
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    edited April 2021
    Lisa- i had the 2nd moderna shot on March 30th..and i was waiting for the shoe to drop.
    I was blessed in that i didnt get sick or have flu like symtoms,but alot of.my.friends.did.. all depends.. my hairdresser doesnt do we with shots anyway and was sick for 2 days and in bed .
    Others had just chills and a headache..
    Ill be thinking of you today.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Did anyone else have the Moderna second shot, and did you have a flu-like reaction? If so, how long did it last? My first shot left my arm achy and ouchy for nearly three days, but that was about it.
    Later, y'all,

    My first Moderna shot was as yours with a very sore arm for about 3 days. With the second shot my arm started hurting immediately followed by the development later in the day of a low fever. Went to bed feeling like a truck had hit me. I ached from my top most hair on my head to the toenails. Lasted till about 3 am and then just disappeared. Both fever and aches. Then spent next several days feeling fatigued with a low grade headache.

    Everyone's experience is different. Wishing you well!

    in TX happily vaccinated
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,783 Member
    Thanks, Cheri! I'm back in my cocoon, all vaccinated up, and will just take the day as it comes.

    in wet, gloopy Arkansas,
    also happily vaccinated
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Rebecca what time is your appointment? I always ask for the earliest, they have to take the diabetics and ones with health issues first..
    Its a rainy day here and both the boys snoozing away because its dark and dreary..
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,225 Member
    Hmm. My parents had a minor car accident on the way home from the cardiologist. It obscured the directions for my mom to get a 24 hour blood pressure monitor. Her blood pressure was 230 over something. And that was before the accident!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: Your musical skill is exceptional. I’ll bet your upcoming hospital visit goes very well. <3

    (((Kylia))): I am sorry that you don’t get help from you know who.🙁

    Meg: Enjoy your puppy! ❤️
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Annie - so sorry for your troubles with your parents. Big hugs. XOXO

    I've started watching Call My Agent over again (Netflix) as I'm nearing the end of my repeat watching of Engrenages (Spiral BBC)
    I like to watch something in a foreign language every day while I'm doing my bonus exercise. Missing Deutschland. :'(

    Singing Zoom went fine. One or two unfamiliar tunes, but some favourites.

    We have had to cancel tomorrow's Zoom with my girlfriends because one of them has an x-ray appointment. After much WhatsApp discussion we have settled on next Tuesday. My best friend has done her last day of work. A few ends to tidy up. Retiring at last at 72.

    DH will need to take the car for a drive tomorrow, but I hope we can get the printer installed at last. It makes me very nervous. DH wants to do it via DVD so he will have to do it. He cannot figure out the alternative route.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lisa. Second Moderna - I received it in the late afternoon. By bedtime my arm was sore, and I woke up in the wee hours with a headache and chills. Achey/sleepy/stuffy nose all day, starting to ease by evening. Woke up the next day feeling marvelous.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 966 Member
    Michele-I agree with Barbara. I think PJ will enjoy the bubble mower more because he will get to play with it himself, rather than watch it.

    Lisa-My mister had Moderna. He had mild flu-like symptoms after the first one along with a sore arm. After the second, he was down and out for a solid 24 hours. He felt achy, nauseous, tired, and still had the sore arm. He had a fever and chills too. He woke up in the middle of the night soaked. But, he felt totally fine after that. The weird thing is that a few days after both shots, he got a cold that lasted a few days.

    Not much going on here. I’m staying in so I won’t spend money and eat unnecessarily. I really need to focus on losing at least 5 pounds so I can go wetsuit shopping!

    Tina in CA where it’s a very nice day, FINALLY!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Zwift bike trainer- 36.05min, 184elev, 18.3amph, 138ahr, 163mhr, 11.03mi= 375c
    Strava app- 218c
    Walk w/family- 51.47min, 87ahr, 96mhr, 2.45ap, 2.26mi= 208c
    Strava app = 275c

    Total cal 583