Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 137



  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,117 Member
    Alright. I learned something new today and wanted to share with my favorite group. Found it via Gin Stephens (author of Delay, Don't Deny and Fast Feast Repeat) in her blog here: http://www.ginstephens.com/shapa.html

    This cool thing (it is a subscription but looks quite affordable), will have you "weigh" for like 10 days, twice a day to get a baseline/trend. Then, you can step on it and it'll change once or twice a week to tell you if your trend is up or down. No numbers! No weight!

    For those wanting a trend but that hate seeing a number, it's a pretty cool thing. I think I might eventually look into getting it one day (hello closer to weight goal and a larger house with more storage for a scale).

    If you wanna look more into it (I'm still reading up on it myself) here's the website: https://www.myshapa.com/
  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,117 Member
    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    29, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2
    GW: 135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69 EW: 158.1
    R70 EW: 156.5
    R71 EW: 156.3
    R72 EW: 156.3
    R73 EW: 155.2
    R74 EW: 155.4
    R75 EW: 156.1
    R76 EW: 155.6
    R80 EW: 153.2
    R81 EW: 154.3
    R82 EW: 154.1
    R84 EW: 156.5
    R89 EW: 156.7
    R91 EW: 160.1
    R93 EW: 159.3
    R94 EW: 156.1
    R98 EW: 154.5
    R99 EW: 155.9
    <3 R100 <3 EW: 152.8
    R101 EW: 149.7 (1/15)
    R102 EW: 149.0
    R103 EW: 149.0
    R104 EW: 146.2
    R105 EW: 146.6
    R106 EW: 144.6
    R107 EW: 146.8 (spring break, only 2 days weight)
    R108 EW: 147.7 (Moving out of state, starting new job)
    R109 EW: 148.1
    R110 EW: 150.1
    R111 EW: 154.3
    R112 EW: 152.6
    R113 EW: 151.7
    R121 EW: 153.0
    R122 EW: 154.8
    R123 EW: 153.9
    R124 EW: 153.4
    R125 EW: 155.6
    R126 EW: 152.3
    R127 EW: 151.5
    R128 EW: 151.0
    R129 EW: 151.0
    R130 EW: 152.6
    R131 EW: 153.9
    R132 EW: 150.6
    R133 EW: 151.2
    R134 EW: 149.3
    R135 EW: 149.5
    R136 EW: 148.4

    Last weight
    01/01 - 148.4

    Round Goal: Fast 16+hrs on weekdays, 14+hrs on weekends. Up the water! Water minimum: 75oz, Goal: 91oz.

    Day, Weight, Comment
    01/02 - 151.2
    01/03 - 147.9
    01/04 - 147.0
    01/05 - 148.1
    01/06 - 148.8
    01/07 - 149.7
    01/08 - 148.4
    01/09 - 153.4
    01/10 - 147.7
    01/11 - 147.9 - Bloat bloat bloat. I have theories: 1. Homemade pork pozole. I've never had it and I don't know how my body reacts to it. I did add some cheese, but didn't think it was enough to cause issues, though its a possibility. 2. I only fasted 15hrs. I did start feeling shaky so I listened to my body, but as already evidenced, a longer fast makes a bigger difference. Today will be better as dinner was super early and I was able to start fasting at 5pm. Also managed 92oz water! A huge win for me. Hopefully I can keep it up. Overall, happy for this round. I learned a lot and I still managed to be lower than last round's end weight. Now if some of the lows (cough*looking at you, 147.0*cough) would stick around next round, I'll be super happy.

    Previous Day's Comments
    01/02 - TOM bloat is kicking my behind! I feel less puffy but my tummy definitely looks more puffy. Need to cut the TOM cravings. Best Friend sent me reeses flats and I've been indulging on 1-2 of those the last couple days. Need them GONE. Think I crave because they're in the house and visible, honestly. Fasted 16.5hrs. Hit 64oz water. Going to push more water on this lazy day and see if I can move the bloat along elsewhere. Have 1 more serving of italian wedding soup and then 1.5 servings of last nights baked parmesan garlic chicken (with sides) for lunch the next few days. Getting brave and comfortable in kitchen so I'm planning on using leftover carrots, spinach, and orzo in a soup for lunches. Have a base soup recipe for them, need to figure out what protein will go best from my options: chicken, bacon, beans. Beans for sure, I think. Not sure about adding either of the other two. BF will try to make the lemon pepper chicken tonight if work slows down enough. Need to use chicken before it goes bad. Otherwise, I'll likely be taking direction from him and learning his recipe for it. So happy cooking is feeling less like a chore and more of something I look forward to. HUGE improvement.
    01/03- Back down, feeling less bloated. Ended up having steaks last night. I was super hungry so I went back for more comfort food: rolls filled with homemade mashed potatoes. Yum. Thankfully, I was quite satiated after that. The extra carbs from that may account for the visible bloat I have hanging on. I'm alright with that! Managed 16 hrs but I was huuuuungry. 75oz down the hatch. Could've drank more, but I woke up the last few nights in the middle of the night to pee and I DID NOT want to do it again so tapered off water early.
    01/04 - Broke fast early (15hr) because BF made breakfast for us to use up the last of the package and not waste it. Got 70oz water only. Missed dinner due to being at the dealership. Managed a deal I didn't think was at all possible AND got a great trade in value (talking $3-4k more) that I couldn't say no to. And winter sale was still going on, so the truck was $8000 below list price. Old truck was dying. Transmission going out, not reliable. We avoided driving it, but its the only vehicle that could fit all of us and driving either 12 or 22hr round trips to pick kiddos up got to be a really nervous thing because we weren't sure the old truck would make it. Now we have a brand new (2021), a diesel (which, if our future plans go well, we need and had been discussed for a couple years now), and a long term vehicle we don't have to worry about anymore. Its a huge relief despite my payments going up. Did my homework and its more than doable so not too worried about it. Anywhoot, because travel (had to drive an hour) water wasn't the most ideal and definitely forgot to grab the dinner BF set aside for me. Guess that's my lunch.
    01/05 - Carby carby. Had homemade chicken fried rice and egg rolls for dinner. Was delicious, but I usually do bump up a bit when I eat it. 65oz water. Fasted 19hrs but was so hungry yesterday from skipping dinner and BF made breakfast tacos, I couldn't say no. Longer eating window also likely accounted for the blip up in weight. Back to normal fasting window today.
    01/06 - BF needed out of the house and got approval from his boss to be away from his computer long enough to go get dinner. Those opportunities are few and far between so we ventured out to grab Mexican food - aka salty chips! Was barely able to reach my 64oz of water so that isn't helping with water retention, either. Need to get on it in the morning. Usually I can drink water quickly in morning and taper off but lately I've been slacking in morning and running the fine line between catching up to goal or waking up several times in the middle of the night. Oops! Fasted only 16hrs but BF made breakfast (a reason for him to take a break from the computer). Unfortunately, dog jumped fence once while in the backyard enjoying weather. Second time, she escaped the house to jump the fence. She's never done that before until the last couple days! So my breakfast got cold while searching for her ): But it did push me over 16hrs, so that's a win! Today shouldn't be difficult to reach 17hrs. And I can't be too much of a couch potato since the dog has to be monitored when she goes outside. Ugh. Glad its warmed up at least.
    01/07 - The bloat! More salty chips. Went to our other Fam's kind of taco/fajita pot luck dinner last night. The wife also works the same company as BF and both FamWife and FamHub's so she's in on this "conference" as I'm calling it. She's a definite social butterfly so she needed some interaction. Her poor husband is self-employed and watching their kids so it was nice to give him a little break, too, and just talk. Plus, it got us out of the house and BF away from his computer desk for a bit (though he still had his computer and was working). Not sure dinner plans today, but I made my "leftover soup" as I'm calling it. Had leftover celery, carrots, bell pepper, spinach, orzo, and chicken breast. Had diced tomatoes on hand so only had to buy broth and cannellini beans - super cheap and not so wasteful! Plus it made a TON of soup I can eat on it for lunch for quite a while. Probably should freeze the second portion now that I'm thinking about it. Haven't even tried it so hopefully it turned out okay. Fasted 16.5hrs (an oops moment tasting my bell pepper while chopping), and 96oz water.
    01/08 - Back to end weight of last round. Now if I can keep dropping. Dinner plans last night were ruined last minute so we got Chinese. Surprised I'm not up from that. Tried my "leftover soup" and it was actually really delicious. And filling! Put the second container (filled 2 to the brim! It made a lot) in the freezer as I'm sure I'll get bored and tired of it after a few days. Have some leftover sesame beef from last night to change things up today. Water was decent - guessing about 80oz. Pretty sure that helped drop some bloat - its still there, but less! I'll take it considering Chinese usually means the scale goes up and so does the bloat! Fasted 15.5hrs as I got really hungry (due to my late-night Jack&Coke Wednesday which pushed my window so far back). 16hrs today takes me to just after 12 so I'll be good there. Day off so I'll be running errands as needed.
    01/09 - Whoa there, bloat. Calm down. I'm blaming IF. Actually, my lack thereof. Also, my struggle with barely getting enough water. I need to do better with both. Its a slippery slope for sure. Fasted 13hrs because BF made me breakfast when he made his. Barely hit 64oz water. Sleep, too. Been having a lot of restless nights. Last night I slept pretty good though I'd love to have slept in a little longer. Sadly, nature called and no reason to go back to sleep.... Alright - I have my soup for lunch. Think BF making dinner tonight (we have scallops that need to be cooked). No snacking in between. Drink my water. Stretch (YWA for bloating?) Got 2 more days to get this bloating down. I can do it. I hope.
    01/10 - Whoosh! Didn't expect that, though a slim bit visibly bloated. Nothing went to plan yesterday. At. All. BF got released from work half day yesterday and is off today (only needs to get on if he gets a call, but he is last resort for getting calls). So everyone decided they all needed out of the house, especially with today's forecast. There's this cool little outdoor bar that has live music and tvs (football!) with a playground for kids so we all met up there. Its way out of the way of town so not a lot of people except locals go and it was DEAD. Like 2 other couples there quite a bit away from us (we had kiddos so by playground, they were by porch dance floor). I had an early dinner of fish and chips. Lunch was the leftover venison sausage gravy with leftover biscuits BF made the day before (SO GOOD). Water was 60oz on the dot. And a few beers (which I finished at 9pm so fasting today is longer). INSIGHT: I had beer. Late. I had fish and chips for dinner. I had a very carby biscuits and gravy for lunch. ALL the things that would normally bloat me and make me gain. Yet, I dropped ~6bls of bloat. Why? I fasted just a couple minutes shy of 17hrs. The power of fasting is VERY evident to me right now and definitely explains my detour back to the 150s. Seeing this first hand will help me push through when BF makes early breakfast. Things can be reheated and I can complete my fast before indulging and I will feel better for it. Its the push I need today to hit 16hrs despite having to wait until after 1pm (my own fault). Rainy with a winter weather advisory (please stay away snow and ice) so stuck inside today (again, bleh).

    Dedicated Stretching: 3/15 Daily incorporation: 9/31
    01/01 - Dedicated: x, Daily: ✓
    01/02 - Dedicated: x, Daily: ✓
    01/03 - Dedicated: ✓, Daily: ✓ - Managed a seated upper body dedicated stretch. Arms, shoulders, sides, back, and belly! Felt so good. Next - lower body (:
    01/04 - Dedicated: ✓, Daily: ✓ - Got to do two dedicated lower body stretches. Hammys stiff so did a little in morning and a little after dinner.
    01/05 - Dedicated: x, Daily: ✓ - Started a dedicated stretch but interrupted by BF when he realized dog was not in backyard. Did some jogging through the neighborhood in search of her, though!
    01/06 - Dedicated: x, Daily: ✓
    01/07 - Dedicated: x, Daily: ✓ - Nearly forgot to add in daily stretching.... oops!
    01/08 - Dedicated: ✓, Daily: ✓ - Alright, my morning bed stretch went well. Managed a few upper body stretches through the day. Need to focus more on lower body. The hammies in particular. Will be the focus for today
    01/09 - Dedicated: x, Daily: ✓ - Planned to do yoga but BF got off work and wanted OUT of the house so I didn't get to it. He's still asleep so I'm about to go do some as soon as I hit "post" haha
    01/10 - Dedicated: ✓, Daily: ✓ - Did my yoga like I promised. Was really nice, actually. Also the weather got quite ick and my lovely screws weren't happy so did a heating pad and additional stretching to try to loosen things up and release pressure on my nerve.

  • Hope_bay74
    Hope_bay74 Posts: 273 Member
    Round 137 (1)

    Age: 46
    Height: 5’ 7”
    SW: 195
    CW: 195
    GW: 145

    Ready to do and be better.
    First night when crashed in front of tv I resisted the urge to snack. Need to stop eating all the time! I have 4 months before a big family event and I want to look and feel better.
    I also need to drop 50 lbs in hopes of getting rid of my sleep apnea.

    ✔️Set up new home gym
    ✔️cutting back on sweets, no snacking after dinner
    ✖️ordered in - Japanese. Stayed away from the fried stuff- only had one piece of tempura.

    Steps: 9401
    CPAP: 94%
    H2O: poor

    01/03- 193.4

    Last day of vacation. Pretty lazy day. Not productive at all. Eating was over calorie goal. Was doing well until had two bowls of cereal before bed. ✔️No sweets. No

    Steps: 6837
    CPAP: 100%
    H2O: poor


    Back to work today. Lots to catch up on from two weeks away.
    ✔️No $pend (eating out, coffee or shopping)
    ✔️No sweets
    ✔️No LNS

    Work out - 0
    Steps: 6025
    CPAP: 83%
    H2O: ok

    01/05- 193.6

    ✔️No $pend (eating out, coffee or shopping)
    ✔️No sweets
    ✔️No LNS
    ✔️Work out - elliptical

    Steps: 6017
    CPAP: 91%
    H2O: ok

    Need a better sleeping patterns.

    ✖️No $pend (eating out, coffee or shopping)
    ✔️No sweets
    ✖️No LNS

    ✔️Steps: 4175
    ✖️CPAP: 77
    ✔️H2O: good

    01/07- ok day
    01/08- poor day
    01/09-poor day
    01/10- poor day
    Steps: 5361
    CPAP: 96%
    H2O: poor