walk in the park in the cold snow with my puppy on her 11th birthday. While it was cold for us, she loves the snow and cold.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Date: 1/17
    Exercise: Yes, the treadmill, speed 4.3, 20 mins, burned 146 calories
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Pass Days: 2 left

    @RangerRickL My deepest heartfelt sympathy for Uncle Gene. Rose and you and your extended family are in my thoughts and prayers, my dear friend! I also want to point out to the UAC group, despite the death of Uncle Gene and the craziness, tears, and just utter sadness when one passes, Rick still managed to follow his fitness and health routine. This deserves a HUGE standing ovation! I know I would have thrown in the towel during this sorrowful time! You are our leader Rick! We NEED you!

    @RangerRickL, @chinkiri, @Smoda61, @SummerSkier, @biketheworld, @Katiecan2021, @Greygirl915 Thank you ALL for the beautiful and amazing photos! So nice seeing places we can't visit right now due to Covid! @lestdarts180 Who says that muddy and wet outside isn't beautiful? Take those pics! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    @mshawski Cheer up, friend! Don't look back at what you once looked like! This is NOT good and lives in today's moment, and YOU are doing your best today! Thinking and imagining what your body may look like in the future is ok. This is a great motivator to keep you on track. When on my walks, I will imagine I am on a beach, the sun shining on me, and wearing the cutest bikini!
    @Dory_42 I am really sorry the doggie is still not up to par! I hate when the meds make them so loopy! Keeping you and your beloved pet in my thoughts and prayers.


    These pics are from Ottawa, Illinois. This is my husband's parents' house they recently moved into from Downers Grove, where they lived for 40 years raising their children. My husband's Father has Dementia, and some days are good, some not so good! They looked for a home that they could live in with my husband's brother and his wife, so they could help take care of him! Chester ( Hubby's Dad's name ) has always loved nature, gardening, planting flowers, watching the deer, birds, and squirrels. The whole family was worried about what this move might do to him, leaving the only home he knows and still remembers. I would say we made the BEST decision! He looks so in awe of this deer peeking through the window at him! I wonder what he and the deer are thinking at this moment? I want to think they have an unspoken language we wouldn't understand and are one with the Universe! One of my favorite pictures of Chester!

    Another beautifully written & very touching piece & photograph. Be sure to save it for your future book of short essays. ❤️
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Jan 17
    Tracked allrho0hwq3maho.jpeg

    Day 2 Under my new lower calorie limit YAY!
    8.8K 1:11 steps/exercise time
    Trend wt hit 155 (my top end) today, so being more careful with food.

    The clouds were unusual & gorgeous this morning! At first I thought the UFO’s had arrived! 😂

  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,281 Member
    @ginadomaszewicz Stunning photos and lovely story about Chester. My own Dad, who died a couple of years ago, also had Dementia and his greatest joy was looking out of the big picture window at the fields with cows and sheep, the canal with lots of different boats and the changing Dutch skies.
    @dewit Do stay, you are appreciated. Never mind one 'friend', you have lots here. We are in loads of different time zones, from Australia to California and everything in-between.
    Loved everyone's pictures. Great to find out what you all look at, especially now we are so locked in!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Late entry for Jan 17 (entered Jan 18)

    Oh dear... pass day #3.
    Got a 7k walk in, tracked my calories, but went over :(. Back on track tomorrow, I hope
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? NO
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? NO
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? NO
  • Porkus5
    Porkus5 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, yes, yes.
  • idoliov
    idoliov Posts: 165 Member
    Belated entry for 1/17:
    YES / YES / YES.
    Thanks for the photos everyone!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    dewit wrote: »
    Wonderful photos! Wish I could post mine - mountains covered in snow 😍.

    I had almost 300cal left yesterday and was stubborn enough not to eat them, although I was pretty hugry in the evening. I also completed week 10 of 12 and though I love leg workouts, this one was tough!

    I am thinking of not joining anymore in Feb, since I made "friends" with someone here to just be removed without notice after a few weeks, presumably because I was not supportive enough (wouldn't know for sure, because my message was not answered). Admittedly, I made good friends with other members, but it's a bit frustrating not to be able to interract here, due to time difference (when I post, everyone else would move to the thread for the next day). I feel a bit selfish to just update on my result and not be sympathetic/appreciative... However, K spend enough time on MFP, maybe even a little too much. Well, I can only do what I can do. 🤷‍♀️

    Dear dewit aka @dewit,

    I had the same thing happen to me. With no explanation. It’s really tough & hurtful.

    And I also post last most everyday, being in California & waiting until I’m in bed to post the day’s numbers (so I catch every bite, lick, taste!

    But I have to say at almost the 3 year mark of continuous UAC membership, I encourage you to dig deeply within yourself & realize this is a gift you give yourself!

    For one or two months, I just posted at the top of the next day - to be more a part of the group. But it got confusing (for me at least), but you could always do that!

    My Best & I am glad you are here!
    Maddie 😘
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    edited January 2021
    I wouldn't take friending/de-friending personally. When I was on MFP a few years ago some people had a list of requirements to be friends regarding how much they posted, being a cheerleader, etc when my primary interest was seeing other peoples food logs especially those who had similar goals as myself and were of a similar size. :#

    This time around I keep my profile private and post in a few select threads.
  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    Thank you each of you who answered to me personally. 🤗 🌺 I'd write more, but habe a few deadlines 😞 to meet. I will reconsider my decision❣
  • Lilutz
    Lilutz Posts: 389 Member
    Pass day 2 of 3
  • victorious55
    victorious55 Posts: 3,436 Member
    dewit wrote: »
    Wonderful photos! Wish I could post mine - mountains covered in snow 😍.

    I had almost 300cal left yesterday and was stubborn enough not to eat them, although I was pretty hugry in the evening. I also completed week 10 of 12 and though I love leg workouts, this one was tough!

    I am thinking of not joining anymore in Feb, since I made "friends" with someone here to just be removed without notice after a few weeks, presumably because I was not supportive enough (wouldn't know for sure, because my message was not answered). Admittedly, I made good friends with other members, but it's a bit frustrating not to be able to interract here, due to time difference (when I post, everyone else would move to the thread for the next day). I feel a bit selfish to just update on my result and not be sympathetic/appreciative... However, K spend enough time on MFP, maybe even a little too much. Well, I can only do what I can do. 🤷‍♀️

    Dear dewit aka @dewit,

    I had the same thing happen to me. With no explanation. It’s really tough & hurtful.

    And I also post last most everyday, being in California & waiting until I’m in bed to post the day’s numbers (so I catch every bite, lick, taste!

    But I have to say at almost the 3 year mark of continuous UAC membership, I encourage you to dig deeply within yourself & realize this is a gift you give yourself!

    For one or two months, I just posted at the top of the next day - to be more a part of the group. But it got confusing (for me at least), but you could always do that!

    My Best & I am glad you are here!
    Maddie 😘

    Hi @dewit,

    I agree with Maddie, I will like to say the same thing to you. Some days, I just post on the next day's thread. I have been in this group for roughly 3 years. I am on maintenance. But, this group has really help me. I will suggest that you hang in here and do this for you.

    We are help for you!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Yes, yes, yes

    1 pass
  • GigiDoma
    GigiDoma Posts: 445 Member
    dewit wrote: »
    Wonderful photos! Wish I could post mine - mountains covered in snow 😍.

    I had almost 300cal left yesterday and was stubborn enough not to eat them, although I was pretty hugry in the evening. I also completed week 10 of 12 and though I love leg workouts, this one was tough!

    I am thinking of not joining anymore in Feb, since I made "friends" with someone here to just be removed without notice after a few weeks, presumably because I was not supportive enough (wouldn't know for sure, because my message was not answered). Admittedly, I made good friends with other members, but it's a bit frustrating not to be able to interract here, due to time difference (when I post, everyone else would move to the thread for the next day). I feel a bit selfish to just update on my result and not be sympathetic/appreciative... However, K spend enough time on MFP, maybe even a little too much. Well, I can only do what I can do. 🤷‍♀️

    Please don't leave the group! We NEED you to be here with us! You can ALWAYS communicate with me! I can't always get on here each day or read all the threads that day, but I do EVENTUALLY read them all! I am sorry you are feeling this way!
  • GigiDoma
    GigiDoma Posts: 445 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »
    @GreyGirl915 - Stunning photo. Looks professional!

    @pearl0408 - Awesome quote! I need to write that one down.

    @fossil9078 - Love the deer, and I hope you enjoyed your rare snow!

    @Ginadomaszewicz – Bikini? What’s that? My pregnancies removed that option years ago. But my good news is that with the weight lost I can actually fit my swimsuits (that I like) again, and might even splurge on some new.  beautiful deer and heartwarming story about your FIL.

    @mshawski – banana bread – I cannot make that. Congrats on enjoying it with control!

    @alligatorob – Scrolling down, with all the clouds, I expected your photo to be through an airplane window. :P Looks very peaceful!

    @Hollis100 – We have been to the Hemmingway home a coupe times. I am naughty and I smuggle cat treats in in my purse and give them out around the property. Highlight of my trip! :)

    @dsgoingtodoit – Lovely nature! What this new approach you are trying? Anything interesting to share?

    @RangerRickL – Continuing to think of you. I’m sure that you and Rose are going through a lot, in all aspects. We are still working on getting my MIL (selling home & buying new condo) and all estate aspects fully settled and my FIL passed 15 months ago.

    I am sorry to hear about your father-in-law passing away 15 months ago. How is your hubby doing with it now?
    I can't wear a bikini either, silly! You did see on my thread that I posted it is what I imagine in my head when working out!