


  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 976 Member
    I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Do what you want about your weight now, which may be nothing. Another thought, you may wish to consider pulling together finances to be able to split from this man if either he or you or both decide to stop being a couple. This man sounds inconsiderate and as others people have written, your weight may only be an excuse for him. Even if you stay together, it’s always helpful to have your finances in order. Keeping options open...
  • lorri71
    lorri71 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi I am so sorry to hear you are feeling like that due to your husbands actions. I was married to a guy who was the same. He made me feel rubbish. I realised that he bullied me because he had issues himself. I thought that I was worth more than that and decided to get him out of my life (after 7 years) and got divorced. I was devastated and it was tough but I soon lost weight and was looking good again and was mentally better off. It may be a good idea for you to evaluate your relationship and get some support outside from a good friend or family member, it helps. If you constantly feel upset and unloved this will have an effect on your weight. Tell yourself you deserve better and you are beautiful despite what your weight is.
    Healthy eating and exercise will work in the long run. Don't rush take your time and if he don't want to talk to you so be it. Do something for yourself that you like doing. Be strong. Good luck and hugs.
  • NorthStar77
    NorthStar77 Posts: 1,069 Member
    So I’m pretty sure my husband hates me just because I’m fat. I gained this past year (who didn’t ) and now he ignores me 99% of the time I mean flat out doesn’t talk to me. Makes me so sad. He also has no problem pointing out how gross people are close to my size or being grossed out by girls saying their weight which happens to be the same as my weight.
    I wanna lose now just to make him want/acknowledge me. 😭

    Hell yeah - do it for you! Screw him. About 5billion people put on weight in lockdown, but you have one supporter and one person fighting for you.

    If that guy doesn't do it, then do it for yourself.
    Whatever the motivation is, let it fuel your fire - don't let him knock you down.

    Teach him an effin' lesson.

    Go for it!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Hope OP is doing okay. This thread is one that always comes back to mind. And losing weight doesn't seem to ever work out well if you're not doing it for yourself but to please someone else. :( Hope @WickedWitchy13 is feeling better about herself. Wish we could be in your life to offer you real life support.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,833 Member
    Sounds like the Promises made in marriage vows are meaningless to him! We ALL deserve someone in our lives who will love us NO MATTER WHAT!! I'm in no way advising you to leave him, however am reminding you that if you are a beautiful person inside in your heart, you are beautiful throughout and should be treated and Loved for who you are. That my Dear is what real Love us supposed to be! You deserve to be CHERISHED (as we all do) and Deserve REAL LOVE and RESPECT no matter what!!! 🤗❤️
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited May 2021
    The OP deleted her account.